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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Mixing Practices

    Don't worry. You can't shake off Cam that easy... Actually, comparing to the fights we used to have on this and other forums years ago, your posts would qualify for "Love, Light and Bunnies" award ...
  2. Mixing Practices

    One thing for sure, Sifu Max and what he and his friends are about has nothing to do with money-making business. And believe me, I can smell a rat when I see one. He is a good man with good friends helping him share the knowledge. It's up to you to see its worth, or to move on. M
  3. Mixing Practices

    He teaches some parts of it if you attend his workshops.
  4. Moments like this...

    ...can open your heart. Got from a friend's e-mail: She is pregnant, he had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire. When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest. A photographer from the Charlotte , North Carolina newspaper, noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman. He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do. As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.
  5. Mixing Practices

    Smiling and 20 minutes of bringing energy down is the most important part of Kunlun. MO practice is a small part and I suspect was taken out of a complete Daoist system. I'm not found of "guiding energy with your mind" practices these days. Max (Not THAT Max so stop PM's)
  6. Guns/Weapons etc

    There are many views on this- even from spiritual standpoint there are pros and cons. I would get a permit if it was easier in NYC, but this government created so many steps, it would take so much time, I'm just lazy. To kill someone who aims at your life? Why not? If you don't, think of how many people they will do after they slice your throat? And what karma is better? Killing them or allowing them to kill you and others later on? Just look at it as if the universe is sending the "trash" in your capable hands to take care of... It's not that I don't treasure life of any beings. It's all depends on the situation...
  7. How about not visiting this website at all for a month? That would be a good bet...
  8. So, it's been over 2 months now practicing Kunlun Level 1. Most of the days it's 1 hour in the morning and one hour in the evening, but some days more and some days less, all based on how I feel about it. It's probably too much and I wouldn't recommend doing it 2 hours/day to anyone unless they are doing other meditation practices for long periods of time. And by doing it, I really mean "doing it", not thinking about it or "well, every minute of my life is practice" crap. I had my thoughts against starting yet another practice. My friend Alex was all excited about it because he is a long time fan of Max. To me at the time, I wanted to focus on one practice and the claims like "One hour of Kunlun is like doing any other spiritual practice for 100 years" were just too much to take it seriously. Then I had 2 dream experiences with Max and his teacher and that convinced me to try it and see what happens. After all, who needs to sleep when you can sit in a chair and move like a retard in an epileptic seizure for an hour? I started moving right away with my legs bouncing and hands and body moving left and right. Sometimes it was too violent and I had to keep saying "slow down" to calm myself. Over weeks the movements became more harmonized and sometimes mixed with periods of stillness. There were many experiences and a few times "things" came to observe. So what do I think so far? The way I observe Kunlun Level 1 works is basically like an excavator- the energy generated through the posture moves through your physical body and "unearths" anything on its way. When I say anything I mean anything- "past" experiences, feelings and emotions are all game and it's up to you to deal with it. It is a very good advice not to practice too much at the beginning and see how you can handle it. Then you can increase the practice according to how much you can take. In a way, Kunlun reminds me of Vipassana. In Vipassana it's more controlled as you go around your body with your mind eye focusing on different body parts and observing the sensations. As you become more sensitive, the sensations reveal the energies connected to them and you can relive the moments of this and other lives connected to those energies. To explain more what I mean... Time is a man made thing. It doesn't exist. All the lifetimes and all the experiences charged with emotions and feelings are connected to the energy fragments that create "you" right now. If you look with the clear mind, you can see that every moment of this life and other lives are all here. They are everlastingly present and alive. Some are strongly charged with emotions and those are connected to the energies making "you". There is much more to it and I can talk more about it in details, but don't want to get off the topic. As you go deeper in meditation, you experience the sensation and the energy connected with it and may "see" and relive moments from your life you forgot all about. As you relive them, the emotional energy gets released/freed and so is the influence of the event. Your destiny may change, your karmic influences may ease up and eventually be gone. How is it all related to Kunlun? Well, Kunlun effects are similar but it can open up more then you can face. And that's why I truly believe there maybe something to it when they say "1 day of this is like 100 years of others". Of course, don't take it literally but you should understand the thought behind it. My advice you should start really slow and progress gradually so you know you can handle it in a safe manner. For most people it shouldn't be a problem. I believe other levels of Kunlun will address the subtle deeper energies that weren't affected by level 1. Like peeling the onion. Is it worth doing? Like I said before it will "gently move you to emptiness meditation in a natural way". To me, it's worth the price of gold because most people are unable to do that. Their bodies, minds and energy is like a garbage dump in a middle of a highway to Mexico. Need a lot of internal work to be done. Kunlun addresses this in an easy way anyone can implement. The question is: Can you take it all in and deal with it when it's pouring out of you? lol M.
  9. Interesting... Kunlun is a spontaneous practice- the more you let go, the faster the progress. It could be renamed "The practice of letting go". And the most important parts of it are smiling and relaxation. So if you think your "other" practices in any way contradict your ability to "let go", then maybe you should seriously take a look what your path is and where it's going. For me, before starting Kunlun, I practiced Soaring Crane Chi Gung (I learned from one of a founder's first students - in his late 70's now) and Rui Zen chi Kung. I desided to stop practicing them so I can see the effects of Kunlun without any help. I didn't come back to those practices since then, and believe me, they were to me like dear children. i don't know why I didn't. My friend is still practicing one of Chi Kungs and says Kunlun amplified the effects of it manyfold. Transmission is very important but if you are sincere and your heart is pure, you will get it through other means. Physical plane is just one of many means. Yes, Vipassana. One of the best practices out there, but also is very hard. Kunlung is easier for a regular guy or girl and will eventually prepare you for emptiness, just like Vipassana. The roads and methods are quiet different, but the destination is the same. At least I see it as such. M.
  10. So nice that someone can relate to my experiences. Of course these are just my personal observations and they are changing as I go deeper into things. I will will write more but later... so many things have to do.
  11. The reality of Max Christensen

