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Everything posted by Smile

  1. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    Drew, I was commenting on a part of your #5 post in this thread that said: "Consider Chan Master Nan, Huai-chin who again emphasizes that in Buddhism there is an epidemic of mind yoga not transforming the body and that true practice relies on full-body orgasm." Here is the advise he gave me: "Move beyond Vipassana and observing the sensations, beyond the the bliss that follows, beyond the peace and emptiness that follow. Do not attach your mind to anything, for the farther you go, the deeper you fall and the easier it is to sidetrack. Addiction to bliss, addiction to emptiness, addiction to nothingness. They are all the same and will not let you go. How are you any different then anyone else?.."
  2. Internet Telepathy

    Anyone can meditate in a cave. If you can do it in NYC, you can do it anywhere.
  3. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    Wow, you got Bodri's 25 Doors? I couldn't get it anywhere but he gave me one of his own long time ago. I gave it away to a friend later on. Anyway, those books might even confuse you even more- there is such a thing as "TOO MUCH INFORMATION", especially on this forum. I would concentrate on KAP without adding any "outside" input and give it a full shot. If it makes you happy, healthy and full of energy, stick with it.
  4. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    Fasting is not recommended for Vipassana, it's one of the rules you have to follow before you start the retreat. You will also get bliss and other "feel good" sensations during the practice, but didn't they teach you what to do with all your sensations? Nothing. Observe and let them go. Nan Huai-Chin would tell you the same thing. Full-body orgasm is just one of sensations, but a lot of meditator get stuck on it. They can even end up talking a storm about it on a forum. Edit: They also recommend sitting in full lotus if one can. If one can't, it's not a big deal.
  5. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    Hehe, Drew, if I talked like that with Master Nan, he would beat the shit out of me with his cane.
  6. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    Nice one. Here is a little lesson in comprehension. Try not to mix my response to SereneBlue about her Kap practice with response to you about Vipassana. And please don't expect me to write a multi-page report on what Vipassana is. Go to and learn all your heart desires. Or don't. To put it in another way: Vipassana will make your siddhis develop in a natural way when and if you are ready. Fortunately by that time your heart and mind will not be swayed that easily. Also, in no way I say this practice is superior to any practices the reader might be practicing. I'm just stating the observation on Vipassana.
  7. David Verdesi

    Yes, if someone can teach you real Tantra. What is out there in the public view is not Tantra - it's spiritualized sex. In order even to qualify to be taught Tantra you have to already have a very high spiritual development - in Buddhist terms, at least 1st Dhyana, preferably second. Your mind/heart should be clear from desires including sex - that's a must. And then, you have to find a partner that has the same, lol. You have a better change winning lottery.
  8. sex with entities

    I learned a version similar to Kunlun from a Russian teacher but that was long time ago. It was a part of a bigger system and it was for advanced practitioners and he would watch over me every week. The reason is that you can open the door that will let all the shit out and all the other shit in. Some people here can attest to that. All your heart desires... If there is something you wish for, they will explore it to the tiny detail. That's why you need your heart content and still, or you will be lost.
  9. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    Focus your mind on what you are already doing and stick with it. Santiago and Tao are good teachers and their methods are proven to work. There is no reason to get more then you already have on your plate. All you have to do is practice it. In short, you focus on observing sensation (physical and mental) without mentally attaching to them. You are like an onion - you keep peeling the layers of yourself till you have nothing left. And then you go even deeper. But to say it's the description doesn't do Vipassana justice. Take a 10 day retreat and you will understand what the practice is. It's donation based so even if you have no money, it's ok.
  10. 2012 is not the end of the world

    Hah, FDIC says it is bankrupt until 2012. Maybe they think the new energies of Aquarius will bring them more money....
  11. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    You can't "understand" what Vipassana is by reading Wiki page, and it's good for beginners just as it is good for advanced practitioners. Please do not underestimate a simple practice that Buddha taught to his students. The hole is much deeper then you think...
  12. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    .....or you can do Vipassana meditation for a year and you get it without trying...
  13. On expertise and credentials

    Nice quote... 6MHEuudJ-o0
  14. Revenge tactic...

    No, but I saw it in a movie once...
  15. Revenge tactic...

    Oh, shit! I'm converting back Taoism then. At least in Michael Winn's orgies, there are girls.
  16. Who were you?

    Who says they are "past" lives? It looks like only because we are looking from a linear perspective. Do you think the trillions of moments you lived before "right now" gone? They are still right here with you, making "you" as you are. Isn't it wonderful?
  17. I love dolphins.... Go to youtube for a bigger video... wuVgXJ55G6Y
  18. Because they are highly evolved spiritual beings. I didn't mean the mistake in specific category - I meant the superiority complex we acquired over other beings that gives us right to classify other beings based on very limited physical qualities because we are lacking wisdom/insight to look deeper into their hearts.
  19. The biggest mistake this society made is adding dolphins and whales to mammals category. We are so fucking stupid it's just unbelievable.
  20. sex with entities

    Very nice, Cat. Thanks for sharing. To return the conversation back to astral beings.... If you do any type of cultivation for a long time, you will attract a lot of attention to yourself in the other worlds. Look at yourself as a beacon in the dark night - a lot of beings will be simply curious to see who it is out there to have all this energy. Believe it or not, even in the big city it's not very common for someone to cultivate properly. So you will get attracted a lot of beings that will come and look around. Some will like you and will want to feed on you, and will devise all sort of ways to get your interest. Just observe and let them go. They can't do anything unless you let them. Unlike in this reality, the free will principle works there very well, and you will have protection in case someone decide to break it. Still, there are a lot of very powerful beings that can fuck you up, if you have any type of agreement with them. Human body is a delicious treat with lots of unique experiences and energies not available in the astral world. Just take sex as a good example. Or love. Darkness can't relate to love but it can feed on the energy. Again, it's important to cultivate properly so your mind doesn't drift and becomes attracted to these things. Vipassana is a good example of a proper method, where you learn to observe things that come and go without attachments. Kunlun method could create a problem as it will generate certain energy that attract a lot of attention. Most people wouldn't be ready for this kind of attention in the spirit world and hence without a teacher monitoring their progress they get in all kind of mess that will be hard to fix. One of the biggest mistakes people make dealing with spirits is that they think they are strong enough to control them and the situation. If you have a powerful energy, you will attract a powerful entity. It is important to cultivate your mind so it won't be attracted to the glitter of possibilities and promisess. It will be lots of tests like this in one form and another. Don't get sidetracked off the path, because you may never find it back in the darkness.
  21. KAP London Workshop

    Wow, this guy is very good. Nice energy.
  22. Hey, Beluga whales know how to do it too. I wonder who taught who: dolphins to whales, or whales to dolphins?
  23. Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    This just in!!! Obama wins the Superbowl Trophy after watching a college football game!!!
  24. Dead Monk Who Never Rots

    Hmmm, actually I need to correct myself. They would finish their cultivation without the body after they leave the physical form.
  25. Dead Monk Who Never Rots

    Yes, i remember Nan Huai-Chin said something about monks that reach a very high level of samadhi but couldn't go further, so instead of loosing the attainment if they continue living they were advised to leave the body and reincarnate into a new one.I hear there is an Arhat living in Russia at this time but no one know who he is.