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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Magnetic Qigong & Peter Ragnar

    I have N48 magnets: 2 pc - 1" balls 2 pc - 1.5" x 1/8" round discs 2 pc - 2" x 1/4" round discs Maybe spent $50 total for them (ebay). Interesting to experiment. The biggest ones will bring a lot of heat the body if you stand on them for longer then 5 minutes. Personally, I think you don't need big magnets to get the benefit - just make sure the North points to your body when you stand on them or if you hold them. Also, be careful when holding strong magnets - you can hurt yourself when they are too close to each other and get attached together. Try to combine it with vibrating devices like Soloflex to enhance the experience. I bought just the vibration attachment and put it under a small wooden table I found in a dumpster with the legs half cut off. M.
  2. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Cam is a good hearted guy and so are you. The arguments sometimes turns up to be a little personal but that could be because spiritual cultivation for some of us is life...
  3. Is KunLun Bogus?

    No Cam, it's more like watching this video : 1tdXnUMmY1Y
  4. Is KunLun Bogus?

    It's obvious there is a miscommunication here. Claims like "most powerful teachings and techniques for spiritual development ever taught on Earth" or "one hour of this practice equals 100 years of any other practice" are very bold. Thus, we will always have people come here and question them. Any practitioner who has a little bit of wisdom will laugh at the whole thing because they know it doesn't work this way. Every internal method of cultivation will eventually fall into a foundation of principles that are the same when you do them the proper way. Then you have to take into the account person's destiny, karma and type of spiritual practice that is more suitable for them to be successful. Buddha said once that there are 10,000 afflictions and 10,000 methods to overcome them. Kunlun method is a good practice and a lot of people will benefit from it. It's obviously not for everyone and a lot of people will quit practicing kunlun (just like any other practice) and move on to something else. We have to see for ourselves if we are drawn to it. It maybe well worth it, just like for many, many people. But we can't delude ourselves into thinking we can cut corners in spiritual cultivation without building the foundation first. Try building a house without a foundation and will see what happen overtime. What is the foundation? Pure mind cultivated through stillness meditation, virtuous way of life of being kind and meritorious to any sentient being, and therefore, accumulated wisdom so your are clear on what path to take. As I stated before, practicing 3 levels of Kunlun will eventually set up the conditions where you can naturally shift into mind cultivation effortlessly. This is a big thing, for most people can't go into stillness meditation straight on without any preparations. But like with any other practices that does that, we have to put time in it and practice every day. Will it bring enlightenment? It's an impossible question to answer. Those who can see The Mt. Everest of karma will laugh at it. I would say it's all up to you but, then, can you see the Whitewater River of destiny is dragging you somewhere else? Can you overcome the pull? If you said Yes, you may also believe you can take a shower under Niagara Falls. It's not so simple, and that's why Masters of all traditions talk about merit all the time. It's not just about the practice. It's about the way of life. M.
  5. Cutting away all BS

    Well... the conversation about David Shen, his masters and what they have to offer made me realize what I believe is important at the present for me. I'm kind of sick of sensationalizm, "spiritualized" entertainment or any method that supposed to be "better", "faster" or "the origin of all things". I realized my mind searches for "more" while all the tools are right there and just need to be implemented daily. I realized I need to spend more time on training, and also read Diamond sutra and Complete Enlightment sutra to keep me focused. So until I reach a personal goal of 5 hours of training with 3 of them being Vipassana, I'm not coming back here. Love you all, Max
  6. Hitting Devices, Methods (?)

    A bundle of Bamboo chopsticks They are not heavy enough to vibrate the bone but good for massage.
  7. Hitting Devices, Methods (?)

    I have an old Chia's wire hitter and a new bamboo version he sells on his site. I can't practice hitting for a long time (meaning every day) as it realeases a lot of energy from the bones and makes meditations almost impossible to do. At least in my case. I like the "healing broom" and maybe will order it and see if I like it. These days, I like to do a self-massage (using hands) after a mediatation, covering every part of the body.
  8. Cutting away all BS

    Interesting... The taobums turned into a kunlun support forum. One of the major obstacles people face is they don't practice enough. If a certain practice can inspire them to spend more time on their spiritual cultivation, that's a very good thing. It is, however, necessary to cultivate our mind as the main part, for you will end up jumping from one "practice of the month" to the next. Consistency is very important in our growth. And so is being kind to others and their feelings. Everything else will fall into its own rightful place. We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Follow the footsteps of the masters who valued doing meritorious deeds and practicing meditation and discipline, and you will succeed. No doubts. But still, for a modern man, amazingly it's almost an impossible path. M.
  9. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    I prefer Vipassana. All donation based and very clear about what the practice is and what to expect.
  10. Plato sent me a link to this guy's videos on youtube. Some crazy/smart/interesting stuff...
  11. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Sure we do. On methods. Not on the core or the foundation. And I usualy stop myself short of comparing other paths to "WalMart of spirituality"... lol. ok, ok, maybe Healing Dao organization a few times. But who hasn't made a stupid mistake even once? Like tatooing your girlfriend's name? Women get pretty disturbed by my 'Martha Forever' and 'Missy Till I Die' tattoos whenever I remove my pants. Well, by those and the fact that I just took my pants off on the bus.
  13. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    There are a lot of good points from both Sean and Adam. Personally I'm closer to what Adam says for many reasons and not because of money. We can not fit everyone on the same path but as Adam pointed out, all traditions point at the same type of methods of training and at the end, a teacher, destiny, karma, merit and amount of personal dedication will all play their role in person's spiritual progress. There are way too many variables to say what type of training could be the most beneficial for a certain person at that point in their life. A master with wisdom can see it. Or one has to listen patiently to their inner calling and intuition. Most usually look for siddhis and over time recognize the signs of spiritual development not related to siddhis. Compassion for all sentient beings is a very good sign. Wisdom of dealing with the mundane world is another good sign that is not based on what is "right" and "wrong" but what is appropriate based on all circumstances and karmic influences without any reliance on the intellectual mind. I'm not trying to say any spiritual school is inferior/superior. Every individual is unique and some are well suited for one method and not the other. And eventually the methods are discarded. What is left? Another Hua-Tou?
  14. Your views about DAN TIAN!

    Yes, it's true: the truth is very simple. Still, to realize that truth on experiential level is very hard.
  15. the elixir in a bottle?

    I have some stories to tell about eatting those 20 years ago. Not worth it though.
  16. Kunlun Seminars

    In case anyone missed, this original post explains more.
  17. Thousand-Hand Guanyin
  18. An Observation

    When we think we know something, it could be a problem.
  19. Coming to NY in Jan-Feb (already passed)

    Interesting. I would be interested to come and meet everyone although I can't really see myself doing mantra study. I would rather meditate 12 hours straight. Max
  20. History of KunLun?

    I do: here
  21. Kalydoscopic imagery when meditating

    Energy moving through your head. It also could be that your Microcosmic Orbit opening up. And when I say that, I don't mean the stuff Healing Tao promotes. I mean the real opening of MO, with nectar dripping down and other real physical changes corresponding to it.
  22. These days I eat a little bit of meat/fish a few days a week. With all the training, my body needs it.
  23. Chocolate bunny!!!! mmmm
  24. Top 5 best names for Tao

    Ok, I have to revise it now: 1. My penis 2. Cam's penis
  25. Top 5 best names for Tao

    1. My penis