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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Mass Awakening 2008

    Love it! Unbelievable artist and lyrics... olWeUuIOQGQ
  2. NASA confirms water on mars And don't forget the trees:
  3. Actually, people/friends that help Max conduct the seminars are very nice and good-hearted. The only problem I see is they might feel they need to "sell" what Max has to offer or no one would be interested. To me, Max is a very kind, compassionate human being with a type of energy very rare to find. No need for tricks here.
  4. Max should drop the packaging but for some reason I think he plays very little part in its creation.
  5. Harmonix Healing

    This is pretty cool: tbCZO6rPcY8
  6. Q-Link -ahead of its time or scam

    I have a Takyon pendant I bought many years ago. I don't wear it but have it in front of my computer screen. There is definitely something to it and the guys it's coming from are more scientists then marketers. Very smart. I don't know if Q link is useful but it's made out of orgonite, a copper coil and a circuit board with a resistor. See the link for more details:
  7. Nepalese "Buddha Boy"

    Nice post, Patrick. Check out this youtube channel:
  8. Violently ill when falling in love?

    Another mistake man make is they follow a common ritual in this society to sleep right next to their women. Night time is perfect to deal with unresolved personal issues, Dream yoga, recharging... but it's all almost impossible if there is another human being right next to you. You inadvertently tap into their energy and become entangled in their issues on many levels. Got to sleep by yourself even if you do the rest of the things together.
  9. Looking to invest in some books

    SFJane was Bipolar and used meditation to overcome it.... You can contact her through here or youtube link:
  10. Yes, and they already are working on the new capital of the world.
  11. Violently ill when falling in love?

    If you look at it energetically, your energy body opens up at the solar plexus area so the energetic cords between you and your loved one become attached. Sex (sexual energy) will cement the connection even more. The most common feeling is the butterflies in your stomach because that energetic exchange begins to take place. Same goes for babies connecting to parents, only the connection is more "one way" street- from a parent to a child, which eventually produce an energy hole that is very hard to repair. Most likely in your case, you tend to be more vulnerable and open when it come to "love" cords, which produces the same effects like being hit in the gut. Finally, after 2 people break up, the cords rip out of the solar plexus, exposing the hole. You can't sleep, eat or be functional well enough, because all your energy will be directed to repair the damage. The time to heal depends on how close you were to the person, how long you were together, your energy level, etc.. Now, for most people the solar plexus connection is what seems to happen. I would say the heart connection is on a higher level but it's hard to find people that are capable of doing that.
  12. Z-health

    Neural Warm up is level 1. Good practice and probably all you need.
  13. Wisdom teeth

    Wow, I didn't know they pulled wisdom teeth out in military (right in the training camp). I guess since you join the military, you don't need your wisdom anymore- someone will make all the decisions for you. If we had "free-will' teeth, they would probably go too.
  14. How To Embed Video 101

    Take the url from Youtube, for example: Copy the code from the url after = , in this case: L-XiiGoAFbw Put it in between tags [youtube] and [/youtube] You get [youtube]L-XiiGoAFbw[/youtube] L-XiiGoAFbw
  15. Fertilizing the Pineal Gland

    I guess I forgot to put up the link... How to master Kechari Mudra technique
  16. Hi and welcome back No, I learned it a very long time ago in my home country but i can't exactly say if it was from the method or from meditation in general. I also noticed, the effect is also after regular meditation where about 75% of the penis draws in as well. A lot of times, the balls and penis would be pulled up about 50% into the body during the day even if I don't practice. Still practicing Chen style?
  17. Full-lotus fallacy

    Yeah, but the pics from the first link were much "better".
  18. Iron Crotch

    Yes, 0:13-0:16 part is the best and I will figure out how to put in on my cell phone as an animated background. As for the testicles drawing back in, I started having it spontaneously after certain meditation practices. Basically the balls are pulled to the left and right side of your penis.
  19. Full-lotus fallacy

    I should probably repost a cemetery meditation Buddha taught to some of his students. *looking for pictures of decomposed bodies in various stages on his hard drive*
  20. Here are some. Not from a guy Santiago talks about but just as good.
  21. I know a bone marrow washing practice that has similar principles as isometrics. Only you flex from 30 min to an hour, continuously. Clears bones, blood, rejuvenates teeth, brain, etc, assuming you pass possible clearing stages of blood coming out of your orifices and other exciting things. Ohhh, and you can take a baseball bat in the ribs after 1 month of doing this.
  22. raw milk article

    I would buy it. Also: Human Breast Milk Cheese Made in France Placenta 10000 jelly drink is FOSHU for beauty
  23. It should be instant... no waiting period.
  24. raw milk article

    Good stuff. I would say that raw goat milk is closer to human milk then cow's.
  25. mantak chia?

    If I was talking like Drew, my teacher would beat me with a stick. And rightly so.