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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Bill Bodri

    Master Nan Huai Jin (Nan Huai-Chin)
  2. Bill Bodri

    He is a nice guy and has a high level of cultivation. That's why most of his info is almost free but extremely effective on what it can deliver.
  3. I hope he asked for some money, so now he can afford a stove.
  4. Nice posts... I just say i practice meditation every day for many hours and normally those who are interested ask how/why. If you are relaxed, smiling, and simply sharing the info without a personal interest to convert anyone, they will feel that and will be more willing to try. Even Christians would do that if you give them a method based on one-pointed concentration/mindfullness related to their faith.
  5. Off Topic: Mint Linux 4.0 IS AMAZING!

    Same problem here. I would go full Linux if I didn't have all the graphics/music programs that run on Windows. My Windows set up is pretty good with Threatfire, Antivir, a software firewall and a router, so haven't had any problems in ages.
  6. Asking who I am is a bullshit

    It's normal for people to perceive simple methods of cultivation as mediocre or inferior. Another example would be to simply sit quietly and follow the breath. Too simple for most, even though many people reached high stages of Samadhi with this practice.
  7. Orgasm from "dancing Palm"

    maybe this will help you:
  8. Nah, can't relate to that post in any way. But the energy thing is still true. Max
  9. Ah, it's the same old...

    All this talk about enlightenment..... Who likes apples?
  10. And again, this post was made in 2003. But due to it coming out right now, maybe "something' is trying to tell me something.
  11. white skeleton meditation

    Yes, you are correct. I forgot to mention after you go over your every bone, you keep the picture of your whole skeleton as the point of concentration. The main point of this practice is not this visualization but the ending where you get dissolved. Thanks for correcting me.
  12. Hi Harry, Clementine got married and finished college. Temptations are still there but the reaction to them is not. The sensations are still there, but the clinging to them is gone. They diminished over the years and the remaining part is on the background playing its role. Living from moment to moment is very interesting, as it feels like there is not "you" per se, yet your life experiences are richer then ever before. Old things were there and gone now. New things are here and will be gone tomorrow. It feels like living in a cave yet connected to everything and everyone, and all it takes is to open your eyes for the cave to become the whole universe. But you keep your eyes closed, because it's more fun this way . Max
  13. Yes, David, i noticed that too. People come and talk to you like you've known them for years.
  14. white skeleton meditation

    You basically visualize bones within your body one after another and then dissolve them until nothing of you remains and you go into stillness meditation. Don't rememeber the origin of this practice. Max
  15. I went through reading/watching Ideagasms a few years back. A few things were interesting but his interpretation of man-woman relationships is New Age-ish to me. Very simplistic and doesn't go deep into "How" and "Why". He is a good guy though.
  16. Yes, you are absolutely right... The post is from more then 3 years ago.
  17. I have this book. It's ok and has some interesting practices like 9 bottle wind breathing. Doesn't have Skeleton Meditation. If you have to buy, spend $97 for his bigger book "How to Measure and Deepen Your Spiritual Realization" as it goes very deep into practices from many traditions.
  18. You had to dig this post out, didn't you? It's too easy these days as most of men are drained through too much sex/masturbation or playing video games. When you save and refine your sexual energy to higher states, people will notice and will want be around you. Not just girls but people in general. I call it a "natural PUA" as it comes from within.
  19. Kunlun Nei Gung and DNA mutation

    Bodri and Nan are right and Kunlun practice doesn't negate what they are saying.
  20. What is a computer virus?

    I wold reffer them to human-viruses as they are viruses in a human form. As for actual software that can do that, I've been to many "black hat" forums and never heard of anything like that. The main purpose of this type of software is generate links from the forum to other sites for spidering/better ranking in the search engines. If you don't see links, 99% chance it's not a robot. Max
  21. government's trying to fuck you

    When I hear "Conspiracy Theory", I see everything coming out of the White House.
  22. Is it Gong Fu or Dou Fu?

    A bunch of Kung Fu movies:
  23. Peter Callesen's art

    Pretty cool paper art....
  24. Taking a brake from TaoBums

    Take care, friend. Check out Daniel M. Ingram's book, if you haven't already (thanks Ian, Sean). It's like everything I've ever considered worthy, practical and useful for fast spiritual progress put in one place. Smile
  25. Is it Gong Fu or Dou Fu?

    A new movie "The Forbidden Kingdom" looks good.... xZfGZzFkWwQ