    Amituofo. Somewhere a baby cow is crying....
  12. Kunlun Level 1

    So true. Lin is very wise.
  13. Hi Mal, I believe as long as you don't have practices that consciously move /control the energy (with your mind) you will be ok. What chi gungs are we talking about? M.
  14. Top 5 Boards

    Po.rn? Did someone said p.orn? Gimme!
  15. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Only if you change your blog name to " posts from me for the next week" Lol
  16. lost, confused and frustrated

    Hi Kathryn, These articles will help you understand a few basic things about meditation: max
  17. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Wow, I can feel your pain and certainly can relate to that. Sorry...
  18. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Can you say more on this? I believe he didn't recommend following his diet, as most people are not ready. But I have to agree that there is no excuse for eatting junk food. I would say you are correct it may be dangerous for most of the people attending. It would be better if it was taught after Kunlun Level 3. Nahhh, Max (chicken) was long there before Chris (the egg).
  19. Daoist immortality med practise

    You can go to this forum for more practical information:
  20. Kunlun Level 1

    Use your common sense: you put a strong electro-magnetic device to your brain that emits a powerful frequency.
  21. Kunlun and Demons

    i know you do. e6nDyeV0i6w
  22. I have a kitchen timer that beeps a short beep 10 minutes and 5 minutes before the time, then continuos beep. so I would set it for 1 h 10 minutes and when it beeps first i have a 10 minute window before I have to turn it off. Also the program 1Time is good. I get sounds from this site- and use this "bowl" sound.
  23. Kunlun and Demons

    There is no doubt Kunlun is a very powerful method that sends you straight into purification/clearing "mode" right from the start. I compare it to the situation where you desire to become a UFC fighter and instead of practice they just throw you in the real UFC octagon and tell you to fight. This is one of the reasons it is indeed a very fast method to progress IF you can balance the power generated with passive practices like Vipassana/ Zen meditation. So, this said, you will have various visual experiences including "beings" coming to observe you for different reasons. Don't cling to the experiences generated by your practices and you will go a long way. You are trying to let go- not to develop new attachments, no matter how spiritualized and "enlightened" they may look. Smile
  24. I would say Red Phoenix should be tought after level 3.