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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Drunken Panda Jiu-Jitsu

    A lot of cute stuff like this here: Like this: KxFFTaKuoSw
  2. You have 3 options: -you are drawn to it, pay the money and dedicate all your free time to training. -you are not drawn to it and you move on with your life. -you are drawn to it but have no money, so you get a part time job to earn the extra cost because you have dedicated your life to a Daoist path and are serious about it. Complaining how expensive the teachings are is like going to a Ferrari dealership and crying about how you can't afford a fancy sports car. It's very common for spiritual seekers to think that somehow because it's about spiritual cultivation, they are entitled to teachings for free or a very low cost. There are good options available for poor seekers. Zen, Vipassana, Kunlun are excellent practices and they don't cost much. Take care, Max
  3. OBE's Who here has had one?

    C'mon, Kitty Cat! There're many. But the most memorable one is the one I had when I decided to visit Nan Huai-Chin but instead of flying to China, I quickly left the Earth and went through some kind of a tunnel for about 5 minutes. You have to understand one thing. When you are out of your body, your mind is your steering wheel. You have a one pointed concentration on the target or you will never get there, especially if it takes you too long to travel. So after 5 minutes, I realized I should stop and look around as it was obvious Master Nan was way too far. There was an interesting community of humanoid beings, only very skinny and their features were very beautiful and refined. They were communicating using mind and creating reality using special vocal tones sang out loud. A lady was guiding me and showing me things and she saw me being interested in creating reality. So she took me to this training room where you train and refine your skills on creating things. You basically sing and your voice is the molding hands that mold the energy of bluish-purplish colors into shapes. Then they gradually become solid and real. I didn't have much success with creating stuff but a woman guide said it's very good for the first time. Then I had to go and she said I can come back any time. I never did so far. As the topic of time travel, it's never intentional and always instant. Like, I roll out of my body and pass through the window of my room, and bam! - I'm in the "past" or not even on the planet. It happens to me about 70% of the time. You pass through some kind of door or the gateway and there is something else on the other side.You know how many times I thought I would go to the "future" and get the Lottery numbers? Fortunately, it doesn't work this way and thankfully I matured from being that stupid. Max
  4. Qi transmission Video

    It normally only works on close students. Personally, I don't see the need for that type of demonstration, for it will give people wrong ideas or wrong hopes. It will also attracts a lot of flaky students that won't follow through. Serious cultivators will see through demonstrations like this and their first question will be : Why bother? Only very few will "see" the connection of two people, and most will assume things that are not there. M.
  5. OBE's Who here has had one?

    I had lots. Not intentionally but as a result of my training. Most exciting were the once where I got to travel to other worlds. Second on the list is time travel but all of the trips were in the "past".
  6. Ufc 63

    I like when the commentator said:"This is the best BJ we've seen in a long time" Matt Hughes vs BJ Penn Not to start an argument, but the thumb in the eye during the first round should be a realistic example how a controlled fight with rules is not the proof a certain MA is better then the others.
  7. ananda bosman and vortexijah?

    Yes, very interesting and yes, Chia learned dark room stuff from Ananda. His method of Merkaba is very different from Drunvalo's Goden Flower or Gary Smith's But he is gone and nowhere to be found.
  8. Qi transmission Video

    When I was at Vipassana retreat, one of the blanket I used to sleep on had poison ivy on it, so by the end of the second day I was covered in poison ivy blisters. I didn't take any medicine- just meditation 11 hours a day observing the sensations in the body. By the end of day 7, all the symptoms of P.I. were gone. Sure, it was an interesting experience...
  9. Is KunLun Bogus?

