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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Colon cleanse.... Come to think of it, this forum talked about everything there is to talk about. We can leave now.
  2. Recommended Cities in China

    Lin may help you with this...;#entry22520
  3. What if that dog looks like this? If you see this dog's beauty inside, would it still be a judgment?
  4. I posted on this bill before. This is the end to any doctor prescribing alternative/natural medical treatments. Thus, the further segregation of natural medicine as quack science. Still there is good news. Have you read what New Hampshire is doing?
  5. From Werewolves With Love - The History Of Valentine's Day By Brad Steiger FATE Magazine Everyone thinks they know the origin of Valentine's Day. According to the most commonly accepted story, Emperor Claudius of Rome issued a decree forbidding marriage in the year 271. Roman generals had found that married men did not make very good soldiers, because they wanted to return as quickly as possible to their wives and children-and they didn't want to leave them to fight the emperor's battles in the first place. So Claudius issued his edict that there should be no more marriages, and all single men should report for duty. A priest named Valentine deemed such a decree an abomination, and he secretly continued to marry young lovers. When Claudius learned of this extreme act of disobedience to his imperial command, he ordered the priest dragged off to prison and had him executed on February 14. Father Valentine, the friend of sweethearts, became a martyr to love and the sanctity of marriage, and when the Church gained power in the Roman Empire, the Holy See was quick to make him a saint. The early Church fathers were well aware of the popularity of a vast number of heathen gods and goddesses, as well as the dates of observation of pagan festivals, so they set about replacing as many of the entities and the holidays as possible with ecclesiastical saints and feast days. Mid-February had an ancient history of being devoted to acts of love of a far more passionate and lusty nature than the Church wished to bless, and the bishops moved as speedily as possible to claim the days of February 14 through 17 as belonging to Saint Valentine, the courageous martyr to the ties that bound couples in Christian love. February Is for Mating Actually, there is no proof that the good priest Valentine even existed. Some scholars trace the period of mid-February as a time for mating back to ancient Egypt. On those same days of the year that contemporary lovers devote to St. Valentine, men and women of the Egyptian lower classes determined their marital partners by the drawing of lots. But the time of coupling that comes with the cold nights in February before the spring thaw likely had its true origin very near where Valentine supposedly met his demise. Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Wolf Charmer was called the Lupicinus. Perhaps hearkening back to prehistoric times, the Lupicinus may well have been an individual tribesman who had a particular affinity for communicating with wolves. As the tribes developed agriculture and small villages, it was necessary to have a person skilled in singing with the wolves and convincing them not to attack their domesticated animals. The Lupicinus had the ability to howl with the wolves and lead them away from the livestock pens. In some views, because he also wore the pelt of a wolf, the Lupicinus also had the power to transform himself into a wolf if he so desired. Rites of the Lupercalia The annual Lupercali festival of the Romans on February 15 was a perpetuation of the ancient blooding rites of the hunter in which the novice is smeared with the blood of his first kill. The sacrificial slaying of a goat-representing the flocks that nourished early humans in their efforts to establish permanent dwelling places-was followed by the sacrifice of a dog, the watchful protector of a flock that would be the first to be killed by attacking wolves. The blood of the she-goat and the dog were mixed, and a bloodstained knife was dipped into the fluid and drawn slowly across the foreheads of two noble-born children. Once the children had been "blooded," the gore was wiped off their foreheads with wool that had been dipped in goat milk. As the children were being cleansed, they were expected to laugh, thereby demonstrating their lack of fear of blood and their acknowledgment that they had received the magic of protection against wolves and wolfmen. The god Lupercus, represented by a wolf, would next inspire and command men to behave as wolves, to act as werewolves during the festival. Lupus (wolf) itself is