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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Robert Bruce: Energy Work & OBE's

    More on Tactile imaging vs. visualization Weissbach The Quest in 2001 (First Interview) Robert Bruce Duration: 45 minutes (approx.) Discussion: Astral projection vs. OBE Robert's mind-split theory The Silver cord Relaxation: the most important prerequisite for OBE Tactile imaging vs. visualization The astral planes and the spirit world How to alleviate fears before and during OBE Countering psychic attack More interviews here: The part from his book "Astral Dynamics"on Tactile imaging: "At a very early stage, when I saw the many conflicts between New Age thought and various Eastern schools of thought over energetic manipulation and development, I decided to take a fresh hands-on approach with my investigations. My research and experimentation with the energy body over the years has yielded significant discoveries and a great deal of insight. Almost a decade ago, I decided to map out the energy body the hard way, using tactile imaging to feel my way through my own energy body. I literally picked my way through every inch, searching out the smaller energy centers. I probed and stimulated and felt how they worked, what they did, and how they fitted into the structure of the human bioenergetic body as a whole. I avoided researching existing works on this subject at the time, as I wanted to make a completely fresh and unbiased exploration of the human energy body. This work allowed me to unearth much of the underlying support structure of the energy body. This is not unknown today, if you research acupuncture, reflexology, t'ai chi, Qi-Gong, and other energy-related disciplines, mainly of Eastern origin. My fresh investigations, however, have given me a far more workable hands-on understanding of the energy body than would otherwise have been possible. "
  2. tooth regeneration

    I wrote more on tooth regeneration here: How to regrow or repair bad teeth naturally The portable ultrasonic devices used in beauty salons would work much better then Novasonic, I think. I have to write more on natural tooth care in a couple of days.... M
  3. Alison Stokke

    You need a girlfriend
  4. Another internal power demo

    I dunno. It suppose to do somethin'?
  5. UFC 71
  6. No, a specially modified version of a parasite Zapper. i believe a regular Zapper will work as well. I learned this method form my Siberian healing teacher long time ago. You use an unrefined sunflower oil. Karen, any ideas on natural methods to whiten teeth? I'm testing the long-tem effects of charcoal these days.
  7. Here is a good example how corrupt the whole "statistics" thing is. American Cancer Society and other official cancer organisations use only people who completed their full treatment regiment in their statistics. So, if they prescribed chemo and the person died midway the course of the treatment, he is not going to be included in the "dead" number.
  8. Some good info in the book and some BS... Try using oils like coconut and natural oil-based soap with no chamicals from your health food store to brush them. It's hard to recommend something proven to regrow teeth as it's in the experimental stage.
  9. I cured a person from HepC using energy healing, supplements raise the immune system and blood electrification. Blood test HepC negative. 2 blood tests a month before showed positive. Max
  10. Finding Time

    Great comment. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  11. Finding Time

    The reason you can't find time for meditation is because you don't want it bad enough and you think you will have time soon enough... some time in the future. You won't. To begin the training, you have to force yourself against all your feelings, desires, instincts and your DNA programming. Cut down on sleeping and things you can do without.
  12. pandora internet radio!

    Actually, we discussed this before, and you even participated in the thread...
  13. You never had a choice.

    After discussing all this, now what?
  14. You never had a choice.

    Here : He comes with his own too.
  15. You never had a choice.

    You never have a choice... but I do - I have Jesus.
  16. Thyroid Nodules

    Try big doses of B-17, cottage cheese with flax seed oil, coffee enemas every day, minimize meat, lots of greens, plus green supplements, fish oil.
  17. Maybe an hour and a half sitting with mind one-pointed.
  18. Hi Pat, I don't think we need anyone to cultivate successfully. To say it's the highest practice... maybe, maybe not, I don't know any real sexual spiritual method. I choose to be because relationship requires lots of time that I would rather dedicate to practice. Sexual energy is very binding and, unless your partner is evolved, will certainly slow you down on the path. I agree and I also believe spiritual methods help this process happen. All the masters of the past went through hard training. The recognition will come through it. Sure. Every individual has their own unique predisposition to certain paths and methods. Buddha is said to have given 84,000 instructions, which elaborate on all the afflictions and the means of overcoming them. Max
  19. Maybe you should try "Diamond Sutra explained" by Nan Huai-Chin?
  20. To me, it's not natural if you have to practice/visualize it. It's a method and, although it's may not be connected to the breath and seems not to be a forceful practice, I'm not sure about the long-term effects. All sexual practices Chia teaches are probably nit-picked from a larger system with appropriate level of attainment required. Is all this necessary? Not sure it is. For instance, if I meditate long enough, most of my penis naturally goes inside my body and balls draw in right to the sides of the shaft. To me, it's a natural process not caused by any specific sexual method. So, what exactly are the goals of retention? Saving energy so you have something to transform to more refined states? The more energy you have, the stronger and harder you can be, thus better satisfying your partner. For some this is a goal in itself, and it is perfectly fine. I suspect the original sexual cultivation methods were designed specifically for dual spiritual cultivation. But they would be so far beyond any beginner level almost no one would qualify to go through such a thing. M.
  21. Yeap. Women are attracted to you like flies to honey (no offence, ladies). It's very important at this point to do mind cultivation or you will have your mind running everywhere with lust, desires, etc.
  22. Actually I can see it happening, but it would take an awfully long time.
  23. A little on David and course costs

    Damn, you guys made me read all this shit...