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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Which game console?

    For kids Wii would be the best- at least they have to do some movements to play it intead of being a part of a couch for a few hours. Yet, PS3 has an amazing chip Cell that is far beyond anything on the market including PC CPUs. Did someone say "alien technology" because if this is not, I don't know what is? I don't think I will be getting anything soon because this will definately f*ck up my training.
  2. Great new gift to myself

    MaximumPC tested in-ear headphones in October. They recommend Etymotic ER-6 Isolator and Creative Zen Aurvana They tested Bose headphones (Bose put up ads for them all over NYC) and didn't like the quality for the price compared with the above 2. The other people recommend Shure e4g. Way too much money. Read also this report.
  3. Robert Peng

    I wouldn't come to conclusions on what Robert Peng knows and teaches based on one phone conversation with him. Also I don't think he would tell someone he doesn't know well about all the details of his knowledge.. From what we talked about on brakes during a workshop, I doubt anyone will ever know the complete picture of what he really knows. His talked about levitation, being totally in control of your bone structure so you can change your bone position at will to become a different person and absorbing the lightning - just a few of the things that come to mind. I believe his goal is also liberation/enlightenment and his particular training doesn't produce the effect of "electric qi". Does it mean it's less effective? Of course not. Different training produce different powers and different effects on the body and the abilities. Max
  4. Robert Peng

    Yes, Robert's energy is interesting and it improved my meditation practices, that's for sure. The healing workshop he just gave in NYC was ok- about 80% of all the information I already went through through other sourses or through intuition. He taught his method of Small Heavenly Circle (MO Orbit) where he uses chanting of each point name to help speed up the process. Can he teach practices that will help one to find peace? Yes. But I don't know about the higher practices, so I'm not going to guess what they are. His energy is very refined- it's like you are looking at the innocent baby, and he is very likable as a person. Also he is a good teacher and very patient with people when it comes to explain things. Maybe too patient. The class was full of lay people trying to figure things out, but there were also some who thought they know it all and constatly tried to present their experiences to the group, and maybe for that reason we didn't have enough time to learn some interesting things like Light Qigong, etc. So please if you are taking a workshop, be considered of others and the teacher - more then likely no one cares what sensations you experienced during a practice. If you have no questions on the form or technique, shut the fuck up and let the teacher teach. His energy empowerment was awsome. You are sitting in front of him cross-legged on some metal grounding thing while he is zapping your fingers, crown, 3rd eye and other points. There was a burning sensation every time as the energy moved through your naked feet to the grounding plate. His healing session is also one the same level only there you are not grounded and laying on a massage table for about 40 minutes while he works on you.
  5. Who is enlightened?

    Oh, ok then. I didn't get this idea from his talks though. His idea I believe is: We are perfect, but all we need is to realize it. You don't need to do anything, just let it all go and be in the moment. I guess it's either he is evolving himself or is changing his teachings. Great for everyone.
  6. There is no "Chinese mind"

    Wow, nice thread, I missed all the excitement. I agree with lots of people here, especially with thelerner- I now believe Buddha was a jew- how else would it explain all the mess we are in now? Plus, that would make Mel Gibson right. Now, from all the thoughts I stay close to what SeanD had to say. It's all hard work for a very long time. His view is realistic- if you don't do it harcore you have already "failed", but in order to wake someone up, sometimes they need to be bitch-slaped from their mayflower hippie dream. If it was easy, everyone would be evolved. Instead everyone is talking about PS3. Well at least i do. PS3 thread energy is better.
  7. Which game console?

    Hehe. Sean, I'm sorry but your topics on the mind and continuum are too deep for me. I'm trying to adopt giving "obvious" answers, so no matter what I say I can always be right.
  8. Who is enlightened?

    To add, I didn't mean put down anything what the teaches mentioned are saying. My point was to present what they are NOT saying.
  9. Who is enlightened?

    I've learned over the years not to listen to what people say- only what they do. Most of the Buddhas spent many years in deep serious meditation and other cultivation practices. People like U.G. Krishnamurti, Sailor Bob, or Adyashanti talk well but they are feeding your mind with garbage of another extreme. The only purpose of these talks is to inspire if you have wisdom, or sidetrack you if you don't. The problem that we all have now is this- we know a lot about how it is all supposed to be and we appropriated the results achieved through the practices of the people before us. We inverted cause and effect, basis and result. And so we can talk and understand deepest truths of known and unknown but only because of the scriptures or Buddhas that explained them to us. It's not a waist but without the direct experience attained through hard spiritual work, this is all a fantasy. You should laugh in the face of anyone who says you don't have to go through hard years of training, and by that I mean discipline, dedication and one-pointedness in you beliefs and vows. If you don't think I'm right, show me how many Buddhas are around these days to show you the way. My point exactly...
  10. Which game console?