not an authentic or original Latin word, but was borrowed from the Sabine dialect. Luperca, the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus, may have given rise to secret fraternities known as the Luperci, who sacrificed she-goats at the entrances to their "wolves' dens." For centuries, the Luperci observed an annual ritual of chasing women through the streets of Roman cities and beating them with leather thongs. Scholars generally agree that such a violent _expression of eroticism celebrated the ancient behavior of primitive hunting tribes corraling captive women. Once a wolfman had ensnared a woman with his whip or thong, he would lead her away to be his wife or lover for as long as the "romance" lasted. Perhaps, as some scholars theorize, this yearly rite of lashing at women and lassoing them with leather thongs became a more acceptable substitute for the bloodlust of the Luperci's latent werewolfism that in days past had seen them tearing the flesh of innocent victims with their teeth. As the Romans grew ever more sophisticated, the Lupercali would be celebrated by a man binding the lady of his choice wrist to wrist, and later by passing a billet to his object of desire, suggesting a romantic rendezvous in some secluded place. Christian Marriage One can easily see why the early Church fathers much preferred the union of man and woman to be smiled upon by St. Valentine, rather than the leering wolf god Lupercus. And, of course, they encouraged a knot tied securely by the sacred rite of marriage and blessed by the priest, rather than a fleeting midnight liaison. By the Middle Ages, the peasantry in England, Scotland, and parts of France honored St. Valentine, but their customs seemed very much to hearken back to ancient Egypt and Rome. On the evening before Valentine's Day, the young people would gather in a village meeting place and draw names by chance. Each young woman would write her name or make her mark on a bit of cloth and place it into a large urn. Then each of the young men would draw a slip. The girl whose name or mark was on the piece of cloth became his sweetheart for the year. This method of celebrating St. Valentine's Day quite often led to circumstances and situations that encouraged long-term and lasting relationships, blessed by the recital of marriage vows in the local church. If the young couple did not take the necessary steps to become bound in a church-sanctioned union, the parents of the respective "bride" and "groom" would actively arrange for the marriage sacrament to be observed. It wasn't long before the peasant method of utilizing St. Valentine's Day to guarantee the next generation of field hands, construction workers, and merchants reached the ears of the upper classes, and the custom became popular among the young men and women of the aristocracy and the landed gentry. Since the prospect of arranged marriages between successful families meant far more to the upper classes in Europe than to the peasantry, parental supervision most often limited the interaction between their children to be "sweethearts" during Valentine's Day parties. By the late 1400s, the upper classes of Europe and England would come together in homes to celebrate Valentine's Day and allow their young men to draw a "valentine" with the name of a member of the opposite sex, beside whom he would be seated at a lavish dinner party. Hostesses took advantage of the holiday theme to express the tradition in colorful decorative schemes. Gradually, Valentine's Day came to be synonymous with the exchange of pretty sentiments, written in flourishes on scented paper and decorated with hearts, arrows, doves, and cupids-those little pagan deities maintaining their hold on the ancient holiday. By the early 1800s, young men were taking care to create symbols of their passion on elaborate cards that they could offer to "My Valentine." Today's Customs By the 1850s, Valentine's Day cards were being manufactured and sold commercially in England, and the custom of observing the holiday with cards to one's sweetheart became popular in the United States in the 1860s, around the time of the Civil War. Today, of course, we have vast commercial enterprises centered around St. Valentine's Day, insisting that callow young men and seasoned husbands must buy their sweetheart a box of candy, a dozen roses, a diamond ring or necklace, or at least a five-dollar card. But don't let the slick advertisers fool you with all this talk of a saint named Valentine who was martyred for love. Remember that it all began with a hyped-up wolfman smeared in blood chasing the object of his desire with a leather thong. One last word of advice: Forget the whip and stick with flowers and candy
  6. grip strength

