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Everything posted by Smile

  1. orgonite

    This is beautiful.
  2. How to stop the light

    Can he figure out how to stop the darkness as well? That thing with the White House is getting out of control...
  3. Open Letter To Stigwerd

    Gos, are you addicted to being offended or hurt by others? It seems like you are just waiting for a reason to continue to be in the state you are now. It is your choice to accept the help from others, and Stig and others put so much effort to help you. Yet you refuse help because a Daoist master said a few words about how he sees things. Well, world is not perfect and unicorns and pink bunny rabbits are not going to cross my path very soon. And if they ever did, I will be calling Mak Tin SI for help myself. You are not alone in this, but you can't be helped if you refuse it. Nor it productive to assign blame here. Just let all your old grudges go... wash them off your mind... let them go.
  4. I was thinking about he same thing that the person who wrote this..... Hiding The Truth In Plain Sight 3-17-9 The isolated people within the mainstream media who tell a lot of truth about geo-politics make me nervous. They may well be working with and serving the interests of the NWO by telling truth so as to gauge public response to it. This truth telling can also serve to vicariously vent and thereby diffuse any emotions from among the portion of the public that still thinks and could potentially initiate real revolt against increasingly oppressive government. We the people are what the NWO fears the most. Like cattle herded by cowboys, we vastly outnumber them and could easily overpower them. That's why they must monitor and manipulate us so carefully. The NWO is highly concerned with the small remnant that still thinks independently and loves the ideals of the original American republic. And they're equally concerned with keeping the sleeping and dumbed down masses asleep and dumb. Three truth-tellers that come to mind are Lou Dobbs (CNN), Keith Olbermann (MSNBC), and Glen Beck (FOX). They work for the major media propaganda machines, and yet they tell a lot of truth. Very suspicious, isn't it?! Why would their pro-NWO bosses let them get away with such revelations? Primarily because the NWO people are smart enough to know the masses never respond to truth, so they don't fear its broadcast. They are essentially hiding the truth right out in the open where it's safe. Alex Jones may be the kingpin of NWO-hired truth tellers, though he's not overtly affiliated with mainstream news. But he's got a huge listening audience and almost a cult following now, which are big red flags. And his followers, most of whom are good Patriots, erroneously think things will somehow be OK as long as Alex voices what they're thinking. They don't realize what is being done to them and their cause of liberty in causing them to be satisfied with vicarious venting from a supposedly representative voice. Even Ron Paul may be a designated truth teller working undercover to gauge public backing of his proclaimed pro-freedom, Constitutionalist philosophy. Why am I suspicious of this? Two primary reasons. Ron Paul vehemently denies the truth about 9/11, and he is smart enough to know that it was an inside job. And he keeps getting elected to Congress. Here is an analogous paragraph pertaining to the world of commerce to help you understand how truth and excellence are always rejected by the masses and how they embrace lies and mediocrity: The masses only respond to deception and crap. Look at Red Bull. It tastes bad, is very unhealthy, makes you jittery, and leaves a "crash" in its wake. Yet it became a huge phenomenon around the world. On the other hand, the world's best whole food supplements that give you a healthy energy go begging. There are numerous such examples throughout history. The Metabolife craze of a few years ago is one. It was just a vastly overpriced, average herbal stimulant that had been cleverly hyped. I'm sure you can think of some more examples. To lure vast audiences and get rich in marketing, one must either tell crafty lies, sell crap, or both. In true accord with the law of attraction, mediocre people buy mediocre products. Since most people are mediocre, savvy marketers focus on selling mediocre products to maximize their market share and profits. Great people buy great products, but such people are only a tiny fraction of the populace. The better the product, the harder it is to sell, even if prices are equal. Beta was better than VHS, but VHS won. Mac has always been better than PC, but PC is still king. Bill Gates is even smarter than people may think, as he knows he must keep problems in his software to make it match the mediocre masses and sell profusely. Microsoft could have long since removed the problems in their operating systems, but they leave them there on purpose in order to maximize sales. Fads, scams, and inferior products sweep the world over and over again. Think about it. Can you name one truly great product that has ever done that? Trying to spread truth and excellence is like trying to spread fire in a swamp. That's more truth about truth and the lack of public receptivity to it. It's no different in geo-politics, and that's why in election after election, the worst candidates (aka the most skillful liars) get nominated and elected by voters. Remember, the best liars use axiomatic, politically correct truth their listeners readily accept to serve as camouflage for their lies. Political celebrities and favored candidates along with their media mouthpieces like Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, and O'Reilly do this to give their voters/listeners confidence in their espoused views and thereby cause them to accept the lies that are mixed in like bad laws snuck into legislative bills. In the 2008 election, the absolute worst candidates from both major parties were nominated. The only way to possibly stop this is to require IQ, civics, and history tests to be passed before one could have the privilege of voting. Otherwise, the sheeple loyal to both corrupt parties will continue to determine the outcome of elections and corruption will continue to run rampant. There aren't enough of us Patriots to outvote the sheeple, even if we all voted the same way. We would be better off with a monarchy, because sometimes you have a good king and sometimes you have a bad king. That would be preferable to the unconstitutional monster government of today that ensures total corruption will reign supreme no matter who is in power. Always remember that anytime someone rises to great power, prominence, or popularity, especially in politics and religion, they are sinister in nature to some degree. And the more popular something is, the more likely it is to be false. It took me years to figure out the truth about truth, and if people only knew it, they could save themselves a lot of money and headaches. Though I certainly don't even come close to knowing everything, I am one of the scant few who loves truth above all else. Some of you who read this feel the same way, and that's why you come to this website searching for new morsels of truth. But the masses would never accept what I have presented here, firstly because it's true and secondly because it's contrary to what seems logical to them. If I wrote a book about it, it would never reach many people. Great truths and great products are and have always been allocated to a miniscule minority. Count yourself both fortunate and unfortunate if you are a natural truth seeker. You have been given a love of what is true and excellent, which is a good thing. But as a result, you will be afflicted and persecuted by a world in which you are necessarily a misfit. Anonymous
  5. Full moon water