    PS3, of course.
  11. Herbs, teas and supplements, Oh my!

    Mu... If you want to make your body more alkaline, I would recommend shakes rich with broccoli/ spinach or any other leafy green vegetables. The way I do it is put 50% of greens and 50% of fruit and blend it. Delicious!
  12. Malic Acid, Cherry Extract

    How does Cherry Fruit Extract work? Cherries are a source of flavonoids-natural compounds that help maintain capillaries, collagen, eyes, joints and arteries. The anthocyanidin and proanthocyanidin flavonoids in cherries also have antioxidant properties to help protect your body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Flavonoids act as an anti-histamine (Histamine promotes inflammation.), and this is beneficial for those suffering from allergies or other inflammatory conditions. Flavonoids also strengthen collagen, the building blocks of connective tissue, by cross-linking the fibers themselves. This process then reinforces the web of connective tissue that includes tendons, cartilage, and other key structural tissues. Finally, cherry fruit extract may reduce high uric acid levels in the blood. .................................................... Magnesium is a key mineral cofactor for many anaerobic as well as aerobic reactions that generate energy, and has an oxygen-sparing effect. It is essential for the cell's mitochondria "powerhouses" to function normally, being involved in both the production and utilization of ATP. Malic Acid has an oxygen sparing effect and there are a number of indications that malic acid is very critical molecule in controlling mitochonddrial function. Malate is a source of energy from the Krebs cycle and is the only metabolite of the cycle which falls in concentration during exhaustive physical activity. Depletion of malate has also been linked to physical exhaustion. By giving malic acid and magnesium as dietary supplements, flexibility to use aerobic and anaerobic energy sources can be enhanced and energy production can be boosted. Lab studies show that many patients with fibromyalgia (or with chronic fatigue) have low magnesium levels. Magnesium supplementation enhanced the treatment of both conditions. Its benefits appear to result, at least in part, from its positive impact on serotonin function.
  13. New Iron Shirt Chi Kung Book

    Don't bother with Sharon Smith. I took her IS class- same Chia stuff, plus I suspect she doesn't do it on a regular basis. I do modified bone hitting practice for years after learning some Dim Mak. The way Chia is teaching it will definately have some serious side effects.
  14. The Dangers of the "Royal Court"
  15. Sonnon on Royal Court/Combat Cond.

    This guy is completely sidetracked from all his believes into another "excercise monkey mind". He makes fun of all that high repetition training and then goes on to set a record of 1,420 repetitions of Mills. Is this good for your body? NO! Is doing 200 hindu squads good for your body? NO! This is not being functional- it's being stupid. Bodyflow was excellent and a few flows after that but then the sign of a $ kicked in.
  16. How to sit

    I had trouble sitting cross-legged for a long time but after spending 11 days at Vipassana retreat sitting 11 hours a day it became an easy thing. I think it comes more to the state of your mind and the energy quality. At certain stages you body even may go into lotus by itself. Either way, sitting in the chair or in half/full lotus don't make much difference at the begining stages of the mind/body cultivation. If you can force yourself into lotus and then suffer through it and have trouble keeping your regular practice hours because of the pain expected, would it be a smart thing to do? Following your inner drive is important when it comes to spiritual practices.
  17. Hemp seed

    Was looking trough stuff and found this article on hemp seed and how great it is. I have a bottle of the hemp seed oil so I will start using it more often now. On that note here are 3 episodes of the remake of Sponge Bob cartoon related to hemp. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
  18. Hemp seed

    Yeah, raw hemp seed oil is one of the best things I use these days. I noticed I gradualy had to slide off 50% raw fruit / 50% raw vegetables blends into almost 80% fuit. That's way too much sugar!
  19. Shen Yi Zhi Dao

    The translation is very beautiful and has nice energy to it. I compared it to DDJ to show my appreciation, that's all.
  20. Shen Yi Zhi Dao

    Nice. A different facet of Dao De Jing.
  21. Welcome, Xenolith. Sean, can you move the lower part of this thread to the main board?
  22. the sprout and the bean

    Interesting girl. My favorite is still Sarah West (her myspace). Her site If her singing can't touch your heart, i don't know who will. If you want to get some of her tapes, get her video instead- you've got to see her sing!
  23. Since we started talking about income tax, there are some ideas here in USA that personal income tax is illegal because there is no law that actually require you to pay it. See this video: Also this article:
  24. Peace and Blessings

    Interesting forum and the site. i agree with Sean on Shen Yi Zhi Dao. Glad you are here.
  25. American Personal Income tax

    Hey, I just found a picture of the actual IRS emplyees in their natural habitat...