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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Yes, Taomeow gave good translation.
  2. Powering down

    Oh, that's why Patrick Brown is missing....
  3. I see a virus being released killing millions. So far they are testing it and the reactions to it all over the world. Probably an advanced version of a flu virus. Get a gallon of colloidal silver from and get an ozone generator so you can ozonate water, air, or yourself any time you need to.
  4. is reserving jing even necessary?

    Show me a happy couple. Period.
  5. Here, the aliens are going to start fixing all our problems for free on the 14th of October... P8c0ppYYT6o See other videos on the right as well...
  6. is reserving jing even necessary?

    You and Taomeow are my 2 favorite cats, hehe
  7. Edgar Casey also predicted the flooding, fires, and the end of civilization that suppose to happen in the 80's-90's. Nothing happened. And he was very successful with other predictions, but not this one. Human consciousness can change any supposed event. Don't discount it yet.
  8. You know what is going to happen? Nothing.
  9. at

    Well, if you like the ninja-kitty, you will like the ninja-doggy... bEwtlLXG5IU
  10. at

    Darkness... Is it something like this? muLIPWjks_M
  11. I'll be running toward the wave screaming: "Finally! I won't have to wake up at 6am, take a cold shower and meditate till I have to go to work with my insane boss." Thank you for sharing, Artform
  12. up coming event

    I'm planning my clients will be listening to me Did we sidetracked this thread? Oh-oh...
  13. It was good to see you, brother. I like your signature as well.Wonder how hard are we going to scream seeing a 1,000 foot tsunami blocking the sun before it hits Manhattan... lol
  14. up coming event

    Thank you Harry for your answer. I can definitely relate to you not having enough time. It took me a few years of struggling to extend the practice time from 1 hour/day to 4+ hours/day at the expanse of sacrificing personal life, entertainment, hobbies, etc. One thing is for sure - you won't find freedom if you work for someone else. Or I like what a really cool taobum Qui-Dao said: "What's the point if you train hard, but then go to work for someone and give your power away. It's absurd and impossible to be free and to have a master (boss) telling you what to do all day long". So my new goal is now to be free from my present job...
  15. Maybe we are already dead and just think we are alive? Death is not a bad thing - meet it with a smile on your face and maybe it will be too horrified of you and go away. As for disasters, are you talking about a possibility of an inexperienced woman or a racist black man becoming the president?
  16. Immortality and Youth techniques

    I can see the Iron Body effect and good health as a result. I've been doing Bone Marrow washing for over 20 years, wire hitter for 8 years, and silica supplement for about 5 years. I imported 5 gallons of G5 from Spain and still have a half left. I talked to the guy who created G5 for a while. He got really impressive results healing people from all kind of bone/joint problems. Got upset a lot of heads from the medical industry in Germany, Spain, and France.
  17. Immortality and Youth techniques

    I learned it from my teacher in Russia 20 years ago but now do only the first posture for about 5-10 minutes a day to maintain the effect of the practice. When you start the practice, you get to 30 min-1 hour practice time, which is pretty intence, and develops Iron Body.
  18. Immortality and Youth techniques

    Thank you for the tip, Froggie. I use G5 Organic Silica.
  19. Immortality and Youth techniques

    Hi Froggie (nice name), It's bone marrow washing, using wire hitter and supplements of organic silica.
  20. up coming event

    Hi Harry, care to share why?
  21. jewel for neck

    Anything with Black Tourmaline.
  22. Spontaneous Adjustment Qi Kung seminar

    Max called her "spiritual sister" and also mentioned they talked on the phone and she told him to stop playing with energies and come back to the real mind cultivation. I don't remember the exact wording though. He was gigling when he was talking about her and the whole energy was very loving.
  23. Immortality and Youth techniques

    Now I'm focused on regenerating the bones. You regenerate the fat in the bones so they are full of blood and soft again, and you are half there. Then the idea of Time. The idea of aging. The energetic force that causes the aging. The billions of people in this world support those ideas and create the aging reality. To step out of it- no TV, news, magazines. That's probably the beginning step. Then comes transforming your mind. You know and you are sure you're going to age. What if you were absolutely sure you weren't going to age. Not just believe and faith, but with all your being, like knowing there is gravity (which is another subject). What could change then? If your body is a just a vibration of energies at certain frequencies( if you believe it), then what are the possibilities to increase them through various means or to shape them any way you want. Rainbow body, shape-shifting, bio-location, etc? I believe we make out own limits... the mind is our prison. Your being says you can't, and you are right. But again, simple visualization exercises or affirmations are very limited. Or is clinging to the body a choice worth pursuing? Another prison?