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Everything posted by Smile

  1. orgonite

    Hi Karen, Reich's stuff is interesting but the orgone material evolved considerably since then. He used layers of metal and wool/organic matter, but look at everyone now - no one is using Reich's methodologies. It's either copper and other metal with crystals/other semi-precious stones. It's fine for cloud busters to use copper etc. because if you spend over $10,000 for the silver and crystal dust, you would be probably busting satellites and UFO, and will definitely get a lot of attention from SPEC-Ops and black holicopters etc. Notice, I didn't say gold or platinum, because your cloudbuster would be worth more then your house. It is very expensive to make those in precious metals, even 2" in size. Why precious metals? I believe it's the next stage in orgonite evolution. I messed with all type of ingredients to make it... copper, steel, iron, aluminum. When I used to teach Sacred merkaba meditations, I went into sacred geometry a lot andhow it influences consciousness. The topics of gold, platinum and silver comes up a lot, if you research Egypt and other old cultures. These three metals are very important in spiritual development and were primery components in Egyptian magic. A lot of amaizing things and technologies were developed at the time Egyptian Empire was in full bloom. A lot of them worked only because of interplay of gold, platinum, and silver metals. Read the book "Divine Triplet" for more explanations on how and why. So I started playing with silver and crystal and the difference in orgonite was like night and day. Actually, the only reason I'm writing all this stuff is because my friend pissed me off a little bit and I decided to let people know there is a 100 times more powerful alternative. I actually din't really want to show it, because if you are really stupid and use this technology to go for stuff you really not destined to go for, you may screw your life in so many ways it's just scary. This is not a toy or a magic wand. It will help you to realize your wishes very fast but if they are against the flow of your destiny, there will be a "pull-back". As for putting the powder in a form without the resin, it's not very convinient if you are dealing with $200 worth of silver or $5,000 worth of 24kt gold. Imagine spilling it on the ground.
  2. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. You are now a 100 and know better. You are just too old to do anything about it. And you don't want to. I wish Cameron doesn't get married when he goes to Korea.
  3. orgonite

    Thanks for your support. Also about the reference to the Divine Triplet. Here is a good book about it.
  4. orgonite

    Hi Scotty, I'm not selling anything now but thinking maybe in the future I will make one type of orgonite for sale. This is primarily for magic/making a wish type of magic. Also the orgonite I'm talking about is too powerful to wear on the body - I won't have any pendants but I have a dodecahedron that blocks the radiation from the computer. It's also good for magic. Try making it yourself. Once you do it the first time, it's easy. Max
  5. Thanks for your view on this. My personal opinion is very simple. U.S. Government has a known track record of deception, denial or outright lying. Imagine if you have a friend who lied and screwed you over all the time, or tried to get and interfere in your business just so he has control over everything you do. Would you trust that friend? I doubt you would have him as a friend for very long. Those people are that kind of friend. They make a mess and then chose people who made the mess in the first place to fix it. By giving themselves raises, or billions of dollars in compensations. Oh, and don't forget all the new regulations that will make your life a better place. And if you complain about it they just say: "What do you mean you are in prison? This way the terrorists won't get to you! You see we care about your well being SO MUCH. Now, who wants ID chips in their head?!! You only have 5 hours to respond or we are voting for it. Have a great day! "
  6. Hi Joeblast, I know what you are saying but unfortunately you won't see any articles about chemtrails from NY Times or Wall Street Journal. You also ignored my link to Guardian article on British government admitting spraying toxic chemicals over dense populated areas. Any comment on that?
  7. German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations
  8. The Zapper Work?

    Dr. Bronner's soap has a Tea Tree oil version. Use it as a safer alternative.
  9. orgonite

    I had an interesting conversation with a friend who operates an orgonite product site (his stuff is crap) and I finally made a post on my blog about what I think about the common orgonite everyone sells. Also the instructions how to make some powerful REAL orgonite. Orgone energy and orgonite Make your own stuff.
  10. The Zapper Work?

    Actually you are right. Zapper doesn't kill viruses per say, but "stuns' them. Then, your immune system gets rid of them for you. You need to take stuff from if your immune system is low. I recommend 5 Mushroom Formula. has it cheaper.
  11. Texas is going FUBAR

    Here is another story: It's very possible that eventually Texas and all the nearest states will unite and start the civil war after they fight openly against the Mexican criminals and our government refuses to give them the permission to do so. And then the whole hell will brake loose. Texans are well armed and are not going to lay down without a fight.
  12. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Yeah, I guess you need his real name, or am I wrong?
  13. Texas is going FUBAR

    They have oil but they will never switch to Euro. They intentionally ignore the border with Mexico to create another "Problem-Reaction-Solution" scenario. Remember the 2 border patrolmen who went to jail for doing their job? This is the official policy.
  14. The Zapper Work?

    Yes, Sota Instruments make good zappers and also a magnetic pulser, which goes as a complement to kill viruses in your lymph nodes. I have both from Sota but I wouldn't use it to make colloidal silver. This company make the best stuff: Called Mesosilver. Check out this test report:
  15. The Zapper Work?

    Here, I made a post on it a year ago on my blog (including the Zapper): Natural wart removal
  16. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. Siberia is now yellow and full of Mexicans. And now, all the man are dead because women have nobody else to be bothered with. I wish every other word Bill O'Reilly says is "blah"
  17. World's Smallest Political Quiz

    Your PERSONAL issues Score is 100%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 80%. According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is... Libertarian. Power to the people!
  18. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Mak Ti Sin, I'm sorry if my use of Fu offended you. I don't believe I used this Fu word before. Are you refering about the Foodog? I used FU as a play of words. The charm of being away from the computer. Get it? Just like your interpretation of Buddha's cemetery meditation teachings, we can't always be on target, can we?
  19. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    The money collected was for Gossamer or, isn't it? Thankfully, I'm hoping he took advise and is staying away from computers for a while. This is the best FU for him I see at the moment.
  20. You probably read the article last year about the man who got his finger cut off and regrew it using a pig stomach powder that his brother sent him. Here is a follow up video: qxhi4Q8EDTU
  21. Corrupt a Wish.

    I see it as training in observing the yin/yang interplay of reality. For every event there is also a balancing counterpart. Like "No one gets sick - overpopulation and death by starvation". It is not a fantasy but a possible reality. It could be an exercise in using your wisdom eye if you use it properly. If you get a pleasure from doing that, then maybe you should not participate. Buddha told some of his students to go to the graveyard and observe the decomposing corpses. Does it mean he is focused on negative and instead should have payed attention to a wonderful process of birth (watching new born babies)?
  22. Corrupt a Wish.

    Hey, I live in NYC.
  23. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. Massive layoffs in the entertainment business as all the reality TV shows, movies, documentaries are canceled due to being boring and predictable. Granted. You see so much horror and injustice in the world with no salvation in sight that you go back to the mountain retreat and spend all your remaining days teaching a few who care. I wish I could fly.
  24. Loose Change

  25. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted.We all get free chocolate, but because it's free, it tastes like a$$ and we still get fat. I wish we had an honest Government.