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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Some videos of Master Nan on youtube, in one of them he teaches 9 bottle breathing... 5Bl5qyZuhRg gZ2wnZbjCfQ DqmTqJgkFEI
  2. Well, Fedor Emelianenko is the top MMA fighter and considered the best fighter in the world.Then see this image of the current top heavyweight boxing title holders - ALL of them are from Russia and former soviet republics.
  3. L1, very interesting views you got there. I can only state my beliefs:-No one can make you whole but yourself. -if you want to experience what involves to have kids with all the lessons coming with it, fine. Doesn't mean you have to in this lifetime. You probably had similar lessons before in other lifetimes - does it mean you have to repeat them over and over? Some people are slow learners. - a child can carry your genes which in a way is immortality. In the lowest played down sense, in "Special Olympics" sort of way. I have 2 friends who cultivated and then had kids. None of them are very happy as it take ALL your time. Maybe the Taobum crowd is different.
  4. Since you bumped, I can't resist. DontGetMarried Forum
  5. Proving "Group consciousness"

    On related subject... 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
  6. You heard it here first

    All the best wishes. If you are sensitive, you will feel when the spirit "attaches" to the little body in the womb. I would say 2-3 months before the birth. Also at that time, the energy cords from the baby will begin to connect to your solar plexus. Whoever designed us was a genius.
  7. You heard it here first

    Wow, so I guess I'm alone here when I see sleepless nights, abandoned goals and dreams and basically slavery for at least 18 years. Or maybe China is different when it comes to that. No matter how many best wishes I send to you, brother, I still feel for you and what is coming. I guess I'm all by myself here in my views. Be gentle.
  8. Happy New Year!

    Brother, great health and all the other good stuff
  9. This society in general is based on a number of lies about how to maintain good health or how to heal yourself when you are not well. Doctors are good for one place - an emergency room when someone has a physical trauma/injury. There is a good new documentary "Processed People" about our food industry and how it became a major factor in keeping people sick. A trailer... VQNNX2Oo7Kk
  10. Otherwise, we would have a a feathered whales flying to NYC to lay eggs. "Whale watching" would have a new meaning.
  11. US history is made...

    Something to look forward to:
  12. Treatment for Statue/dolls Collectors

    In this case, we are talking about the 'luck' of an object, and the best explanation would be a favorable (or unfavorable) energetic potential this object might bring after a person uses it for some time.
  13. For dog lovers- becareful!

    The dog can't take someone's purity. Covering a person from head to toe in dog's poo won't take his purity either. Before stepping into dog's poo you cut wood and carried water; after stepping into poo you cut wood and carried water. With a smile on your face... P.S. wow, I used ";" for the first time in at least 2-3 years. That is really exciting... i should do that more often.
  14. For dog lovers- becareful!

    Dogs love it. If I come to someone's house with a dog, dogs just submit to you and start looking for attention. You can belly rub them in 10 minutes. I love dogs. Little bundles of pure unconditional love and acceptance.
  15. Michael Winn on his wife's passing

    She recovered after being misled by the entity for 2-3 years. She is fine now or so I hope. I haven't talked to her for at least a few years.
  16. Treatment for Statue/dolls Collectors

    The way I "see" it, there is a big (and I say BIG) difference in the energy of "luck" of an object and the spirit residing in the object. If one's mind is still, s/he sees things for what they are. There are no "personal" filters to pollute the perception. There are also no judgments or labels to assign to the experience afterwards.
  17. Treatment for Statue/dolls Collectors

    The word "spirit" could cover a variety of energies. Normally I can "see" them in an object if they are present. The quality and the power, and sometimes the history of why they are there. happy New year to you
  18. Treatment for Statue/dolls Collectors

    Thank you. Your info is much appreciated.
  19. Treatment for Statue/dolls Collectors

    Here is my foo dog.
  20. New School

    I hope you have great success - you totally deserve it. Wish you all the best
  21. For dog lovers- becareful!

    Brother, Daoism is a path of simplicity. Do not let any amount of dog poo convince you otherwise.
  22. NOT to communicate with ghost

    Or we can make a nightly offering to the hungry ghosts. See the ritual here.
  23. Attention Sean

    Taobums was hacked a couple of years back. For about 6 hours. And Mwight is right.