    I also have Captains of Crush 80, 100, and 140 lbs. Too much fun, especially giving them to unsuspecting friends to try out.
  7. EMF pollution protection

    Karen, thank you for the names. Surprisingly, I've never heard of them and I've have a ton of books on Cancer and natural healing in general. If someone wants to learn about the forces behind the conventional treatments for cancer today, I would recommend "The Cancer Industry" by Ralph W. Moss ( )
  8. tooth regeneration

    Cool. I constantly switch from my own mix, to Tooth Soap, to Dr. Bronner's bar. I add very little of tea tree oil in my own formula, almost no taste. You are right- brushing and blotting should be the most important part. Plus the right diet.
  9. What are you listening to?

    These days, I'm amusing myself to something a little different (some strong language): R7yfISlGLNU
  10. What are you listening to?

    Wow, that's amazing. I listened to them 3 times.
  11. tooth regeneration

    Karen, have you tried Tooth Savior Soap? Ingredients: saponified organic extra virgin olive, organic coconut, and organic palm oils, organic aloe, wild white oak bark, french green clay, sea salt, peppermint, spearmint & tea tree essential oils, chlorella, vanilla, xylitol, stevia 2 ingredients are interesting: french green clay & wild white oak bark. It has xylitol in it as well but I'm not too excited about it for some reason. I have the product called Spry Mints ( ) but I think the positive effects of xylitol are way overblown.
  12. tooth regeneration

