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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Sports medicine Doctor

    What type of problem?
  2. blue orbs

    Mantis, Is the light in your bathroom on and then you turn it off? Try and sit in your dark bathroom for 5 minutes before you walk out to the kitchen and see if you still see the orbs.
  3. Just upload the sound to your phone and set it to play for the timer. I use for sounds. Use search function and have to register (free) to download.
  4. I am back

    Welcome back bro.
  5. hypermiling

    Related to cars.. check this out: Your Tires May Be A Ticking Time Bomb
  6. Well, here is a reason why we won't find what really is going on any time soon. Law Bars Talk Of Cell Phone Dangers
  7. joining the us military

    Getting into military now will be the dumbest decision you will even make. Read this article to start with: Veteran Suicides - 18 Every Day, 1,000 Monthly Attempts If you count Depleted Uranium poisoning, post traumatic stress, miserly pay and killing other human beings, the answer should be clear. Also read some articles from this website to understand what exactly you are protecting.
  8. Diabetes Treatments

    Add this to your diet: Milagro de la Selva. I've heard it works.
  9. ///

    Well, I would say the opening should come as a culmination of your meditation practices along with wisdom that will help you dealing with experiences. For practical way to open the third eye, I would recommend Vipassana meditation 10 day retreat. When passing through your body and observing the sensations, stop for a moment and feel the pineal gland. Eventually it will light up like a Christmas tree and you will actually fell its energy. It will start producing the essence that flows down your tongue and other things will happen. Build the foundation first. It may seem like not the shortest rout but it is. Thousands of mental patients/spiritual cultivators can prove me right. As for possession and related topics, the thing I love about Europe is their cemeteries. Go to a 500+ year old graveyard at night and you will be shitting your pants in no time. I wonder why TV shows bother with haunted houses and just go for the real thing... Only happens in Europe though. American cemeteries in general are too new to build the energy like that.
  10. ///

    About 2 hours is enough.
  11. Bill Bodri released new interviews between Nan Huai-Chin and Peter Senge: Good stuff...
  12. The Anapana and Chi Conversations

    Some parts... ----- ----- Maybe more later...
  13. So How does One Get Started?

    The best free book I know that explains really well how to meditate is from Daniel Ingram. Get it here. No BS - just what you need.
  15. Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking'
  16. Tell me the difference...

    I think I got it from you. Saladfingers, you say? What other treasure are you hiding from me?
  17. Tell me the difference...

    I know because the Brain Fuckler told me so.
  18. If I haven't mastered myself, how can I expect to master life?
  19. Bye Bye & Wish you all the best

    You are a very nice guy. Metta.
  20. ,

    Healthy lifestyle triggers genetic changes: study
  21. Same here, minkus. I use a microphone or a speakerphone when I talk on my cellphone or a house phone. I have a device "CellSensor" that work as both cell phone/EMF detection meter., so I know approximately how far the radiation is from the cellphone, TV, a regular phone, etc. Also, a bluetooth microphone is better then talking straight to the cellphone.
  22. An article with some background information:
  23. how long to retain?

    If you try Chia's stuff, try
  24. John Changs 1st Westerner student
  25. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    Cam, you don't really need it. Relax and just be. Need no one to see or to learn from. You have enough info to practice for many lifetimes. Go to the basics and the mind will become content with simple things. Breathing, walking, sitting...