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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Zeev Kolman

    It's $200. You should check Master Yi Wu.
  2. The Tao Bums hits a million!

    Excellent. That php to html optimization thing really works...
  3. Sending big file on the net
  4. Mirko Cro-Cop

    New article on UFC site: I didn't realize that Randy Couture is fighting Tim Sylvia in March. I hope Randy will make him cry like a girl.
  5. Here is an article on someone learning tumo from a book:
  6. The Mystery of Consciousness

    Brilliant observation. Some will be looking at the finger and arguing later about how they've experienced the Tao. Later, some will write poems and sutras about it. Yes, Buddha said there are 10,000 afflictions and there are 10,000 methods to "dissolve" them. That's why having a wise master is so important. Absolutely. Although UG talks a lot about everything being pointless, his messages are directed at the major part of his audience that has a mountain of karmic weight on their shoulders.
  7. The Mystery of Consciousness

    Hi Sean, Nice post, even though I disagree with a some of it. As fas as I see, Buddha didn't point at the side of the coin (positive/negative), but he pointed at the attachment/clinging to the coin. It is the clinging to things, experiences and sensations that produces the pull (read "karma") to reincarnate. So, "0% clinging = Buddha" would be my formula, or at least what I experience with Vipassana training. Max
  8. I'm new here...hi!

    Welcome Alway Walking. Don't worry, half of this board is gay.
  9. I'd rather be sexy like you... Wait, it didn't come our right. Get on board of the meat train... whooo-hooooo Taobum reunion in NYC Plato and his friend Bilow That's me. Hello, ladies!!!!
  10. Yes, White Skeleton meditation is what Bill advocates and it's very good. It puts both non-doing and doing together without too much control over the whole process. It also teaches you one-pointed concentration to the point you can soon go straight to the empty mind part without going through the whole rutine. Btw, it's one of Bill's skillful means when he talks about super-powers. By the time you get to that stage, you won't care much about such things.
  11. Chuck Liddell is all internal. There is another latin guy Pedro Izzo (puncher) that beat up Tank Abbot really bad 6 or so years ago. His punches are like Chuck's. There is also an amaizing russian figter Amar Suloev but I thing he doesn't do UFC anymore. Too bad because the timing this guy has is just incredible.
  12. Sean Denty poll

    You are all so gay.
  13. Letter from David Shen

    Of course Masters are responsible for what they teach. It especially true for spiritual teachings- if you teach people harmful techniques, you most certainly will go to one of the "hell" realms until the student "recovers" from the harm you've caused. It's even considered to be worse then killing a person, because the trap wrong spiritual techniques produce is so great that it will take many lifetimes to dissolve. That's why most Masters see that and work with students on "one-on-one" basis. This way they can monitor the progress and help if something goes wrong. It's especially true with Daoist alchemy where attention to details is necessary. The HT style formulas that will apply to everyone the same is just as ridiculous as saying one shirt will fit every man alive. Or take sexual and iron shirt practices. If the master doesn't watch over you, you will get hurt. For that reason, any masters who are spiritually evolved will know about the consequences and will chose his students with wisdom. They will be the last ones in this world to "mass produce" their spiritual knowledge, and this has nothing to do with hording the information form the public eye. Max
  14. Increasing Breast Size...

    Yes, I've heard of the supplement related to what you just said, but i have to look up the name.
  15. Letter from David Shen

    So true. Most of the people on the spiritual path has a naive belief it's not that hard to reach high stages of cultivation.
  16. Increasing Breast Size...

    Here is another related supplement called Symbiotropin (Pro hGH) More on this HERE
  17. Outrageous Statements

    UG is the best but to really "get" what he is talking about one has to have some wisdom.
  18. Increasing Breast Size...

    Lol, now, THIS is entertainment. But Plato is right- Dr. Lin's stuff works and penis enlargement is the most retarded thing any man can do. I think Thaddeus can actually do that.
  19. The Radical Middle?

    At this point, I don't see your vote matter anymore. Just look at what happens with electronic voting and all the fraud being uncovered in OH. It's not about who is in congress or who the president is. The top of the pyramid is not them but the rich families who control your food, water, medicine, education etc. I posted a video on HT forum of the future of our food industry and it's pretty sad to see how corrupt the system is. It's pretty convincing, at least to me, that everything going on now is made purposely to weaken, sicken or kill as much people as they can, in addition to ruin them financially. I was researching the medical industry for some time now, and the amount of crime and fraud to suppress the treatments that work is just staggering. It seems all $-driven, but if you look closer it's all about control. M.
  20. mercenaries

    I've read most of his books long time ago. Very entertaining.
  21. Problems with visualizing the MCO

    Energy manipulation should eventually lead to health problems/energy inbalance, unless they are closely observed by a qualified teacher who can "see" exactly what you need to practice at this specific point.. ................. At the lower levels, I would say it's about the energy accumulation (jing and chi) to open up the channels. Once the channels are open and the energy is free flowing, the whole idea of being a "chi-bag" should be removed in favor of free-flow and refinement to higher energies. I would say Vipassana with Taiji/Chi Kung is a very powerful practice combination. Max
  22. Interesting... I am suprised by such a strong reaction from Wayfarer64 to SeanD. Is it carrying over from some other thread I missed?
  23. Herbal aids for menapause

    EstroG-100 I've heard it works
  24. I don't know why some people joing spiritual cultivation discussions but then doubt any ideas of "super-power". If you spend enough time training, a few years would be anough to either have wisdom to "see" things clearer or develop something on your own. The main reason most people don't get SPs is because they don't practice enough. M