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Everything posted by Smile

  1. What's up with those pictures?

    Was he himself certified to teach Kunlun? Other questions to ask: Is Kunlun a new entity, considering there are plenty of other systems that teach similar methods as a part of their programs? If the method he learned from has a different name, what authority is there to change it?
  2. It sucks to live in UK

    Oh, ok, I will disregard any Daily Mail "news" stories.
  3. It sucks to live in UK

    Motorist pulled over and quizzed... for LAUGHING at the wheel
  4. What's up with those pictures?

    Hey, Cam is a great guy, and I will stand up for him any time. I may have some issues with Kunlun website and how they market things, but people that run it are genuine. So is Santiago.
  5. How to properly thank a person

    Thank you Sean for the Edit button
  6. How to properly thank a person

    Thank you for your thank you. Also thank you for this thread.
  7. What's up with those pictures?

    Thanks. This guy has skills.
  8. Applying Dao to the DOW

    There is a good story of a guy that traded stocks using all kind of technical indicators etc. One day he was sitting in front of his computer and trading while his little daughter Suzy came over to ask him to play with her. "Daddy, would you come and play with me a little', she said. "No, baby, I can't so it right now. The stock I'm trading is loosing money and I can's figure out why. All the indicators say it should go up" "But it is going down", Suzy said. "Yes, I know!" her father replied. "But it's not supposed to go down. All the technical analysis says it has to go up". "I'm just a little girl", Suzy said." I don't really know anything about stocks and all the technical thingies, but all I know is the stock is going down". Her father looked at her, looked at the computer screen and then started laughing. The moral of the story: Just like the Dao, go with it, follow it, forget what it's supposed to do, because whatever it's supposed to do, it is doing it right now.... Hope this helps.
  9. Struggling over vasectomy... need advice.

    Don't do it. You won't be able to cultivate your sexual energy the right way. Follow Xeno's advice- he knows what he is talking about.
  10. I hear the technique he uses is the Inner Smile.
  11. Juice!

    Another alternative to juice is to make a blend using high powered blender. I have the Total Blender and it brakes the cell walls of anything you blend for easy digestion, and even brakes seeds in citrus fruit, or even little seeds in raspberries/blackberries. Add little spinach and honey to the blend of fruit and you have a super snack.
  12. A friend sent me... very interesting lecture from the brain research scientist about what happend when she had a stroke and certain parts of the brain stopped functioning...
  13. The article came from A. True Ott. Mikalz, you are not the first nor the last to question what I'm saying. As you said before, the enemy is not each other, but ignorance. And the truth is not easily seen if you base it on what comes out of public media.
  14. Actually the only prediction that I keep making for years now is the fall of US economy as we know it. The articles I'm posting now and then are not completely my views, although I agree with a lot of what they say at times. If people actually think that the bailout will solve the economic crisis, they are living in the clouds. It's only a matter of time before big majority of banks will fail, and you will see bank runs, riots, food shortages, etc. Read what happened to Argentina - it is America's future. So, it's impossible officially to verify if the article is true or not, because if it's true and could be verified, there would be massive outrage and uprising, so the best choice for the government is to make it classified. What IS verifiable is that there is a movement among the states to declare state sovereignty and reassert their rights under the 10th Amendment. Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, California, and Georgia have all introduced bills and resolutions declaring sovereignty under the 10th Amendment. Colorado, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Alaska, Kansas, Alabama, Nevada, Maine, and Illinois are considering such measures. P.S. It would actually make sense for China to demand hard collateral if they continue to invest in US. They are not that stupid or desperate, even if they are closely tied to our economy.
  15. This is a pushup!

    Yeah, "junior" videos visited the threads of this forum before. Very skilled.
  16. tooth regeneration

    You are finally going? Cool. Don't get married though. Don't get married. Don't. D...! Yes, Icecream sounds good, even after the world end.
  17. Zeitgeist

    Here is an interesting article that basically says Obama failed before he even started: From How Can the U.S. Economy Recover Without Manufacturing Capacity? The strength of the federal economic stimulus package is seriously diluted by the fact that many of the manufactured goods that will be purchased for the attempted recovery must be imported from outside the United States. America simply doesn't make lots of things, anymore. That means many billions of dollars that folks assumed would go towards fueling an American economic comeback, will instead provide work and paychecks to employees in other countries, that still have manufacturing bases. That's fine with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is dominated by large multinational corporations - the same guys that began stripping the United States of manufacturing jobs decades ago. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce was one of the main lobbyists opposed to provisions that would have mandated that stimulus money go to U.S. companies. The Chamber is a U.S. organization in name only, like its finance capital comrades, the guys that gave the world such a bad case of the dreaded "American Disease," much of the planet is praying that cash-rich China will eventually bail everybody out. The United States' lack of a manufacturing capacity makes it even less likely that anything resembling a lasting recovery can emerge from President Obama's approach to the economic crisis. The infrastructure projects that are supposed to be central to the recovery scheme are only valued at $150 billion - which is not much of a jolt, especially when much of what will have to be bought is only available in other countries, made by foreign workers. Barack Obama has put a huge emphasis on building a green economy. However, according to the New York Times , most of the sources of solar panels and wind turbines are located in Europe and Asia. There can be no green economy without a mass transit makeover of the United States, but the U.S. hasn't made subway and light rail cars in many years. They'd have to be imported. "Most of the sources of solar panels and wind turbines are located in Europe and Asia." Every product that must be imported for the infrastructure project means a watering down of the stimulus impact of the dollars spent. You can't put people to work in American factories that don't exist. A true national recovery effort would mean re-industrialization, on a grand scale and a green model, through massive direct federal creation of state-owned industries independent of the finance capitalists who murdered American manufacturing and then blew up their own businesses on Wall Street. But this is already nearly impossible, since President Obama is committed to saving the banking class through unlimited infusions of public money, and then allowing these reborn zombies to resume their roles as lords of development. The bankster parasites have neither the capacity nor the intention to build anything other than mountains of debt for the rest of us. Therefore, Obama's partnership with them spells doom for national recovery. Like Billy Preston said, " Nothin' from noth in' leaves nothin'."The U.S. cannot create the conditions for economic health without rebuilding a manufacturing capacity. And the remnants of Wall Street have nothing to contribute to an economic recovery, but an infinite capacity to steal. ============ I would recommend forwarding it to any of your friends who still believes in this BS
  18. Zeitgeist

    I'm not sure if it was posted before here:
  19. FutureMe

    Hah, I got an email too. So naive.
  20. Go for regular medical degree and after you get it, you will be able to get other degrees in half the time. At the end, you will be able to make big $ and do what you love.
  21. tooth regeneration

    But unlike the term paper, you enjoy every single minute of it. But then again, my term paper was on p.orn.
  22. Exactly. That's why I'm against any type of gun control- it never worked and is based on BS theories. Agree with Michael in general. Normal people with a heart don't need to sign something to be compassionate toward others. Agreements like that never work long term because leaders that usually sign them have a potato for a heart and a piggy bank for their brain.
  23. What a Tosser!

    Bruce and Gary Clyman have real power. You don't need to try- just look at the videos, you can feel it. Gary's way to express himself is another matter but he's maybe different when in a company of friends. Everyone he taught has good things to say about the training, so there it is.