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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Printing services like or Kinko's or Staples or search for cheap printing services on the web. I used Mimeo and they are very good. If you have a laser printer, it's probably cheaper to print yourself, but the good thing about printing service is they will print on both sides of the page and bind it for you.
  2. Use a printing service- cheaper this way. The book is worth more then $97.
  3. Power is a natural outcome of any spiritual cultivation. Spiritual superpowers come hand in hand with correct practices- all it takes is to spend enough time doing it plus proper sexual conduct advised by your teacher. We talked about this before, I believe. I prefer you talking about BJJ. Less gay.
  4. Tai Chi and cultivation

    Jeffrey Yuen said as the taiji practice progresses, one will integrate spiritual cultivation with it. He also pointed that there are specific signs when the 3 dantian open up one by one that actually change the way you do the form. Those changes are specific, not random. BTW, whoever is in Italy, Jeffrey has a workshop on Alchemical Qi Gong on April 27. From my point of you, taiji is just an extention of my meditation practice, a moving one-pointed concentration, if you will.
  5. Wow, so much about what Sean is/isn't... Isn't it a Winn's thread? I agree with what Sean has experienced when dealing with Winn- I also heard stories from Winn himself that were later changed over the years to play into "lineage" thing. If anything, everyone should be grateful to Sean for telling about his experiences so they don't buy into HT BS too much. It's one thing to learn from books and tapes and another to learn live and spend time with the teacher and his students. Sometimes, it's not even close to the picture publicly painted. We can talk about why Winn is getting blind or why Chia keeps stealing info from other masters to use in his books, but then some would say it's a character assassination. After all, for some the truth should be always painted in pink with flowers and cute bunnies. On that note...
  6. SeanD is right. If one has something to say, let them say it. Thank God, not everyone here is mellow.
  7. These days, i'm more realistic, maybe reading Michael's (spyrelx) posts too much. One needs to ask questions like: If Taiji/Chikung claims to prolong life and improve health, why most of masters of the past died in their 50-70's? Or why an "enlightened' teacher still addicted to sex? Or why a supposedly "comlete with the lineage" HT system needs to be adjusted for the present time and people? What one says and does may be a mile apart. Just like with women, we should look at the actions and the energy connected with the person, not what they say.
  8. The problem for most people is... they think they have enough time. Buddha was taking his most stubborn students who didn't want to give up sex/other pleasures to a cemetery to do a so called "Cemetery Contemplation". Don't click the link if you are easily offended by dead bodies...
  9. Got Milk?

    I would only drink raw cow/goat milk. Goat milk is closer to human milk. By law, it's illegal to sell raw milk products in the US (California may be an exception) M
  10. MA Masters

    Who knows... but the fact remains that he lost without putting much of a fight. As Cameron said, I haven't met anyone yet who posesses this kind of skill. My taiji teacher does this sort of demonstrations but I doubt he can do the same on the "outsider".
  11. Everyone's weird today

    Everyone was screaming and fighting at my job. At least, more then usual.
  12. That's why most of the herbs are called "medicinal" herbs- it is medicine and should be taken as such. As for a supplement, i would say B-17 (amygdalin, laetrile)
  13. MA Masters

    No, I haven't. From my personal experience, a lot of so called Chi masters fail when they do it with "outsiders". For instance, Kiai Master Ryukerin didn't do well when was challenged by some young karate guy (watch the whole video ) A lot of it is based on group or self-hypnosis. Watch this report as well .Ma Yu Liang from what i understand is the real deal.
  14. MA Masters

    Now here is good master:
  15. MA Masters

    2 legends:
  16. Teacher Scam

    Hi Wayfarer, The problem with such scams using certified checks is the check does clear and money is on your account and it will take a few weeks for the banks involved to realized the check is bad. Edit: Max
  17. Teacher Scam

    A common fraud using certified checks. The funds will be deposited to your account, but a few weeks up to a month later the bank will call you and tell you the check isn't real and you are out of funds. By that time you've already sent your own money to the "agent".
  18. Wing Chun?

    Hi T, Yes, he has a direct connection with both teachers, and I even saw a documentary where he was an uke for O-Sensei. After OS's death, he went with Tohei for a while and was a part of Ki Society but later separated and opened his own school in NY. His training is just like Tohei's- heavy on Ki development and all the techniques are also heavy on developing Ki use. He is all old school. Hardly ever talks but has an amaizing power. M.
  19. Wing Chun?

    Yes, the competition aspect of MA is one of the reasons I won't ever do it again. Have you ever tried Aikido? The school I used to go... very good teacher:
  20. Wing Chun?

    You should try it and see if you like it. I trained it about 18 years ago, but if I had a choice back then, I would go straight for taiji. Who is your ChenTJ teacher?
  21. Practical Taoism and Sex

    One only needs a reference if they can't connect with what i'm saying because they either had different experiences or haven't experienced that to the same level. If there is no trust, I can share all the awakenings they can handle and still they will be asking: Says who? Fortunatelly, people around me experienced the same so there is no questions of reference. I write my messages the way they flow out. You are welcome to ask questions if you need further explanations. These days i'm more interested in the energy of the message then the words- this way it's hard to misinterpret the messanger, no matter what they write. I hope you are doing well with your PU stuff. I know your are natural for this. Max
  22. Serious Offer

    If you hide in a cloud of deceit, you miss all the smiles.
  23. Practical Taoism and Sex

    Hi Ian, No one is ever ready. And that's why the real system will never comes out publicly. What you see out is not even close. The wish in this case is not good enough. It's what you bring to the table through your regular meditation practices- that's what matters. I would say the level beyound the first dhyana. But at those levels, no one cares about sex, anyway. Max
  24. Practical Taoism and Sex

    Pietro, Jeffrey Yuen mentioned it, Nan Huan-Chin is saying this, but I dismissed it for a long time until now I can see for myself observing other people's energy interactions. Do I need to read some scriptures to prove something that I can see myself? These days almost no one is capable of reaching those levels of purity. Again, I'm talking about spiritual cultivation to reach highest levels of attainment using sex as a method. That's why who knows the methods won't teach it at all as no one is ready for that type of training. Hope this is good enough for you, Max