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Everything posted by Smile

  1. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Couldn't say it better myself. Glad you are here on this board.
  2. Top 5

    Lol, I told you so...
  3. Don't forget to watch the videos
  4. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    Some of it gets trapped, but most of it goes on. Same with people.
  5. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    That's right. Creatures can cultivate just like you Cam. Save the rabits!!!!
  6. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    They asked not to copy stuff from the forum. Why don't you join the forum yourself- you will find a lot of interesting info there.
  7. David Shen Verdesi Press Release

    The turtle followed the rabbit?
  8. healers

    Try Robert Peng Also chelation therapy to clean your body from chemicals in order. In addition, DetoxPads and Detoxamin. To take care of the parasites as a possible cause, a simple parasite zapper will do the trick. Read this article. But as Karen already said, don't chase after the symptoms. If one of your systems in your body fails, it's because it's the weakest. Doctors took the symptoms and named them into a disease. They also developed the chemical drugs to mask the symptoms until your health is completely ruined or the body recovers by itself. If you focus on the quality of your water and food (lots of green veggies and fruit) with additional purification methods above, you will be well on your way to recovery. max
  9. Lama Dorje

    Ok, I got it. Too bad you are not coming. "Aiai" expression is chinese, isn't it? My mandaring classes are slowly killing my will to live. Good thread.
  10. healers

    What kind of illness?
  11. What do you think of this?

    oh, Craig, you are always picking on me. Nontheless, I didn't post it specifically because of DMT but an article offered an interesting explanation between pineal gland and darkness. I've been always interested in experimenting with staying in total darkness for long periods of time, but other things always stay in the way. I'm thinking like at least 10 days, but going to tao Garden would be the last thing I will do, even if it was free. Anyone knows any other place in the US that has dark room retreats? Sifu Max used to have them, but I'm not sure if he offers them now. I have to write more on this stuff later. At work now.
  12. Kunlun Level 1

    With an exception of the begining, no visualization. No any type of mental control. Every meditation is new with different experiences, so if something doesn't happen, it's the way it supposed to be. I would also say the transmission is to help you "grow" faster, not to bond you in the "lineage cage". It's like a spark to start a camp fire.
  13. Kunlun Level 1

    Lots of shaking and twisting- arms, legs, torso, head. Lots of heat generated that at the end of 1 hour make your underwear soaked with sweat. Sometimes there is a feeling like you want to make sounds with your mouth and there are some sounds coming out related to animal sounds or to Healing Sounds, it only happened to me once when I practiced with a friend. It seems if you practice with someone, the effects are much greater, at least for me. Doesn't matter if the air conditioner is on- the heat is all the same, and eventually you would prefer having a freezing water shower just to cool things down a bit. The heat is not uncomfortable per say. This practice generates a lot of energy but again this type of energy doesn't make me feel too full or uncomfortable. It opened up the legs a bit so it feels now like walking on something soft, even if I walk on the concrete floor. It's been now over a month into this type of practice, and there are some weird feelings on the upper back area- kind of pleasurable. Also, many times, same feeling in the feet and the knees. This practice greatly improved my stillness meditation and an ability to sit cross legged for longer periods of time. Also, the flexibility in the legs improved, even though I haven't done anything targeting it. Also, I noticed the hunger is gone, and some days I eat once a day, mainly veggies and fruits. There is definitely something is going on with this method, and although I practiced before a similar method related to Soaring Crane chi kung, the effects of this practice are much more powerful. I would also recommend it to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their emptiness meditation. If you sincere enough and have the right heart/mind, the transmission from Sifu Max could happen in a dream. Actually, there are a couple of "dreams" with Max and his teacher that convinced me to come to the upcoming September workshop. I wasn't going to before. One of the main reasons I'm recommending this practice is because it helped me with my stillness meditation. that's all for now. Max
  14. Lama Dorje

    I believe your original concern was about his qualifications and how to verify them. As I said before, how much do you know about Max? Your personal views on this are well taken as well as mine. But those are just limited speculations. As for his video clip, who said it was a demonstration? (with an exception of the last part). Kunlun practice makes your body to do all sort of stuff and if he comes to you at that moment and start moving his own energy through you, wild things will happen. It is called empowerment while you are in the most receptive state. Nothing to do with impressing the "outsiders". I know at least 5 people who would be interested attending a workshop in NYC.
  15. Lama Dorje

    Rex, you are right, yet where would it get us if we wanted to study the methods he teaches without kissing someone's ass for 20 years? Sifu Max explains in his videos why he is going against the traditional way of secrecy and the ways it's supposed to be taught. If you ask him directly, he would probably give you the answer how it is. I believe he is a real lama, but does it matter to me if he is? Of course not. I don't really care about the titles, the costumes, the stories... All of it you can fake. You can't fake the energy that comes with all that. It is all a matter of trust. Portcraig and Mantra68 shared with us their experiences. If you think what they say is unbiased enough, then maybe it is worth to actually verify for yourself if in fact Sifu Max walks his talk. M.
  16. Female Lama Dorje student

    Huh? Did you say you just had a baby OR have a business that caters to newborn baby needs? Anyway, Welcome Golden Phoenix
  17. more gray hair research

    I thought some trace minerals help darken gray hair, like Indium for example. Keep taking those clay supplements, but colloidal form would be much better.
  18. Lama Dorje

    As Keith already mentioned, Sifu Max simply can't fake the refinement of energy. He either has it or not, and whatever he claims he is is secondary. But then, again, you have to have the "eyes" to see it. If you don't, other more intellectualized questions and comments will come into play. Not that they are bad and all.
  19. I know some of you are from Norway, but I haven't realized they hold so much pride for the fast food industry.
  20. Lama Dorje

    Sure you deserve it. I view this type of method as gentle preparation to guide you into a natural state of emptiness when the body is purified and all channels are open.
  21. meditation poll

    "Something else entirely" 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening (cut down on sleep). You will need it less anyway within a week. Morning is easier then evening, though.
  22. Lama Dorje Student

    No, it's not even close.
  23. Lama Dorje

    Before coming to many uninformed conclusions, maybe some should educate themselves on Sifu Max' training and views. There are videos available at . I recommend "Kong Jing Qigong" and "Sacred hand form meanings and mantras". These 2 have some interesting stories about his training here and in Tibet.
  24. Lama Dorje

    True. Like I said, it may or may not be. To me, I trust my gut feeling/inner eye/intuition. Plus what Sifu Max says I've heard from other traditions with a simular training like Kunlun. M.