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Everything posted by Smile

  1. I practice KunLun

    Stop using my name in vain...
  2. Ideagasms

    Interesting... His ex-girl Ghita has a new site:
  3. Ideagasms

    Looks like Stephane went a little bit crazy and his girls left him:
  4. What is the best martial arts?

    For life or death situations - Target Focus Training. For street fighting - The Keysi Fighting Method
  5. A video I made 3 months ago doing Burning palm on my friend. Well, not really Burning palm but an energy projection about a half an inch deep. The blisters started appearing from 2:30. WKe7raw1s48
  6. US history is made...

    They found the change Obama was talking about: Don't hold your breath on this country being "for the people, by the people". The age of America is over.
  7. I was honored to meet him and I met a whole bunch of other people I wouldn't meet otherwise and got an invitation to meet the Abbot of Shaolin and study whatever I want there.
  8. Burning palm experiment

    Nothing to do with Max. The benefit would be to get rid of stagnation in the area. You can possibly harm the person if you project the energy too deep.
  9. Burning palm experiment

    I have a cd of a master playing a chinese zuther (the CD all in Chinese so can't say what master). Similar to the guy from the movie "Hero" when Jet Li and Donnie Yen fight. TagPl09eN9k
  10. He doesn't sit in full lotus. He used to when he was in retreat, but it's not necessary now. He emphasized on not focusing so much on sensations (even in Vipassana) but on moving on to the bigger you - the room you are in, the town, the world, the universe. Do not limit yourself to the body and what your experiences, sensations, whatever are. Open up like a flower and shine the light, expand your mind to the size of the universe. That's the lesson I got that I have to work on.
  11. verdesi turtle video This guy has an amusing skill
  12. scary stuff

    Summary of Evidence of Controlled Demolition at the World Trade Center - one of the best conclusions presented.
  13. Obama's birth certificate

    POLARIK'S FINAL REPORT: OBAMA'S 'BORN' CONSPIRACY - Forged Images, Phony Photos, and Felony Fraud
  14. Remove fluoride from water supply

    I wrote more on water here: Deuterium detox & energized water
  15. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    The side effect was a headache that lasted for a week. I got Asc Alchemy meditations but didn't practice them, not even once. No drive. I used over $3,000 of their stuff though. At the time when gold was $283/oz
  16. Burning palm experiment

    I don't think it's something very special and many people after doing chikung for a while can probably do the same. If I move the energy to the hand, the palm becomes dark red. The slap was very soft, the hand didn't feel much and my friend felt slight stinging sensation that was gone in a second. The imprint will eventually become regular skin color (no red) and is gone in about one-two hours. No bruises or marks appear. See you all in a week.
  17. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Hi mqd,I believe I'm pretty open with everyone about my practices. RP had me go through lots of side effects while it was ok for others. Later I found out, Max added the closing part of PR in the follow up workshops. I didn't learn it in mine. It is an ongoing experiment with Max constantly adding things or removing things. It's not a bad thing. It's just the way it is. I don't practice Max's version but I do practice the one I learned in Russia which is a little different. I already mentioned it a few times on this forum. As you won't get it from my teacher (I don't even know where he is or if he is alive) and I don't teach it, the only other options are Max and his "sister".
  18. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Of course, m'dear. With the mushroom, I know what and how. Still, I wouldn't do it now. Back then, I was too young to care.
  19. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Lol, you're sweet.As for RP practice, I don't really like to be a part of an experiment. Very irresponsible.
  20. In a week, I'm going to see Nan Huai-Chin. If anyone has any questions for him, ask now.
  21. I really like this anime adaptation of the comic Episode 1
  22. It's nothing wrong with asking money for services, including spiritual services/teachings. My teacher didn't ask for money, people donated money to him. I won't either for teachings or healing. But still, if someone complains about an $80 fee for a potentially good method, then I don't know what to say.... Maybe choose a teaching that doesn't charge any money.
  23. Dragon or Reptiling shapeshifters

    Of course, it is.
  24. Only Stillness Meditation anyone?

    The 2 masters I know Nan Huai-Chin and Hyunoong Sunim both are also masters in moving arts- Taiji and Sun-do respectivly. So here you have it.