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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Universal Love

  2. Excellent post. Just like all the others coming from you.
  3. What are your delusions?

    That I needed "THE ULTIMATE SECRET" method to be successful on a spiritual path. If only I could find it....
  4. Book recommendation

    Ian, you are too kind.
  5. Why Taoism is different

    OMG, the pages ascended!!! RIP, little pages, RIP... btw, I fixed the links...
  6. Why Taoism is different

    "The best blood is of the moon, monthly..." Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law. The beneficial effects of the hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness. Perhaps it is fitting then that this hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a mysterious little item long believed by mystics to be the "Seat of the Soul," "Me Third Eye," and the organ through which psychic powers are exercised. In fact, it actually functions as an organ of sight in some reptiles, and it still seems to possess some sensitivity to light in higher mammals, since melatonin production increases when the person is exposed to darkness (thus melatonin means "night worker!") Writes Laurence Gardner: High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness - a state simply of 'knowing.' In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set. Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces: the live melatonin. Rumor has it that the members of the supersecret society Skull & Bones, to which both George Bush and his son belong, engage in a ceremony called "The Obscene Rite," which involves the consumption of the live pineal gland of a human or animal sacrifice in order to get the fresh secretions. Supplements bought over the counter are ineffective because, as Gardner explains, "their inherent secretions are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which only exist in live human glandular manufacture." Aryan bloodline is alien to this planet... There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock all of them have a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the shape changer reptiles. But the Aryan overlords who ruled over mankind in ancient days had a simpler way of acquiring this fluid. Their ancestor-gods, the Anunnaki, had endocrine systems that produced large amounts of this and other beneficial substances, so they drank it straight from the source: the menstrual blood and vaginal fluids of the goddesses themselves. This they referred to lovingly as "Starfire" and drank in a ritual ceremony called the Black Mass, after which the Catholic Mass is said to have been modeled. Later, as direct contact with the Anunnaki ceased, the fluids were collected from sacred priestesses referred to as "Scarlet Women," or "Grail Maidens." Readers will recognize the Scarlet Woman as the Whore of Revelations, as well as the title which Aleister Crowley gave to all of his sex magick partners. "These sacred, royal princesses" writes de Vere, "virgins of High Birth and Pure Blood, at an optimum age would be chosen to act as feeding females," whose essences contained such valuable substances as, "oxytocin, prolactin, melatonin, seratonin, adenosyne triphosphate, dopamine, telomerase, and retinol." There is another important ingredient in the mix here. De Vere explains, "many think that only men have semen when in fact women also have it." And so a Starfire ritual involves the use of a golden straw. Stich a device would have been inserted into the virgin's urethra to the depth of about one inch, whilst the partner in the rite inserted his or her finger into the vagina and massaged the "roof of the mouth" or uppermost wall of the canal nearest the open or 'mouth' of the vagina, behind the pubic bone. After a few conducive moments perhaps, orgasm would occur and the fluid from the gland would discharge itself through the straw, either into the waiting mouth of the recipient, or onto a "grail platter" or dish held next to the vulva. Keen readers will recognize this as identical to a sex magick ritual advocated by Aleister Crowley for members of his Order or Oriental Templars (OTO). The only difference is that his rite also involved the use of male semen which was called the "Red Tincture" or "coagulated blood," while the female fluids were called "Gluten" or "The White Tincture." Together they made "The Elixir of Life," and in alchemy blood and semen are the primae materia or first matter of the great work. *"this is the true Key to Magick," writes Crowley. "That is, by the right use of this secret man may impose his Will on Nature herself." Monatomic Gold: the substitute According to de Vere and others, ingesting the fluids of mundane women has only a slight effect, certainly not enough to maintain a royal Dragon family in the manner to which they're accustomed. And after a few thousand years the genetic purity of their Grail maidens began to deteriorate, so the Starfire lost it's potency. This reportedly began around 1960 BC and is equated with the time that an edict was handed down to Noah by God demanding that the consumption of all blood cease immediately. (Gen. 9:4) Thus, a substitute had to be found, and so the alchemical process was created as a means of artificially creating the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, also known as "potable gold." This is created using a black powder known as occultum, the universal solvent which has the power to transmute metals. When placed against gold it converted it into a white powder which could be ingested. It is said to cause nothing less than immortality, as it sets off a self-correcting mechanism in your DNA that lasts for thousands of years. It also bestows the enhanced melatonin production and magical powers associated with Startfire, including clairvoyance, dimension-hopping and flying capabilities. It is believed that this "white gold" is the same as the "Shew-bread" and "Manna from Heaven" mentioned in the Old Testament.
  7. Q-Link -ahead of its time or scam

    Old technology and actually works. The problem I see with items they sell commonly on Ebay/websites is that they are not very effective because the ingredients are not fine enough. They look good and all but the power is minimal. The most powerful orgonite you can make yourself: mix the equal parts of fine powdered crystal quartz and powdered silver/copper dust. The finer the powder, the better. Now add resin to set the mixture in any form you like. Or use 24kt gold, platinum and silver powders together if you can afford it. That's where the real magic comes in. More on this here:
  8. Q-Link -ahead of its time or scam

    If you cultivate for some time, detecting energy on things would be non-issue. Or energy coming from words, text, pictures, etc. Q-Link produces a frequency I'm not very interested to have close to my body. Very techno, heartless, alien. If you want to cultivate/open your heart, it will prevent you from doing so.
  9. Why Taoism is different

    That's why we are being male so we don't have to get it.
  10. Wang Liping in Denmark

    You forgot Vipassana (10 days, 20 days, 30 days, 60 days): A donation (whatever you can give) plus travel to the retreat (all the rest is covered)
  11. Taoist Salt

    Thanks a lot Daoian and welcome to the forum.
  12. K?

