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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    Jane, maybe the method you are using is useless, that's all. Like I know the method how to develop the skill to project your energy and burn people at the distance (similar to the skill David Verdesi's teacher displayed to his students). The method to develop is not even close to what you theoretically would imagine. But why would you waist 2-3 years of your life? Kumar is right. I remember Nan Huai-Chin was talking about a hermit in the mountains of China who could shoot an energy ball out of his palms. So young Master Nan went to the mountains to learn the method so he can shoot the enemy airplanes out of the sky (WW2 was going on). After the convincing demonstration from the hermit, Nan asked how long it took him to develop it. "30 years", hermit replied. Not long after, Nan left and never came back. Plus an 1,000,000, 000 lbs Karmazilla will overshadow 800 lbs gorilla every time. Just like with cultivation, it's never about the techniques. Or should we go back to the basic truth?... h_uUIaqV8-c
  2. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    I donno. Maybe this will help?
  3. Kiai Master - Defeated.

    A better view: 7jf3Gc2a0_8
  4. Moving back to Atlanta

    That's really cool.
  5. Hurrah for the man

    Jane, I think your videos rock. Especially, the one where you are talking about doing neidan for two weeks straight. Can't find it in your profile though.
  6. Totally Cool Website

    One of the best preventive and cheap therapies I found to date. I just have to write some stuff on tooth care as not too many people know.
  7. Taoist Salt

    You can buy Korean salt here.
  8. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    I have the same theory. Any slow movement with one pointed concentration on it will do. Doesn't have to be taiji. A good excercise is walking in a circle taking one slow step lasting every 15 seconds. Max
  9. Hurrah for the man

    They should man up and drink some of the Powerthirst... t-3qncy5Qfk
  10. Hurrah for the man

    Well guess what? So did I. At least you know you can put a gas mask on in 6 seconds with your eyes closed.
  11. Taoist Salt

    Here is more info... but I never used it myself: ----------------------------------- At Tao Garden we use this salt for all cooking. In Korea today, Divine Herbalist Insan Kim (1909-1992) is respected and worshipped as foremost Taoist Healer who attained the highest enlightenment in the world history. Not only did he introduce numerous marked herbal remedies, he also perfected the alchemy of transforming sea salt into the most powerful substance for many chronic conditions. According to his profound application of 'Five Elements', Water (sea-salt) contained in Wood (bamboo) sealed by Earth (red mountain clay) is confined within Metal (iron furnace) to be transformed into "Insan Jukyom (bamboo salt)" by yang Fire created by the yin Wood (pine resin). When the metal of water (solid state salt) turns into water of water (liquid state salt) at the end of the ninth repeated alchemical process, ordinary sea-salt is suddenly transformed into "Pure Gold" for human health. The pure Water element obtained is as same as re-creation of "Gahm Lo (planetary water spirit)' which is always sought after by Taoists to attain immortality. In this century of pollutants, one should re-experience how Insan Jukyom (bamboo salt) can contribute to health without any common salt harms and sodium troubles by polluted sea-salt and chemical salt. While Insan Jukyom is completely pollution-free, it naturally brings out variety of essential minerals. The human body consists mostly of water, which is protected and maintained by salt. It has been noted that such pure alkaline salt contributes to detoxification of human body instead of contamination. At Insan Company, the faithful family members, disciples and apprentices of the late master confidently and proudly continue the tradition of painstaking procedure up to every detail to provide mankind with a health choice in the current and future global situation. Made in Korea by Insan Health Food Co., Ltd. ------------------------- Ancient cultures like those in India, China, and Native America have closely guarded their holistic health secrets for thousands of years. These are simple natural solutions for balancing the body and detoxifying you from the diseases and virus that harm you. You may have heard of these techniques as either Ayurvedic Sciences, or Ayurveda, or Herbology, or as Taoist Alchemy. But which of the ancient formulaes for health are the most guarded and valued for it's longevity and healing power? The most guarded and esteemed ancient healing-longevity secret is Alchemist-Taoist Tao Salt. Salt is cited as "life-saving," in every single ancient religious tradition. And this is the precise salt mentioned. The simple benefit of this salt is that it's ability to permeate your cells is 8-10 greater due to it's biofilic nature and it's tiny molecular size. So most any viral or toxic invader of you cells are rapidly displaced and evicted from your body by this Tao Salt. The Alchemy comes into play in the way the salt is produced. In ancient taoist theory, the earth has five categories of energies. Then, there are eight "bagwa" facets of each energy. Appropriately, in the Jewish Kaballah, the number 40 is the number of completion. Noah's flood lasted 40 days. Jesus meditated for 40 days. Isaac was married at 40 years of age. Moses returned to Egypt after 40 years. This Taoist Tao Salt was made using this process of five elements and 8 burnings plus one. For more details see the video above. ================== Tao Salt has been used for centuries throughout all of the Orient as an alchemical medicinal substance for treatment and prevention of disease. It's legendary healing abilities range from healing of gastric ulcers to preventing tooth loss. Secluded in the vast forests high in the mountainous areas of Asia, secret sects of holy men, healers and scholars (including renown Taoists: Confucius and Lao Tzu) practiced the arts of medical numerology and elemental alchemy. As the universe functions on mathematical formulas and cycles, so do all living things. One of the greatest treasures was Tao Immortality Salt. Thru an intensely arduous process, tiny quantities of Tao Salt were made and used for healing. The secrets of preparation have been handed down thru the centuries and guarded by each master. - Call Master Jason Campbell with questions, CALL 623-537-9443. You can find more info here:
  12. Hurrah for the man

    Taomeo, did you come from one of the former Soviet republics?
  13. Taoist Salt

    It's a fancy name for more common name of "bamboo salt". They name it "bamboo salt" because it is made by burning sea salt 9 times in a high temperature 1,000-1,500 Celsius in the bamboo to eliminate the harmful components in the sea salt.
  14. .

    Yes, Keith is the nicest guy. My thanks for everything, if I didn't say it already.
  15. Any Linux users out there?

    Also, i've used Mepis and it's pretty good as well.
  16. Totally Cool Website

    Nice comment David. I wrote a post that is actually inspired by what you said. Ozonated oil pulling.
  17. Totally Cool Website

    Wow, thanks Sean. That's an excellent find. Another 2 products related to it: Nattokinase and Wobenzym I used and recommend both. Max
  18. Hurrah for the man

    Hurray for me!!! *Pats himself on the back*
  19. Any Linux users out there?

    Get Ubuntu. Very easy to use.
  20. Taobums and change

    Yeah, i had the same experience. I don't watch football and only watched the last 15 minutes of this game, but I felt just like you- like a kid, when they scored the last TD.
  21. Totally Cool Website

    Cool stuff. Post it here or email and I will explore it further. It's great that you saw Liping. Probably an amazing experience. I actually have a lot of little improvements to existing health practices that will basically extend human life span. All focused on body purification and maintenance. I just need to finish up with some stuff first and start posting again. Max
  22. Drunken Panda Jiu-Jitsu

    Yeah, I just finished watching it. Brock had no strategy and was very careless.
  23. Drunken Panda Jiu-Jitsu

    You mean the Antonio Nogueira vs Tim Sylvia fight? Free Fights Videos
  24. Taobums and change

    Ahhhh, the fleeting victory disappeared like sand between the fingers. The impermanence has shown its ugly head . New York is celebrating. Go, Giants!!!!
  25. Totally Cool Website

    Thanks Sean I haven't updated it in years as I'm working on another project at the moment. Although as things move along I will be posting something health wise to help cultivation. Like that special water we talked about. Later, Max