    Personally, I would never drink distilled water unless I added a little bit of Celtic sea salt first. But that's just me. Do you close the lid tight? I leave the lid loose so the air can pass through. Never had a problem with a broken jar. Fill it about 75% full and don't close the lid tight.
  6. PETA asks for help

    THE LINK BELOW IS VERY SAD , VERY SHOCKIN , VERY DISGUSING , EVEN MORE HEARTBREAKING PLEASE SIGN Please sign and forward to all your contacts - this has to be stopped!!! I explain the process below: With a hidden camera, animals were filmed being SKINNED ALIVE!!! They say it's done to get a more perfect ''cut''; afterwards the carcasses are tossed into a pile, still alive, and for up to 10 minutes you can see their hearts still beating, in agony, their eyes still blinking, and the puppies' little paws still shaking. There was one pup, that still lifted his head and gazed at the camera with bloodied eyes. If you don't care to see the video, please sign and forward to your friends: this monstrosity has to be stopped, we have to act!! When the list reaches 500 names, please forward to: [email protected] Thank you. =========== Just write an email with a message above and email it to all your friends. sign something like: 1. Your full name, country I know the video is been out for a while but they still do this every day.
  7. If you have a Firefox browser, try downloading this plugin:
  8. Full moon water

    From my experience, some water freezes on the walls as well. When you pour the water out through the hole you make in the crust, the ice on the top and the sides is left out. Amazingly, I get email requests all the time now about the research on harvesting deuterium since that article came out on how deuterium makes mice live longer. Yep, heavy water is good for you now. I wouldn't be surprised it came from the same people doing research on positive effects of aspartame.
  9. Germany becomes one of the first countries to admit Chemtrails Ops
  10. Meditation and hand positions...

    Right hand on top of the left hand.
  11. orgonite

    Platinum=neutral?I don't know, really. I have no experience with platinum because it used to be $2,000/oz and I had better things to spend money on, but now that it dropped to $1,000/oz, I still have better things to buy. Nano-sized powder probably would work but I have no experience with it so I can't say.
  12. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. All the meditation and chi kung luminaries would come but eventually they start complaining about such a low cost for the teachings, not to count their system is the most powerful or advanced and should be given a priority, or better treatment. Practitioners would complain too about the payment as well. There would be never ending arguments on taobums about how spiritual teachings should be free or the cost is too high. I wish we all found peace within.
  13. Agreed. To look within and find your own truth. Still, what do you tell those who tend to look outside for the truth? You can supply them with the right methods to find their own truth and also provide the truthful sources that reflect reality of what is going on right now. Like this new video that just came out "The Obama Deception" that is the best description of what the US is, how it is controlled and the agenda and goals. If you thought you've already seen a lot of similar stuff, think again. Beginning is kind of old news but then it goes into new information and the plans of global slavery and domination. Forward it to anyone you care...
  14. US history is made...

    New movie by Alex Jones: The Obama Deception
  15. orgonite

    It looks as small as sand in the hourglass. I use crystal quartz but tourmaline could be in interesting. Gold dust is very expensive.... considering it's way more then the market price of $928/oz as of now.
  16. Responsible for our words

    We tell it how we feel. We also have a lot of positive comments about all those teachers you mentioned. No one is perfect.
  17. Brother, I don't understand why you are spending time to prove something to a few who don't get it. We all know and love you. Spending too much on those who don't takes your time away from those who do.
  18. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Exactly. We are working on Goss at the moment with a specific ceremony in sight. Let's not get sidetracked into other things.
  19. Hi, I just finished compiling all the known proven natural remedies for asthma including breathing exercises, western and Chinese remedies: Natural treatments for asthma Oh, yeah, Karen is right, there is no such thing as asthma disease, just a bunch of symptoms that doctors lumped together under a name so they can sell chemicals for the rest of your life as "treatments".
  20. orgonite

    Quartz has spiritual consciousness and silver/gold/platinum supports that consciousness on many levels. So does the platonic form. I'm talking about the Rolls-Royce of orgonite here. I regret offending anyone who gets results with regular orgonite, for my intention is to teach people how to make the best and very effective stuff that you can use to improve your life. And if you use silver, it's not more expensive then if you buy it form someone else. I have to find the size of the dust, will talk later.
  21. Looking for first hand perceptions

    I can see it... but can we talk about making money instead?
  22. The Zapper Work?

    Nope, you can kill all your stomach flora and it takes a while to rebuild it. Strong stomach flora is what prevents you from getting e coli poisoning and all the other crap if you eat it. Plus the cells get weakened if you zap yourself a lot.
  23. The Zapper Work?

    Yes, you are right Little1. It's a complicated matter and we need to take into account many things to make the healing possible.
  24. orgonite

    True. Worthless is a strong word but when you build ogonite out of precious metals and crystal powder you will say so yourself. Do it and tell me I'm wrong after you compare the energies. You need metal to make orgone. Ormus is non metalic so it wouldn't work. I was talking about a cloud buster which is pretty big and requires a lot of metal. My dodecahedron is from 1-1/2" to 2" tall so about an ounce of silver powder is good.Try cube form. Very simple to make.