    I'm Max but not the one you're talking about. Buddy, I don't see the separation between Buddhism/Taoism/Suffism/etc at the highest level, so I would say all roads will eventually lead to Boston. To me personally, there are principles and steps one follows to cultivate their spirit. The methods could be different but the foundation behind them is tha same. Take care, Max
  10. Ufc 63

    Hi 8trigrammer, Welcome to the taobums. Scott put out a lot of good information. Also some stuff that is pretty useless or unnecessary or unrealistic. Like just searching for videos on youtube you can find this: EjwkTzgf8zc Stuff like this is a fantasy. Here is what normally happens when someone knows how to use a knife: ibGyGG3X4PI He should train with Shocknife and you will see how all the fancy BS moves will go away. If you search "Scott Sonnon" on this forum you will find a history of "why" Take care, max
  11. clubbells

    Nice one, thanks. I use a simple dumbbell like the one below with no plates on one side.
  12. USA and ancient Athens

    I seems the history we know of and learn in schools is mostly a fantasy.
  13. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Hi Buddy, It's true that we have to cultivate our mind so we don't run back and forth for the latest "Practice of the Month". Although I consider Kunlun method a great practice for many, one has to understand the principles and the foundation of any spiritual practices so they are not sidetracked into dead-end. To me personally, any practice has a great potential, if practiced diligently and with pure heart. If one doesn't possess enough merit and wisdom to see the path, even the greatest method is a simple waist of time. Take care, Max (nyc)
  14. In case you have them since the last update, i downloaded the latest beta Firefox 3 and WOW... that pages load like they are supposed to.
  15. Tao Bums conspirators

    I know it's hard especially when names like Bush, Giuliani, Cheney, Clinton, etc come into play... Also doctors that knowingly pass poisons as medicine. Or bankers with a license to print money and ruin this country. The list is big. Nonetheless, we make it. It's really hard to let it go- all we need is to watch the news and some shyt is always there to piss us off. Like the recent law being passed to ban possession of any chemical/radiation detection device unless you get a permit from the local government in NYC. Their excuse is too many calls reporting high chemical/radiation levels and most of them are "false". I was passing by WTC grounds with Plato and another friend and we were talking how "nothing" has been built after almost 7 years. Meanwhile the security is very tight in that area and there are special equipment brought in to work underground. Nothing to do with the building the foundation, though. Our theory is it is going to be a portal in a way of a stargate, like in "Stargate" from the TV show. Concidering, the 3,000 souls were sacrifised to open it, and they are building the new building right in between. They also approved a new memorial to be finished by 2011 that has nothing to do with what happened to victims of 9/11. I mean why would they build a memorial to a sacrificial cattle. Yes... a lot of things the mind wants to dwell on. qUvSqY3po24
  16. Tao Bums Forum - Growth and development

    I'm sure he is in excellent shape. The forum is fine the way it is. Eventually the old fads will pass and the new fads will appear. Spirituality is not different from other worldly "shiny things" we see while life is passing by. Our minds live on this stuff.
  17. Tao Bums conspirators

    Lets be nice to each other. We shouldn't judge someone because they want to share their personal view. Everyone deserves compassion and kindness.
  18. bio disc

    Interesting sales presentation:
  19. "Sunshine" (the movie)

    I like it as well for all the special effects. If I have to follow the story or imagine how realistically things would happen, then I would say "crap". Nonetheless, i would still watch it a second time.
  20. Favorite Meaningful Song Lyrics

    Well... umba_LZ6q1k zuECcqgwrvo RLhyB4zuNvQ nffs94s13ig
  21. How about that UFO over Texas?

    Could be Government experiments or from the Hollow Earth.... Inside the Hollow Earth Part 1: uIRdDA_EDfM More links to other parts:;search=Search
  22. Thunderbolt of the Gods

    Here is more... i posted one of them already: This guy is half-insane but genius nontheless: He is his friend, just as insane:
  23. Max Christensen, 1966, Red Guard China?

    Did someone posted this video already? Kaziranga National Park - Tiger Attack: 1LjG7S8aqJg
  24. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Hi SJ, There is a nice video that mwight posted a few months ago called THUNDERBOLTS OF THE GODS. A new view of the old thing. Take care, M. Edit: also read: The Science of Oneness This is from archived website... the original website is gone.
  25. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    True. Peter has a testimonial on this Furey's page (scroll down). Furey learned internet marketing from this guy -Ken McCarthy. One of the best and virtuous marketing guys I know. I don't really want to change the subject but every time someone talks about Furey I think about what he did with Karl Gotch and his information. No virtue, no decency... You will look at the stuff he is selling last couple of years and you will see why.