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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Buddhist cats

    This is how I drink water too uW_-oyAldfo
  2. Are Chemtrails Real?

    German Pilot Describes Chemtrails Being Spread

    Hahaha, funny. Btw, Drew, have you verified with the females you had mutual orgasms with, that it's in fact mutual and not just yourself? Somehow it's amazing to think that a stranger off the street with no training at all would connect with you on such a profound level and yet never to approach you afterwords.
  4. Child Birth Orgasms

    Beautiful... here is that video: TgMWtEW4acs
  5. Difficult situation...

    Unfortunately, the burden is on him. If it's her word against his, the judges commonly award the child support. I've even heard cases where they award child support when the child is not his. I would call a lawyer for a free consultation and he could say what the best way would be to proceed with this.
  6. Difficult situation...

    If she is blackmailing the guy with her vagina, why should I? Maybe to you it makes sense that a 10 minute consensual fuck between two adults is justified for her to hook him up for 18 years of financial slavery. Not to me...
  7. Difficult situation...

    It's a complicated answer Pietro. All depends on the person, the time of the day, the month of pregnancy, etc. Do not forget the energy cords developing and connecting the growing baby to the father and the mother. There is no question about the visible glow around the mother, and the energy around the baby in the later months. The question is can you separate the spirit of the baby among all the other energy "strands"? From my observations of pregnant women around me, there is a BIG difference in the "presence" of the baby between 2nd month of pregnancy and the 7th-9th. The expression comes to mind "Lights are flashing, but no train in sight". I'm not sure if you have the"inner eye" to see the heart spirit, but to me this is what would finally make the baby human, and it's the last one that gets in the body. Also, if the couple is very loving and nurturing with strong energies, the baby spirit(s) get together in their new "home" much earlier then normal, because of all that love. A very wonderful thing to see. It may sounds like I'm an ass for being so rational about a precious miracle of pregnancy, hehehe, but sorry guys, I care more about the free will of the alleged father then about the unoccupied embryo.
  8. Difficult situation...

    Sounds good, Mestena. It looks more and more as a scam on her part. As for Biff's comments about being a man and taking a responsibility for actions, I would say the abortion is the most responsible thing to do. The irresponsible thing would be to go against the free will of one of the people involved, and bring a baby into a loveless home of the unwed mother who can't even support herself and has an emotional stability of a 10 year old. Some people make a mistake and equate a bunch of cells in the uterus of a woman to a human being. It has a potential of becoming human, it's true, but there is no spirit yet. The spirit/soul will come into play in later days of at most 2 months before the birth, coming into the body and going out as it pleases. It eventually secures itself in the body right before the birth.

    Drew, are you joking or you're high? Because you can't be serous....

    I find it funny that the researcher talking about his discovery is old...Unless his age is 120, it may not work.... Anyone tried it?. I was talking about StemEnhance before and tried it but I have a feeling unless you take a lot of pills every days, the effect can be minimal. Also, Daikon those Japanese people from the video were eating to keep them live longer. This is actually an interesting vegetable you can get in any Japanese supermarket - looks like a big white radish. Be careful with its juice though - it's highly acidic and will burn your skin if you don't wash your hands after cutting it. You can eat it raw (I did). Still, I think unless you make it a constant part of your diet, it has probably a very minimal effect as an anti-aging food.
  11. Thanks, I was just curious. It seems he is changing his teachers pretty often (or they just realize he is using them to make money and kick him out). I have my stuff to practice - his training is amusing but that is as far as it goes.
  12. So who is this Korean teacher he is studying with now?
  13. Difficult situation...

    You must accept my advise as just an opinion of a man that doesn't want to do anything with kids. For your boyfriend: I would clearly state to a pregnant girl that I'm against this pregnancy and want nothing to do with her or the baby. If she wants to give birth, it will be her problem and she will be forced to take care of the kid herself. She would also have to go through court to get the child support and she will be lucky if I'm still in this country by the time they will award her any money. I know this kind of advise is not exactly a compassionate choice, but I'm all about free will. Your BF clearly doesn't want this baby but the girl uses the situation to her advantage to get him in the relationship and dependency. This shit should be considered blackmail, but unfortunately the laws in this country make it impossible to have any equal rights if you are dealing with babies. Hopefully if he is strong enough about his message, it will scare her enough to go with abortion. Otherwise, it is certainly his decision to be a part of his new baby's life. It seems though that right from the start you are having problems with the pregnant lady, so I don't see anything good coming out of this. Wish you all the best though.
  14. Some advice for my situation!

    Oh, shit! You had to go there!!! lol yes, the first guy has very little to show to have this skill. AS for hiding the Light, there is a method called Light Lock that will do it, but it's mostly for not attracting Darkness.
  16. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    So, who wants to register a new name Vajrahridattva?

    I hope this doesn't side track a conversation, but about 10 years ago I had an astral projection where I unintentionally went out of my body 15 years back in time and went back to a place my body was sleeping (7,000 miles away from where I lived at the time). The place was infested with some kind of entities that quickly disappeared. I tied to get back to my body sleeping there, but realized it was my body but 15 years younger (and 2 feet shorter). And also about the same time I remembered that when I was little and about the same age I had a nightmare I had to fight the entities invading my house. It was so real and scary and made such a big impression on me that I never forgot that dream. So I just flew 7,000 miles back to my older body. I should have just tried to move my finger... would be faster. Still, this experience made me think there is a lot of crazy shit that can happen... if only we can have an open mind.
  18. Little1, you are too kind. The biggest problem I have with kids is that it's a full time job, SO much time is involved on raising them, playing, feeding, talking, all the energy... And this world now is very unfriendly to babies and to humans in general.... Just look at vaccines, education, GM foods and all the brainwashing they get right from the start of their little lives... and you have to stay between them and the big G. and protect them.... Like I said it's a full time job. And I have a list of things to do, besides cultivation....

    Regarding the stem cells. There is a product on the market called StemEnhance that is claimed to increase stem cells in the blood after taking it. ........ The other thing: bone hitting practice with the wire hitter that vibrates the bones and makes bone marrow release the stem cells in the blood. You can combine it with standing on Soloflex-type vibration device on a low setting. ........ There is definitely a link between the mind and the physical reality. It all depends how refined your energy is as the driving force, and the mind ability to focus, plus where to focus.... reversal of the aging can be possible in theory. Just some thoughts.....
  20. Nice post SereneB. To me, those websites offer comfort to those who have been abused by the system. Of course it goes both ways and there are site like that for women too. Unfortunately, nowadays there is too much pain due to the system set up for men to even think about the process of healing. I was lucky enough to meet girls that were very good too me, and I was good to them. But I can relate to guys who ware cheated on, got divorced and kicked out of their own house, only to pay 50% of their paycheck to their ex-wives. I can feel their pain, and if you tell them you should relax and just let go of the past, they simply can't do that. There is a lot of emotional trauma to work through, and until then they bond together in support. I'm not saying it doesn't happen to women as well. Still, unfotunately, if you are a white male in this country, you have lost all your rights and are forced to keep your mouth shut and take all the abuse from the system. It's even worse for a black male.
  21. One of my friends is going through a separation now, and it's a major FUBAR. To me, if you want to be with a girl, be with her. If you don't, don't. You don't need a license from the local idiots (read: government) so they can give you permission to use it for some limited benefits. Read this: The article references some websites that you may want to visit... like: But don't misunderstand me... I LOVE women. I just don't want anything to do with babies, or marriage licenses.
  22. "The year 2012 will not bring the end of the world, a Mayan elder has insisted, despite claims that a Mayan calendar shows that time will "run out" on December 21 of that yea..."