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Everything posted by Smile

  1. A little on David and course costs

    C'mon, I know you want to share it Plus, that was before you got the skillz
  2. A little on David and course costs

    I don't believe in judging a cultivation method without studying and practicing it for sometime.
  3. Chinese language questions.

    I have a Pimsleur program plus 4 hours a week of private lessons with a teacher. I noticed that since we stated learning the characters my mandarin improved a lot. Edit: I went to that site and tested some of thier classes. Very well done.
  4. A little on David and course costs

    Is it about Karinna Kittles? Or Saida Desilets?
  5. I do. He is on the corner of 32nd and Broadway and produced such films as "Step on it and eat some kimchi" and "Step on it Part 2: Grandma doesn't see".
  6. A little on David and course costs

    I was practicing this meditation all day today and now have a foamy urine. What do I do? Seriously, I didn't realize how much you guys like drama and fighting. Vortex, you are cool - I really like your posts. But for the most of all, all of you guys are right with your descriptions of what the other people are. And that's why this thread have been so entertaining. I was trying get Plato to bring in a fresh breath of rudeness, but he was probably confused by someone trying to rape him when he "accidentally" droped a bar of soap in NY Sports Club, or his girfriend was giving him a blowjob in a local bar's bathroom and he still can't get over the fact he screamed "Brian!" in a moment of passion. Either way, thanks everyone. Except for Cameron. He is still gay.
  7. Xian (Immortal) and Daoism

    hi, Li Jiong, I hope you are doing great. Best wishes.
  8. A little on David and course costs

    If this is a private school info, Sean O. should deal with this.
  9. I don't know about all that, because it's all just speculations. Master Nan's wisdom is truely beyond human and shows great spiritual advancement. Nothing more from me on this. As for training, I always wanted to study with David, so we will see what comes out of it. I have a drive to take workshops with him and that means I need it. His energy is very refined and that along is a good reason to go.
  10. I dunno yet. I got to be approved first because of keeping company with hoodlums like yourself, etc.
  11. A little on David and course costs

    Michael, you are funny. But the cost thing of $546 for locals vs. $1,360 for Americans looks interesting.
  12. Cam, Not you, just the idea. I still love you man.
  13. I thought non-clinging was the heart of Buddha's teachings. But to come back to the topic of this thread, I believe (note: it's my personal view not directed at anyone): - the whole idea of paying for someone be sent as an observer to validate what David's students were sharing is low class. It shows disrespect for the path and what it has to offer and disrespect for the teacher. -making a documentary about the whole thing will not serve any purpose but will attract lots of half-assed students with wrong intentions. -In the old times every school had a method to separate students who actually have potential and want it really bad, and those who are not ready. Martial art schools, for instance, had really low stances and physically demanding forms for beginners that served the purpose of warding off those who lacked desire, strength of character and will, etc. I believe money is a very important factor here and shows that you're really committed to the teaching and willing to sacrifice your wealth and time, and also give the system a chance. And so, if one is not willing to pay in full for the teachings, it means they don't want it bad enough. "I would be interested to go" is not going to cut it. To conclude what I was saying, I believe what we are doing is disrespectful. Not only to David and his teachers, but to ourselves most of all. p.s. Pietro, all your links lead to pages with big sciency words in them that make me confused . Let me know your schedule and stuff- will be nice hang out with you.
  14. More power demos
  15. Sometimes it's hard to separate a fantasy from reality. Look at ALL masters who said exactly the same thing you just did and see what kind of training they went through to come to this revelation. Many years of silent retreats, meditation, contemplation, etc. It all comes again to a simple point we went through some time ago: What made a master enlightened- a falling petal from a tree or 20 years of meditation? So, it is important to keep it real (i finally got to use it, yey!) and pay attention not to what people say but what they actually do/did that led to their present state.
  16. Ok, I vote for sending Bill Bodri and Michael Winn. Just to get them in trouble. Pietro, you can stay in my house if you need to.
  17. Robert Peng

    Ok, sent. If anyone needs this info, pm me.
  18. Taoist graphic Designer Needed

    Cool. Let me know.
  19. Robert Peng

    Michael, I actually know a russian bone doctor/chiropracter with amaizing healing abilities who will most likely help you, but he is in NJ. All he uses is his hands. If you want I can get the info for you, and he is cheaper then $200. Max
  20. Taoist graphic Designer Needed

    I can do it depending on what you have in mind. You have an idea you want people to see/ the message you want to present? I designed book covers, product labels, and banners for other people including Plato's.
  21. Turbo, From my experience as a meditation teacher in the past, students who complain about the money and get admited to the class for free are the worst kind of students as they constantly interrapt the class with unrelated questions and complaints, and later simply don't practice. It is simly a waist and hinders the learning progress of others in the class. I observed it and other teachers say the same thing. The question of money always comes up. My answer is if the teacher doesn't charge you for the class, he would have to find another job to support his living needs. And that would make him less available to teach, or maybe not at all. There is also an issue of "entitlement"- I deserve to be invited for free, etc. The questing you should be asking is what makes you special and not the others who dedicated their resources and effort to attend the class. Would you go to your job and work for free? How about every second customer get a free service? I hope you don't take it personally as I really appreciate your contributions on this forum. Max
  22. I love you too. i agree with you that I shouldn't qualify because I most likely go to Denmark. If we go by your "pure taoist" approach, Cam, Yoda or Sean shouldn't be on the list either. So the choice should be made based on age, amount of time of personal practice right now, the amount of wordly baggage (read: responsibilities) to deal with, and desire to go, plus willing to meet the requirenments. I think the experiment will fail even if we send someone. Those who capable are either going or planning to anyway. Max
  23. Look what you've done. Now I'm thinking of going to Denmark, if it works out with job, money, and other little things. I'm not asking for money, though... but won't reject any either.