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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Lin, I would never think you would do that. My post is not directed at anyone here, more like a reminder to be kind to other brothers and sisters. Metta.
  2. But, to post on the topic of WLP, it's probably just a miscommunication that will eventually get resolved. I'm not sure why so many people are happy about this situation. I guess it's because of the resentment toward David, so they think any pitfalls on his path is a good thing. If you feel this way, you should examine why your spiritual training doesn't bring you peace, harmony and compassion toward others. It's you who benefits the most.
  3. Another one of my favorites: "There is no spoon"
  4. Full moon water

    This is interesting... based on the video here the moon is growing but the growth is only spread on the earth side of the moon. The earth seems to feed the moon major chunk of the energy needed for growth. Something to learn every day.
  5. wtf kunlun god dmnit asjgsjhgfv

    I'd like to pay all my bills with hugs.
  6. the right path? masters?

    Don't forget the free Daniel Ingram's e-book on how to meditate:
  7. scary stuff

    lol, this is too funny... Sometimes I wonder about people that come up with ideas to cover up the events of 9/11... Just too funny
  8. Honey

    If you can, get Manuka Honey
  9. the right path? masters?

    Vipassana Meditation
  10. mantak chia retreat

    Me too. Let me know if you find it. I'm planning to make some sort of a place like this in the future.
  11. Tracing back Lineages

    My father's lineage came from that first "thing" that realized it can crawl out of the water and breath without killing itself. It sunbathed untill it saw a seaweed goo nearby. It humped the goo (which was my mom's side) before it went back to the ocean. True story. Thus, the first dual-cultivation practice was born.....
  12. What is the Dao? Lightness Skill

    Running on water or trees?
  13. There are little miracles that we encounter in our daily life that inspire us to be a better, kinder human beings. They touch our hearts because you can feel the grace and love the spirit plays through those little moments when it happens. The anomalies that can not be explained but are a reality. Thing that shouldn't be happening but are in front of our eyes. I will start... nSOaLH8vxYw Edited for better video quality...
  14. Full moon water

    Yes. Better then any coffee in the morning. Nourishing, energizing, etc. To qualify the sun energy as yang is like saying a Ferrari is a simple car. To me, sun energy is much more then that. Wow, we had the same childhood. In addition to that, every summer I would spend 3 months in silence alone playing with Nature. I would give anything to live through that again. At the time, it was weird. I wanted to watch TV. But my grandma didn't have any TV or radio in the house, and her house was 3 miles away from any other village. What will it do to the beneficial bacteria in your stomach and intestine? I'm very interested. if you don't want to share it in public, there is always PM.
  15. Full moon water

    I made a post on my blog on how to energize water... the sun would be a better choice.
  16. scary stuff

    The official story of what happened on 9/11 is a conspiracy theory. Just ask the supposed "dead" highjackers. Or contact the FBI why there is nothing said about 9/11 on "Osama's wanted poster". I mean Silverstein is a real genius to convert his asbestos ridden "loosing money" investment into $4.6 billion in only six months of owning it. And those stupid firefighters are just conspiracy nuts that don't know what they are talking about. It normally takes months to prepare military deployment overseas but we must be really good in what we are doing, right? And BBC probably knew something we didn't when they were talking about a WTC 7 building collapse. ltP2t9nq9fI So many "coincedences"... Lets ignore all of them and wish well to our loving Government for caring so much about our well being.
  17. is reserving jing even necessary?

    If they could replace congenital Jing, they would probably live a very, very, very long time. Eating raw milk, almonds, honey or even ghee would not replace the type of energy that your mother, father and "the Holy spirit"/emptiness gave a couple of cells that were first "you" in the moment of your conception. So if anyone wants to make a baby with a very interesting future, try having sex during the Summer solstice close to the top of an active volcano. Is enlightenment real? We don't really want to start an argument on this
  18. Why Taoism is different

    Why would you listen to the angry spirits anyway? It's them that have the problem...
  19. is reserving jing even necessary?

    Interesting... There are a lot of claims from many practices or products. It takes many years of actual immersion into a practice to realize what it has to offer/its potential. I can't comment on bagua but I don't think ghee would replenish congenital jing. Ojas, maybe. But those two are not the same.
  20. is reserving jing even necessary?

    Every year we have the same topic and the same arguments. So I just repeat myself from the last year. The acquired Jing splits into Yin (semen,blood, saliva) and Yang (hormones). This is the stuff that you need to protect at all cost if you want to be serious about spiritual cultivation. I'm not talking about just sexual activities either. Your thoughts, speech, food you eat, stuff you watch... they all can affect your acquired Jing and deplete it. The congenital Jing comes from your parents, emptiness, God etc. From the minute you are conceived in your mother's womb, it's there and after you are born it's in the kidney area. Through sexual and other activities you gradually deplete it, and there is no way to replenish congenital Jing by doing cultivation practices or obstinence. So... if you just want to enjoy life and be happy, having sex in moderation is perfectly fine. If you want to reach high stages of cultivation, it's not. Celebacy is effective only when you put real time in meditation and other practices. If you think sitting on a cushion an hour a day while thinking about the wonders of free porn on the internet is cultivation, it's not. You have to put some time into practice and devote your mind to it, and then celibacy is easy- no wet dreams, sexual desires, etc. But... there is a lot of good advice from people... Just be realistic what you want to accomplish in life and go for it. There is a saying: "Everybody wants to go to Heaven but nobody wants to die". It permiates this culture on every level. Something for nothing. Only in movies.
  21. Kunlun, seitai, seiki, osho, Keeney, zi fa gong?

    I learned a similar method long time ago, although the difference in teaching it is quiet profound. First, a student has to establish a strong foundation in meditation and basic chikung practices to build the energy to a certain level, so the energy of the higher practices won't "fry" the nervous system and energy pathways. After a year of basics, you learn this particular chikung practice where you sit with your hills raised and arms/hands in certain position similar to "kunlun". The only thing different is half of the time your hands on a higher level (a certain hand over the other), then you move hands to the lower level (hands/arms switched). There is also a ration breathing you do before each half, and you have to do 1 hour meditation right after. There is a transmission but it's for the system, not for this particular practice. A teacher monitors the progress constantly and there are times when it's too much for a student and the practices should be stopped. Normally it happens if a student cuts on his/her meditation time. But... eventually this practice and other chikung practices are stopped after they served the purpose of opening what they are supposed to open and clearing what they are supposed to clear. You move on. I hope this helped.