    I was planning to do an instructional blotting video for a long time now. I will get a camera from a friend and will probably do it in a week or two. Will post it on youtube.
  13. Well, I've been talking about it for a long time with my friends, and the article below paints a scary picture of what is going to happen very soon. No food to buy. ========================================== Dr. James P. Wickstrom, D. Litt. Subject: Baltic Dry Index (Shipping situation that effects all of us) Follow-up letter on BDI Video An Email Received On the Baltic Dry Index Video: I've been discussing the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) with everyone I can for months now. I started following it in June of 2008. It's not a traded index so no one profits from the index itself, which makes it virtually manipulation proof. It is what it is and that doesn't bode well for any of us. OK, we have 26 shipping routes around the world that the BDI looks at. Shipping stocks are slaves to the BDI. Capesize Ships (over 100,000 tons) make up only 10% of the World Fleet but move 62% of Dry Bulk Traffic (at a given time Australia has 35/40, China 20, Brazil 40-50, S. Africa 1-7). Panamax Ships (60,000-80,000 tons) make up 19% of the world fleet and move 20% of the Dry Bulk Traffic (at a given time Australia has 40-60, China 20-35, Brazil 3-12, S Africa 0-1). There is a third and fourth ship size but they are quite small and they aren't moving either. If we can use the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) as a guide for the next 12 months of product delivery and food availability in the stores we shop in then the BDI says shelves will be virtually empty of almost every product we use each and every day. If the BDI is wrong it will be an historic first. The BDI is used by bankers, financial experts, brokers, traders and everyone in high-end finance to assess the global financial condition and the availability of products worldwide. The BDI has dropped 94% in a short few weeks which means raw materials, grains, ores, steel, iron, cement and all imported products for food manufacturing and product manufacturing even though we actually do very little of that here in the US. We do make bread and other products that require grains, like cereals. We import clothing, gasoline, various fuels and, well, just about everything these days and the BDI says global shipping has shut down. NOTHING is moving. Because this spells disaster for a country that produces little and imports everything I have been intently blogging about the subject and asking people to view a short video I have posted (8 minutes) on: The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an indicator of how much product is actually out for delivery throughout the world. It cannot be cheated or manipulated because it deals with actual products that are either actively being shipped, or are on docks awaiting to be shipped as Freight On Board (FOB). As the chart below proves, back in June, 2008 the BDI stood at a reasonably healthy 11,600. As of today, the BDI has plummeted to 791. That's about a 94% drop in goods actually being shipped worldwide. This portends unprecedented disaster around the world, especially as it relates to food. Products are simply not being shipped. They aren't being shipped because there aren't any orders for them. This will translate into massive, unprecedented unemployment worldwide and, as things get worse, massive food shortages. I have urgently asked each of you to stock up on dry foods like 50 lb bags of rice, 50 lb bags of oatmeal, beans, powdered milk, canned foods, canned vegetables and such to assure your family will have enough to eat when the world economy totally collapses. Many of you laughed me off as some sort of kook for making those suggestions, with some of you going so far as to call me "chicken little, the sky is falling." Well, it appears I'm having the last laugh. I correctly forecast the economic meltdown which took place in September. For over a year prior to that meltdown, I warned it was coming and, in March of 2008, I actually pinpointed the month the meltdown would take place, warning you it would happen in September. It did. Now I am once again warning you about food shortages because the facts are irrefutable. The BDI proves that goods are not being shipped. There has been a 94% reduction in shipped goods since June of this year and it is only going to get worse. If you do not have food stored up for your family, you will starve to death. If you do not own guns and ammunition, any food you DO have will be stolen by roving bands of savages who are trying not to starve to death. The social breakdown that is coming is unparalleled in modern history. We are going to suffer on an order of magnitude greater than folks suffered during the Great Depression. Please, I urge you, prepare. There are only a few precious months left before it all goes to hell. So, as I said, I have been e-mailing everyone I can think of and here's a very interesting email I received back from a friend tonight. He's a senior level electrical engineer for a large engineering and construction firm in Denver and designs and builds large power plants for a living. Hi, Quite the contrary, I'm well acquainted with the Baltic Dry Index. My brother is a mid-to high-level executive with a logistics/cargo firm. His company (as well as all other shipping companies) have seen huge dives in the amount of business they do. The main point that many people do not understand is that without trade between states and nations no one prospers! It's always tempting to say "screw the third world countries and screw the Chinese with all the crap they send over here! Let's shut our borders down and not import anything!" But the reality is that no country that practices such Draconian protectionist policies ever lasts very long. So with that, it is of huge concern to you, me, and everyone else "in the know" when the BDI drops so drastically! The whole world is truly tied at the hip, as the saying goes! Brother, I'm on board with you 100%! I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to send me the link (which I will watch by this weekend). You hit the nail on the head in that 98% of the people in this country have not one clue what the BDI is, what it indicates; nothing! The truly sad thing, to me at least, is that the masses of "useful idiots" (as Lenin called them) have no clue what is going on around them, yet they so eagerly and boisterously vote! I'm afraid that this country is going to have to go through a considerable amount of pain before the uneducated, ignorant (and I won't say stupid because they simply have not been taught) masses "get it". I am a senior level electrical engineer for a large engineering and construction firm in Denver. I design and build large power plants for a living. Without giving the whole story of my career, believe me when I say that in the next few years this country will see rolling blackouts (and that's not taking into account another terrorist attack on our country!). If the people in this country knew what I know first-hand about our power grid and the condition of our (very old!) power plants in this country, they would probably crap themselves in fear! The only surprise to me is that the blackouts didn't happen this past summer, but that was due to 2008 being a cooler year than expected. The bottom line is, our power grid (and for that matter, much of the infrastructure in this country) is tapped out and actually older than its expected life. And yet, our wonderful federal government, elected by us "useful idiots", continues to spend, spend, spend like drunken sailors. Why? Well, because that's what we've "always" done! It sickens me! Take a look at This fellow has his head screwed on straight! Take it from me, I build power plants for a living. But I still have a basement full of not just guns, ammo, and food, but of fuel! White gas, propane bottle's, even sterno & alcohol type cans. Do yourself a favor if you haven't already, STOCK UP on a fuel supply, at least so that you can cook and have some modest heat if you don't have a fireplace! Consider what you have and ask yourself if you have enough to get you through a month, 2 months? Three? God Bless Sam's Club for carrying Coleman fuel and propane and such... I'll share more of my knowledge (limited though it is) with you later on. Peace be with you brother. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst! XXXXXXX Believe or don't, the choice is yours but at the very least I suggest you start doing the research on this subject or you may be starving in a few short months.
  14. Loose Change

