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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Mer Ka Ba

    Short answer: No. Long answer would take too much time to explain. I just say the technique is fine but I wasn't interested in all the other "spiritualized" BS that came along with it.
  2. Is it Gong Fu or Dou Fu?

    New Thai movie "Chocolate": OGjUyu9c8Ng
  3. Mer Ka Ba

    I took Flower of Life workshop in 2000. Then a few workshops with Gary Smith at and became a teacher. At teacher level they tought activating up to 12 geometrical spheres beyound star tetrahedron. Think Platonic solids and up. The organization moved to the different direction, as far as i know. Max
  4. Aikido or BJJ

    Frank Shamrock vs Cung Le Fight Video (part 1 of 2) Frank Shamrock vs Cung Le Fight Video (part 2 of 2)<h1></h1>
  5. Seminar in Chicago...

    It was last weekend. I hear very positive things about what happened.
  6. Best TV shows ever

    Sean, damn it, now I have to check "Lost" out... Another couple of good shows: Farscape, Burn Notice. As for the greatest show ever, I'm thinking Dexter. Anime would be "Bleach".
  7. Best TV shows ever

    "Bleach", "Naruto", "Dexter"
  8. ,

    Interesting.. Add some apricot seeds/B-17 to your diet, or apple, grape, orange, grapfuit seeds. Any bitter seeds will have it. Have to chew them well, though. What kind of mushrooms you're taking? Has to be a hot water extract if you want to get something from it. Read more here. I would recommend any products from but Immune Builder is my favorite. has the best prices from my research.
  9. Dalai Lama - Compassion, the Source of Happiness Video The Dalai Lama visited Madison, WI May 2nd through the 4th of 2007. He offered teachings at the Alliant Energy Center. On the afternoon of May 4th, He offered this talk at the University of Wisconsin Kohl Center. You will have to download the video to see the whole thing. The bast way to do it is to download the Veoh player fro here Then click Download Video
  10. Interesting article, thanks. It was his quote in one of the papers with a picture of him sitting with G.W. Bush. I remember telling my friend at work about it and she said it was very strange coming from him. There is a small possibility the newspaper made it up.
  11. Ron Paul

    Hillary Clinton Was Fired For Lies, Unethical Behavior
  12. I didn't say I agree or disagree with this article. You draw your own conclusions about what is the truth. I stopped paying attention to what Dalai Lama is saying from the moment he said he fully supports the invasion of Afganistan but is against the invasion of Iraq. It happened at the meeting he had with G.W.Bush.
  13. Ron Paul

    Obama - same shit, different smell.
  14. The Dark Side?

    Why is this the dark side? A good article with most of the information I've seen already from the main news sources: Or you can search on google for fungus Ug99 and get informed.
  15. Full-Lotus

    Drew, did you read "Healing Codes for Biological Apocalypse" by Leonard G. Horowitz? Here is a review of this book.
  16. Full-Lotus

    Ian is giving a smart advice. This is not a competition. The wise man knows when to go slow to build a stable foundation. Stretch your hip area. Love your knees.
  17. Full-Lotus

    There is a smart way to get to full lotus and not so. Most of the people go through pain and force full lotus and possibly cause damage to the knees. From what I've learned so far, the full lotus should come with the stretch from the hip, not the knee. Here is a couple of yoga postures that help to improve frexibility needed for lotus posture: This one is from Plato gdG8dD8XufQ Aqhoi6OrmOE 6i0d78nx2DY zgHdmardYfc The first part of the the exercise: nZ9Dr6DW1zM
  18. Fertilizing the Pineal Gland

    I have some old files on kechari from the old Want me to post them?
  19. Full lotus

    Thanks everyone for their advice on full lotus. I normally meditate in half-lotus for as long as I want but all of a sudden have this inner pull to do FL. This thread is such a great help. *bows*
  20. Happy Birthday Sean

    Happy, happy, joy, joy...
  21. Ni Hua-Ching / Nan Huai-Ching

    Here are 3 best choices of books from Master Nan Huai-Chin: To Realize Enlightenment: Practice of the Cultivation Path Working Toward Enlightenment: The Cultivation of Practice Diamond Sutra Explained