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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Chi Power Plus

    I hope we finish this topic/website once and for all and it will not come up for at least a year.... Read their disclaimer on money back... it's too funny.
  2. Semen Retention Help

    Hi Tiger, Use one finger (not 3) to press the "The Million Dollar Point", an Acupressure Point called the Jen-Mo. It is located halfway between the anus & balls, and is meant to be pressed before you reach the "point of no return". It's a switch that will diminish the desire to come and you press it just for a second like a push button. It is not meant to be used as a block to stop semen from coming out of your penis. If you do what Chia recommends, most of the semen will be going into your bladder, not in you testicles. You don't want to piss it all away, do you? What Chia wrote in the sex book about this method is simple ignorance that will eventually be a cause of all kind of sexual problems if you follow his advice.
  3. NYC Tao Bum get together on the 13TH?

    Guys, we need to choose a place that has some meat and fish as not everyone here is eating "veggies only". I'm pretty sure there many places that can offer variety of vegetarian and "other" dishes. The Dumpling house have a delicious vegetarian dumplings and other good stuff. Just an example.
  4. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    You are sweet Taomeow. Please continue...
  5. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    The changed that post on forum so it seems like it is him.
  6. Fruitarianism

    If you want to live on live fruit, you have to eat a LOT of it, or you always be hungry and eventually give up. Even monkeys eat some greens, eggs, ants, shit and whatever they can get their hands on. Sprouted nuts and seeds for protein plus some raw organic eggs, raw butter and raw goat milk. That will keep you full for a while. Try research the primal diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. Pietro is on it. Ask him.
  7. Greatest story ever denied

    See here about Mars: About the Russian documentary: About the infra-red filter used on Mars photos, that eventually makes everything reddish including blue colors:
  8. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    Daoian, what is your connection to Wan Qi? -------------------------- From this forum... <h3 class="first">shhh. no more talking. just internalize. meditate.</h3> by mantra on Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:59 pm you have now recieved many levels of enlightenment. some secrets only went to a few people. but all together, you have the answer to a great many mysteries. dont try to reach me. "you'll be banned!" connect direct to the source... stop talking. just meditate. If you really must talk, use and send private messages to each other. Contact me at and my Youtube: -------------------------------------
  9. Greatest story ever denied

    Nice. I've seen a Russian documentary about the Moon and the coverup of what is going on there by both Russians ans Americans. From all the stuff they are trying to hide, I think Mars is the biggest with the trees, water and man-made structures. Every picture you see of Mars coming from NASA has a color filter superimposed so you see it orangy-red looking. The real pictures are earth-colored.

    All major bookmarks on one page:
  11. Help with Maths ?

    Stigweard, you're welcome. Stalker, welcome to Taobums. About time you migrated here from HT forum. Take it easy on Russian news though.
  12. Help with Maths ?

    x = y*(1-a+ab) 0.38196601 = a 0.61803399 = b x=y*(1 - 0.38196601 + 0.38196601 * 0.61803399) x=y*(0.61803399 + 0.38196601 * 0.61803399) x=3 y=3 / (0.61803399 * 1.38196601) y=3 / 0.854101967 y=3.51246118 Something like that
  13. Never mind, Cam, lets move it to PM.
  14. It's all good but I wasn't talking about the specific practice or a teacher, but the tendency of people to jump from one thing to another. Some say: "one hour of my practice is worth 100 years of any other" or "It will definitely get you enlightened in this lifetime" or "our meditation is the most advanced and oldest tradition". They forget to say, it doesn't really matter. It's destiny/karma if the student goes far enough. A simple sitting practice would be enough for the "right" person, or for the "wrong" person, a really really really fast path will stretch for a few hundred lifetimes. You can easily make a diamond out of a rough diamond stone, but no matter how skilled the cutter is they can polish a piece of quartz all day long, and it's still just a piece a quartz. So, to me, it's not the practice, it's the student that makes the practice a living thing and carries on the tradition. Make the practice yours and it will live through you. And here we come to my original point: in order for one to grow, they need to practice. No practice, no growth. But most people get tired mentally of the same thing every day, they get bored and disillusioned. And they move on. So I'm not saying Kunlun is the best, or Vipassana, or Kundalini KAP. I'm saying if one goes to study with Santiago, or Max, or Jesus, it would be nice for them to practice what he teaches for at least a few years to realize the full effect of the tradition. How else would they know if it works for them or not?
  15. I said it before... we need to cultivate the mind so it's content and tranquil. Until then, we will be jumping from one practice to the next, from one teacher to the next. Kunlun, KAP, what's next? Stick to ONE method. Otherwise, it's like opening a door of a house, standing at the entrance, and exclaiming how great living in that house is. Then, someone opens another door and you, like a bug to the light, can't wait to get in. Only to get stuck in the doorway, again. I hate to say this in Santiago's thread, for he is a really nice guy. If you study with him, have faith in the teacher and the practice. And cutivate you mind, or it will cultivate you
  16. Taoist Salt

    Tao salt is not bamboo salt.
  17. The dangers of celibacy

    If you don't cultivate, it can lead to all type of physical/mental problems. Pick up some basic meditation from Daniel Ingram's book or from Bill Bodri's website and start practicing. Learn self-massage and testicle massage and do them every day.

    Use Detoxamin (more effective then chelation) to pull the chemicals from your body.
  19. hair regrowth

    Mal, do you still do 5T or you stopped? How many times a day with how many repetitions? Do you follow sexual retention? 6th rite? Too many questions?
  20. Wang Liping in Denmark

    That was loooooong time ago. So long that I don't remember the joke.
  21. Ok, I found a better resolution gravity map. Java gravity map India gravity map
  22. scary stuff

    New german movie 911 False Flag