    From : "Marvin P. Bush, the president's youngest brother, was a director at Stratesec from 1993 to fiscal year 2000. But the White House has not publicly disclosed Bush connections in any of its responses to 9/11, nor has it mentioned that another Bush-linked business had done security work for the facilities attacked. Marvin Bush joined Securacom when it was capitalized by the Kuwait-American Corporation, a private investment firm in D.C. that was the security company's major investor, sometimes holding a controlling interest. Marvin Bush has not responded to telephone calls and e-mails for comment. KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War. One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec. The managing director at KuwAm, Wirt D. Walker III, was also a principal at Stratesec, and Walker, Marvin Bush and al Sabah are listed in SEC filings as significant shareholders in both companies during that period. Marvin Bush's last year on the board at Stratesec coincided with his first year on the board of HCC Insurance, formerly Houston Casualty Co., one of the insurance carriers for the WTC. He left the HCC board in November 2002. But none of these connections has been looked at during the extensive investigations since 9/11. McDaniel says principals and other personnel at Stratesec have not been questioned or debriefed by the FBI or other investigators." Yes, 19 hijackers. 9 of them still alive. Something you were telling us about "actual, hands on research"? They must have landed safely on the magical impervious passport the FBI found in Manhattan. The dogs were pulled out? The cameras were turned off? Reports from firefighters about the dead from all the explosions around the building? Fire Eats Beijing WTC 7 Size Skyscraper - No Collapse! Watch this video: "12 seconds before the WTC North Tower collapse, a huge earth tremor occurred with a thunderous booming sound. This phenomenon registered as a large spike on seismic detection equipment positioned around New York State. The massive shake is captured in video and audio on this short clip." 2E-tieJFVGY
  15. Loose Change

    Someone told me about the airline crash today. I asked: Anyone well known was on a plane? They: Yeah, the widow who led the 9/11 group to expose the government. I: Oh, very interesting.
  16. Silat

    Nice silat video. But it seems they are just playing. Lot's of power in the movements. I also appreciate what Orb said too. Fedor Emelianenko and Anderson Silva are great in what they are doing. One can love and appreciate both- modern MMA and old school lineage, without attempting to stick them in the ring against each other. Here is a video how Fedor trains (my favorite part- him "working" the tire) 5b66cKt2Ewg
  17. Loose Change

    Lol... anyway, keep believing what your government feeds you. After all, they are acting in YOUR best interest, right? Can you feel your life is getting better with every day? Compassionate officials, wise policies, impartial choices... Hurray, everyone, get aboard the "Change" train! C'mon, brother, I know you see shit happening, still you you say to yourself "Nah, what morons would do that to their own people?" Ok, here are a few in one picture:
  18. Loose Change

    FBI doesn't mention 9/11 on the Osama's Wanted poster.
  19. Doctors make me so angry.

    But wait.... There is more... This is how you kill natural medicine or "destroy" any doctor who would attempt to practice it.
  20. Try this: Catastrophic Fall in 2009 Global Food Production
  21. Loose Change

    This is at least a second thread about this movie "Loose Change" and the theories about 9/11. Please use the search function - it does work. (Try I just want to add to all my other posts in other threads related to 9/11. A good book to read about how government manipulates countries, people and events : Confessions of an Economic Hit Man "Economic hit men," John Perkins writes," are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as Empire but one that has taken on terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization." John Perkins should know-he was an economic hit man for an international consulting firm that worked to convince developing countries to accept enormous loans and to funnel that money to U.S. corporations. Once these countries were saddled with huge debts, the American government and international aid agencies were able to request their "pound of flesh" in favors, including access to natural resources, military cooperation, and political support. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is the story of one man's experiences inside the intrigue, greed, corruption and little-known government and corporate activities that America has been involved in since World War II, and which have dire consequences for the future of democracy and the world."
  22. ACORN-izing the Census

    I just read this yesterday related to ACORN: Stimulus bill funds ACORN despite its history of corruption