    One thing I'm doing right now is looking for a very old tree, hopefully 300+ years old. I know in New Jersey there is a National park with old trees like that, but it wouldn't be practical for me to travel from NYC to train with it every day. Old trees are such great teachers, just like you said.
  13. K?

    Yes, the wonderful Russian conditioning to scare people away from something expanding your consciousness. Just like you, I was conditioned to be afraid of a white-doted red caps with stories of people eating it by accident and dying within hours. When I turned 18, I got this little magazine I was subscribing to, and there I learned a lot about Siberian shamans and how they used the mushrooms in their Vision quests. So my friend and I went out to a forest and got a few dozens and dried them. I ate one- nothing. Later, two- nothing special. So I decided to go on my own vision quest and took a train to my grandmother's house. 10 minutes before the train stopped at the train station I was supposed to get off, I swallowed 5 mushrooms. Got off the train- all dark at about 8pm in October. No lights, just the dark sky and a little bit of opening in the wood tops to see there supposed to be the road. I found the road alright- it takes about 45 minutes to walk from the station to the house. About halfway I realized something is going on in my head because everything I looked at was coming with comments on it. I didn't notice it first but later realized it wasn't my internal dialogue. I was more concerned with going through the forest without meeting some of the critters. Got to the house. Feel really heavy and went straight to bed. Visions of things. I looked at the wall and saw the house I was in , then went deep into the wood to the atomic and subatomic level. It's a little disturbing to be one of the molecule dancing around. It's even more disturbing if it continues for more then an hour. Got nauseous. Went to through up but nothing came out. The voices told me if I want to through up, I need to drink water. They also told me it's too late to reverse the process because it got absorbed in to the bloodstream. Got a bucket and went to the well outside. The voices were commenting on stuff but I don't remember what it was. I say "voices" but it was more like a chorus of young girls saying the same thing at the same time. Drunk some water and went back to bed. More visions. Got nauseous again. While vomiting the voice(s) told me how much more I had to go through and even showed me a diagram. That was kind of funny. Went to the out-house. For those who don't know, it's something like this: On the way there, I noticed the trees and everything else living was covered in some luminescent paint. It's not paint, the voice(s) said, it's their energy. Had to move some bushes out of my way and the minute I touched them, the plant started talking to me. Something about it's nice I'm here. A single woman's voice. Got to the outhouse. Again, the diagram popped out about how much of the fecal matter is in my colon with the voice explaining it. I'm not kidding you. Vomited again. Felt so tired. The rest of the night spent in some weird dream world. Woke up at 9am. Couldn't eat anything, couldn't think anything for the rest of the day. Went back to the train, got home and threw the rest of the mushrooms away. A few days later, I told my spiritual teacher about my experiences and he laughed so hard about it. I told him that he is from Vladivostok (Sibiria) so he should have known where i'm coming from. He said if he wasn't friends with my mother, he would say I was coming from a horse's ass and then he laughed and made me do standing meditation for an hour. That was the only experience I had with mushrooms. Psylocibine cubensis would be a better choice for this type of experience, but again, you normally are not ready for it if you have to induce it by using foreign substances.
  14. K?

    As always, nice posts Taomeow. I have the book you mentioned. I also have a couple that go into details on use and doses - from time when I was really interested in the hallucinogenic plants. In Russia, we have Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric, that grows in any forest from August to October. I even ate 5 of them at once. Officially, I should be dead. Unofficially, talking plants and voices explaining things and what is going on, visions, etc. Lots of vomiting from poison. All alone at night, in a house surrounded by forest- good stuff. Never did it again. Now, there is no need.
  15. Although, the shitty financial system will collapse long before 2012. *sharpening his tanto*
  16. For me, it's clear: My credit card limit will reach $100,000
  17. I posted the video for the experiments with crystals/sand, water and electricity/light, that creates living organisms/DNA out of nothing. Amazingly, it was turned into 2012 debate.
  18. Ok, I guess I have to clear this up. Bill doesn't claim Nan is "the best" nor Nan claims he is "the most enlightened". If you told him that, he would probably laugh very hard and change the subject. Bill Bodri is a good guy but people take stuff out of the whole picture and so it may look like he against something. One must understand that when he talks about "a waste of time" he talks about getting to stages of dhyana and enlightenment. Without meditation, it's impossible. Master Nan was a regional champion in taiji for many years when he was in his 20's. I even have a very old video of him doing a form. He also knows Daoist Alchemy including the real Daoist tantra. The fact is, most of the evolved Zen masters I've met were the masters of some moving art - taiji, sando, etc. Master Nan doesn't say you have to get into full lotus although it's a very good posture for meditation. I never heard from Bill on this subject. Vipassana people don't care about it either.
  20. Drug Induced Enlightenment?

    I always enjoy reading your posts, brother. Your energy walks the talk.
  21. Mass Awakening 2008

    Take the url from Youtube, for example: Copy the code from the url after = , in this case: wasYNNfnfVE Put it in between tags [youtube] and [/youtube] You get [youtube]wasYNNfnfVE[/youtube] You get wasYNNfnfVE Nice music, Patrick.
  22. Mass Awakening 2008

    Yes, simply awesome. LrwMJaf9JX0