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Everything posted by Smile

  1. American Personal Income tax

    When you sign the tax forms when you get a new job, you enter into an agreement/contract with IRS- you basically wave your rights to keep all your money. If you work for yourself, it's much easier, but you have to keep all your valuables (house, car, etc) in set-up trusts, so IRS/law suits can't touch them. Keep a few thousand $ in the bank and the rest in gold bars. If you have your own business, write an agreement between your company and yourself/your family that your business will cover any expenses related to your well being and health (vitamins, doctors, chi kung videos, etc). That way you can write off a shit-load of money if you decide to pay taxes.
  2. American Personal Income tax

    Yeah, I know it's not that simple... Here is another video that helps explain things: Theft By Deception
  3. American Personal Income tax

    Aaron Russo's movie Freedom to Fascism A technicality? More like ignorance and fear.
  4. Real Meaning of Dao De Jing

    It's true- your energy is present in everything you write. Doesn't really matter what. Some people may see it as a judgement, but so everything we say is a personal judgement of the outside/inner world filtered through "I". M.
  5. Every day: - Yang Taiji Long Form - 5 Petal Plum Chi Kung The rest of the time is spent on meditation.
  6. Real Meaning of Dao De Jing

    I have Li Jiong's Dao De Jing translation and his Cultivation course. Both worth far more then the price he charges...
  7. UFC 65

    Matt Hughes vs Georges St. Pierre
  8. UFC 65

    On another hand, Tim Sylvia should be removed from fighting. He is a disgrace to all the people related to MMA, or males in general. !
  9. Burnings in Burma

    Burma is one of only a few counries that kept Buddha's teachings as they are. I would say to the extent Laos and Indonesia kept some of it as well.
  10. The Tao Bums Name

    It's Plato in his 20's.
  11. The Tao Bums Name

    Why the name was already taken.
  13. Cancer, Chemo...

    My guess is you missed my post on it... Plus this: Your friend should have gone to Hoxsey Clinic- Plato just gone there (for other reasons related to other people) and confirmed the success they have with curing cancer by talking to actual patients.
  14. Vitamin B17

    Was doing some reaserch and found some interesting info on Vitamin B17 And here: Laetrile and Information on Vitamin B17 . Also watch this movie: A World Without Cancer
  15. The funniest person on TV period

    All episodes HERE. One of the best episodes I think is Season 8 "Woodland Critter Christmas".
  16. Robert Peng

    Yes, Learning Annex is usually to promote yourself. Plus, I don't expect from a class focused on "introduction" to healing that lasts only 2 hours. He might have students. Just because I hadn't heard of any, doesn't mean it's not possible.
  17. How many years?

    I see it played out as "good cop-bad cop". Same shit, different smell. Just look at Democrats and Republicans as two sides of the pyramid of Giza. Notice that you can't see the top. Just like for most people, they can only see what is visible but the "top" of this government has nothing to do with democrats or republicans. The elections are just a game to support an illusion of democracy. Same planned outcome- no matter who wins.
  18. Sean, what sources you base these statements on?
  19. Derren Brown

    I was exploring Derren Brown's videos on Youtube and found this: Derren Brown Kung Fu Punch He has a lot of interesting skills... like THIS
  20. Derren Brown

    Yes, you can see that in his other video The most impressive thing I've seen with him wass his show The Heist where he brain-washes normal businesmen to become real bank robbers.
  21. Immortality Poll

    By reading David's posts I see highly refined energy behind it- it doesn't even matter what he says.
  22. Dream Work

    Michael, the more you meditate the more you will have control over your dreams. Wake up early in the morning-4-5 am- meditate for an hour and then go back to sleep. You will have the craziest dreams that you will remember after you wake up.
  23. Derren Brown

    Derren Brown "instant conversion" part 1 Derren Brown "instant conversion" part 2