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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Lama Dorje

    Hey Cam, where are YOU going? We are about to have a pillow fight! With girls! As for Kunlun practice that Sifu Max teaches, it's a part of the big system. Did you do the grounding meditation afterwords? No?
  2. I don't know any stories, and if I did, I already forgot.
  3. Lama Dorje

    Well, I already said it before and will say it again. The problem is not with Max, Chris and what they teach, but with methods how they advertise it. Their methods attract wrong people for wrong reasons, and at the end it will bring a lot of disappointment and misunderstanding.
  4. It's a know fact among internet marketers that the spirituality is one of the least profitable markets to make money with. It doesn't matter if it's $50,000 or $30 - you will hear complaints all the time about how the teaching should be cheap or free, or it's not a true teaching. Well, David Shen has many students who take his courses and I yet see any complaints about the teachings or dissatisfaction with his methods. It almost all comes from people who never met him anf never took his classes. True, it is pretty expensive. There are also too many stories of what is happening between him and WLP. Those stories are just that, stories, so take them with a grain of salt. They may or may not be true, but does it really matter? We all have teachers that we moved away from to study different things. If you can't afford DS's courses, why is there a need to complain about how he is after your money (which you don't have anyway)? People who pay for his classes are not forced to take them and they don't complain afterwards. There are so many free or almost free alternatives to expensive courses that will give you great benefits. Don't bad mouth imprefections of a teacher who charges too much. He is also a simple human being with all the faults and imperfections. No one is perfect... you will never find a perfect teacher or a perfect human being. That's the beauty of life.
  5. Lama Dorje

    Yoda said that? LOL, that's pretty funny. I should come to this forum more often.
  6. Sure. Sounds like a cool project. I have a couple of VPS and other complete anonymous alternatives, if needed.
  7. Hey, Pietro, wanna start a new forum (take 3, lol)?
  8. Get the money together and buy your own island. Grow and gather your own food.
  9. It can't... This video explains the whole thing and all the players behind it: GBeKB7aKzOs
  10. I guess the only final outcome there is to practice and to live life.
  11. Jim Humble's MMS Chlorine Dioxide

    I've ordered a bottle of MMS along with Mesosilver. If you haven't been following, there are new strains of the avian flu virus that are impossible in nature. "It first looked mostly like a swine virus but closer analysis showed it is a never-before-seen mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, according to the CDC." Then, you can add this interesting bits of info: ZG4-i7eR-_w FDA Clears Rapid Test for Avian Influenza A Virus in Humans Did you know that the Government is surveying cemetery readiness for Flu outbreak? Or Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago Some people say those are just BS conspiracy theories. I hope they are right. But there are too many coincidences that impossible to dismiss. I say, be prepared for anything and also have an open mind.
  12. Leaving, Soon As I Came

  13. Leaving, Soon As I Came

    Damn, you guys had group sex and no one PMed me?
  14. Loose Change

    Slowly but surely... it is getting out;
  15. "When the government fears the people there is freedom,when the people fear the government there is tyranny." hHxvVuIxJ9A
  16. Little1, you are probably referring to this:
  17. Zeitgeist

    JoeBlast, what do you think of this?
  18. Anyone plays Mybrute?

    Strangely addictive!
  19. What do you think of this invention? Heals any disease: cancer, etc. You can watch his other inventions on his channel. Part 1: KZ7I3fNi1ew Part 2: FcKjrawFXmE
  20. Doorway to Now

    Good stuff Cam
  21. Troy Hurtubise - God Light

    He is famous for making a body armor that is better then Dragon Skin. Also check out his Fire Paste. He is not dumb but because of his personality many scientists don't take him seriously.
  22. Energy of Rice

    I can name a dozen grains that are better then rice. This is one example: properties and benefits of buckwheat