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Everything posted by Smile

  1. It's only possible if you drink way too much of home-made colloidal silver. Plus at that time, even commercially made col.silver was not very good. The people who turned blue drunk it every day for months.
  2. I have a zapper/colloidal silver maker from Sota Instruments. Still, the silver you can make at home is not of good potency comparing to MesoSilver. Read this:
  4. Most people are just too lazy or afraid to make troubles. Vaccination is NOT compulsory in Australia. Here is an Australian site dealing with that subject:
  5. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    To tell you the truth, I was REALLY surprised MTS said it was ok for money to come from other people. This is simply not the way I see how it's supposed to be done. Still... I gave money because there is a chance it might work for gossamer and I'm willing to pay for that chance. If the whole thing falls apart, Sean should apply the money to maintain the site, etc.
  6. Michael Winn on his wife's passing

    Did you realize something there?
  7. Jesus, of course. Or aliens. Can't decide today.
  8. Humans are not physically created to kill either, and look at us.
  9. It sucks to live in UK

    To emphasize what I'm saying with the original post: Those in power don't care about you or your well being. If they did, there would be now stupid laws created like this one: "Congress passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, or HR 4040, a retroactive rule mandating that all items sold for use by children under 12 must be tested by an independent party for lead and phthalates, which are chemicals used to make plastics more pliable. All untested items, regardless of lead content, are to be declared "banned hazardous products.'' The CPSC has already determined the law applies to every children's item on shelves, not just to items made beginning Feb. 10." Is Feb. 10 financial doomsday for thousands? This basically can put any small company selling used kid's items (including books) out of business. Way to kill small business!!! Now living in UK doesn't sound so bad...
  10. US history is made...

    True. Regarding that youtube clip, blacks were the small minority voting for Obama. The majority is whites, dumb and gullible as Watch a similar clip: mm1KOBMg1Y8
  11. US history is made...

    You are right, but this would be the quickest way to martial law. Just think, right before the inauguration they say he is ineligible, all the riots brake loose, and the Martial law is imposed on the whole country. The Constitution is suspended, and Bush&Co are still in power.
  12. US history is made...

    The strongest case against Obama's legitimacy to be the president is heading to the Supreme Court. They can't dismiss the case because Gail Lightfoot was as vise-president on 2008 ballot for Libertarian Party and has legitimate reasons to question.
  13. You can't win friends with salad!
  14. It sucks to live in UK

    They call them "Full spectrum Natural Light"... similar to this lights. I use incandescent full spectrum light bulbs from Verilux as they are the closest replication of natural sunlight.
  15. It sucks to live in UK

    MOBVIS - new system is to be implemented to spy on you using your cell phone. Harry, I like our optimism. They are not stupid and know exactly what they are doing. It's is all intentional to reach the desired outcome. Barack Obama's 'Black Widow' : The Super Spy Computer
  16. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Don't talk about it unless they show interest. People have different interests - imagine if someone was trying to explain to you the wonders of Municipal Bond trading? Are we better then someone who doesn't care about spiritual stuff? Nope. They are lucky.
  17. good "energy" toys ~$50

    Get this: The Force Trainer
  18. You are great!

    Yep, I cried too. Well, a little. Don't you love when animals from different species are friends? Here are some, very cute: and 7ikm3o5hDks
  19. tooth regeneration

    Dr. Bronner's soap is a good alternative to the ToothSoap. Just have to get used to the taste. I constantly switch from Bronner's bas, to ToothSoap, to my own liquid mix etc. This way you will minimize the possibility of your body reacting to it if you use one thing too much.
  20. Michael Winn on his wife's passing

    You are too sweet, but I stopped reading spiritual books a while ago. The girl I was talking about also has an affinity for Egyptian/Anubus topics.
  21. Also, can someone make English subtitles for these videos?
  22. Michael Winn on his wife's passing

    Your experiences are amazing. Why wouldn't I?