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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Energy of Rice

    Hmm, white rice is not what you want to eat to support the body's functions. Veggies and fruit is a much better choice. And if you want to be wealthier, the more effective way is to do actions (like creating a business) that have a potential to bring more money.
  2. Loose Change

    True. I would also recommend the video that Xakarii posted. I've seen myself the photos of cars with the front engines melted away while the back of the cars untouched. This shit has no explanation if you believe the official story. What Leuren Moret on the video says is the best explanation I've heard so far, but I'm actually thinking it was a mini-hydrogen bomb, because the clean-up is a breeze and it's very contained with virtually no radiation trace.
  3. tooth regeneration

    I'm almost finished the post, and it's been sitting in my draft folder for over a month. I will try to do it tonight.
  4. Loose Change

    Wow, nice video, was worth 2.5 hours. Especially the energy weapons part.
  5. gold dragon body

    The Kunlun technique is not about the meditation, it's about the process of letting go. The more you let go, the more stuff starts to happen. So some may do a Kunlun technique for 10 years with limited results, while other just sit down, let all go, and .... Btw, I don't know why I said all that...
  6. It seems the more you progress on the spiritual path, the more you accept the worlds as it is. But them you have to deal with all the ugliness and suffering you open your eyes to, and eventually accept this as well. Some say, enlightenment is just unconditional acceptance of the world around you and becoming a master of living on the deepest level, but what do it know...
  7. tooth regeneration

    How to keep teeth healthy: - Healthy food with mineral supplements - brushing teeth correctly using tooth blotting - additional cleaning using Bonner's Soap or tooth soap.
  8. Breast Enlargement

    Are you a man looking for natural remedies to grow breasts?
  9. I found this article I want to share with you where a family went from $42,000 to $6,500 a year without loosing any quality of life in the process. Very inspirational :
  10. US history is made...

    It looks more like they are fighting between each other who will be first to kick the average Joe in the balls.

    In a way, NWO and enlightenment have a lot in common. Everyone have heard about them but no one is a part of it.
  12. why money?

    You are right. Don't pay your teachers with paper money. Pay them with gold bars - this will show them you are smart and you care.
  13. US history is made...

    Some people in congress keep speaking up but it doesn't really matter at this point. It will be a never ending blame game... very soon. Who ruined the economy first- the chicken or the egg?
  14. Some say, dolphins and whales are the oldest and wisest species on Earth with history far beyond the human race. Drunvalo talks about that a lot as well.
  15. Cool article
  16. How to Be Jason Bourne

    Yeah, it's on my list of things to read. Pretty entertaining....
  17. Open Letter To Stigwerd

    I've sent Stig a PM. Don't want to do anything with this. Max
  18. FEDS GRANT EMINENT DOMAIN AS COLLATERAL TO CHINA FOR U.S. DEBTS BEIJING, China -- Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have just CONFIRMED that the United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves. The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China. This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government. Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt. This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An outrage worthy of violent overthrow. Eminent Domain is the power of government to TAKE private property for public use without the consent of the property owner. Under our Constitution, the government can only "take" when providing "just compensation" for what they've taken. Who decides what constitutes "just compensation?" The government! Homeowners who felt the government was not paying them enough for property in past "takings" have filed lawsuits. In absolutely every such case, the value placed upon the property by the government was upheld by the courts. Our federal government has now granted to China, this power to "take"our homes and businesses in the event the US Gov't defaults on its debts. Let's play this out as a worst case scenario. . . . The US Gov't goes belly-up and China comes in and says, "they owed us $2 Trillion in Treasury Notes and another $2 Trillion in actual cash money which is now worthless. We are taking the entire state of Hawaii and the entire state of California in lieu of this bad debt. " With the stroke of a Chinese chop stick, Hawaii and California -- all the land and buildings in those states -- are now owned by China. The "taking" would be a "valid public use" because it was "taken" in payment of the public debt!!!! China could then turn around and declare the value of all that land to be worth. . . . . I dunno, ten cents on a dollar? For your $200,000 house, you get a Chinese check for $20,000. Needless to say, the property owners would go ballistic and demand "just compensation" for what was taken. Who gets to decide what is "just?" China! Don't think you got a fair price for what they took? No problem, sue China. You'll lose. People who live in those states and own their land outright, might be able to negotiate with China to "rent" back their own property, as long as the property owner continued to pay all his taxes; but the land and buildings would belong to China. This is what our own Government has just done to us and it is the single most vile act of betrayal in the history of human existence. In early February nine U.S. States began the process of re- asserting their Sovereignty pursuant to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the US Constitution; declaring null and void any actions by Congress that violated the Constitution. The states took action to make certain the feds couldn't give away cities or the states themselves! This situation is going to get VERY ugly, VERY fast as one sovereign power (the feds) try to literally give away the land of other sovereign powers, (the states). This is the type of thing that starts Civil War. Our present federal government makes the treachery and betrayal of Benedict Arnold look like child's play
  19. Happy birthday Sean!

    Have a great one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Hi, If you haven't heard about it yet, Glenn Beck started a new website The servers hosting it actually crashed because of too much traffic and people trying to join in after he announced it on his show. What is it about? Well, the idea came when the day after 9/11 all people united to give whatever they could and support the family members in tough times. The whole country and the world united to support each other in any way they could. So Glenn says this is the principle of the site. We need to unite to take our power back. If you ever though, "I'm just a little person, no one will hear me, the government doesn't represent my views but nothing I can do here", this is your chance to unite with others and tell the people in power that it's enough. Enough of corporate and government control and corruption, and all the other BS they are feeding you. We have values and we need these values represented as a country. This website got a lot of attention from a lot of freedom loving people. I'm talking millions of people. So there is a lot of power in numbers. Watch this promo that describes it better: 9KXBwVVSK8U
  21. Open Letter To Stigwerd

    Stiq, keep me posted about the time of your healing sessions so I can join in too, if it's ok with Gos and everyone else. Max
  22. How to stop the light

    I like when you talk like that, dear...
  23. How to stop the light

    If Google owns my ass, how come it sends me a paycheck every month?
  24. orgonite

    It's a never ending experiment... To me, it's only a tool. It has to serve a purpose, and it's different for everyone.