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Everything posted by Smile

  1. sex with entities

    Just imagine a tremendous feeling of Oneness, Connectedness to everything with a mix of Unconditional Bliss that you don't what to ever stop.... I'm pretty sure you will feel the difference when they send it to you, although the degree and intensity will be based on the level of their development. Like I said, it's impossible to cheat there - they either have it or not. When I was a teacher with Sacred Merkaba organization we used to "shift"/travel to higher dimensions all the time and this was how we check before communicating with "anybody" there.
  2. sex with entities

    Lino, Eric Yudelove had similar experiences after his doing with Magic went south. You may ask him for help as he seems to be recovering pretty well. He is here on this forum. I would also recommend visiting any Zen Master. As for all the entity lovers out there, the best verification you can get to see what side they are coming from is to ask them to send a wave of Love energy at you. There is NO ENTITY that can do it if they are evil. I-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e... In the spirit world, you can do many things but you can't fake LOVE. Max

    If your practice every day and eventually your mind becomes still during the walking hours, your sleep time should be naturally reduced. I like sleeping but normally 4-6 hours is enough, and that would be 2-3 hours of deep sleep and the rest being a meditative state where you're conscious and just observe the sleep/dream state.
  4. Emptiness Meditation

    Zencave, you can attend one of the Vipassana retreats to answer your questions or read Daniel Ingram's free ebook Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book
  5. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Andrzej Kalisz- Zhan Zhuang Qigong- You can feel it
  6. What are you listening to?

    Love VU... Here ia new song I really like... It's rare for a cool song to have a good positive meaning that uplifts people: ElO4x_BZ1As
  7. To get all the chicks...
  8. Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    It's called "the world has reached a new low".
  9. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Another great post Pietro. The thing is your 70% will be constantly growing over time with practice, thus eventually you will be capable of standing 5 hours straight if your body/mind can handle 8. But that would probably takes years to get to.
  10. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Thank you for sharing, durkhrod chogori. The problem with Tim Cartmell's thinking is that he equates ZZ with a physical exercise. I doubt he would apply the same reasoning to sleeping. ZZ is not a physical exercise, it's a meditation where you completely relax your body and mind while still maintaining the posture. Relaxation while standing is the goal, while your energy will be eventually what is cultivating and holding you up. So, people would greatly benefit from standing 2, 3, or 4 hours straight, assuming that their nervous system and mind is ready. But this would fall under "how long it should take to build up your practice to that level".
  11. Kunlun Book

    If you know the practice, how about donating money to some good causes?
  12. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Lots of good comments, guys. Yes, I remember your rule As always, my safety fuse is sitting emptiness meditation. Or doing nothing at all and taking a break. I would have to start a topic soon on using an old tree as your teacher. Imagine, a 1,000 year old tree that can teach you a few things about Immortality.... Am i sidetracking this thread again, lol?
  13. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    Yes, but you would have to be extremely skillful in giving it back to him after you have sex. And that requires a lot of intent and being receptive for both partners, which your boyfriend may lack. But Serene... What do YOU want to do sexually? How do YOU want to connect with the man you love during sex? It's admirable that you want to satisfy your BF, but the day will come when you will need more then being with someone who can't outgrow a mentality of a 5 year old. I would say, find a man who is on the same path as you if spirituality is a big part of your life. You don't have to be interested in the same tradition - all spiritual traditions are deeply interconnected.
  14. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Here is what a friend said about ZZ: "It is said in China that one should stand at least for an hour to get real benefits. I suspect that the Master has downgraded this for the European audience (he says 20 mins or so to get a benefit), as WE don't like that much hard work. Chinese philosophy also tends to "no pain, no gain". Certainly, it's greatest benefits are at or after an hour. Some people stand for 3, 5 or even 8 hours at a time (as was the case of pupils of a well known Chinese Master - sorry I don't have further details on this). I was lucky enough to speak to an English lad who went to China to learn Kung Fu. He was standing mostly 3 hours and sometimes 5 hours. It did a lot for his health - which was crap before he went. Mind you, he nearly didn't make it past day one of the 5 day break in period. The 5 day regime was to stand at least 5 hours per day (minimum 1 hour at a time) for 5 consecutive days. It is said that within the 5 days there will be a clearing / breakthrough of blockages in channels - it is the blockages that cause the pain (according to Chinese Medical philosophy). He had a breakthrough day 2 and continued standing for 3 hours as it felt so good. Thereafter, he was told, he only had to stand 1 hour a day to keep channels open. My view is that one might also start slow, work up to 20 minutes or more and then go for the 5 days. These are hard, so just grit your teeth."
  15. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    I would say it's impossible to do sexual cultivation without two partners practicing. The proper energy exchange is necessary if you want to call it cultivation. If one of the partners is not practicing any spiritual discipline, what may happen is the sexual energy might travel from the less developed person to the more evolved person. This is especially common if a woman is practicing but a man isn't. In this situation, if a man ejaculates, a more then normal amount of energy is absorbed by a woman, and with time a man can get sick or display other characteristics like premature aging, etc. So my advise would be to treat this thing responsibly and with care. If you meditate and your lover doesn't, you may ask him to join you for standing or sitting 30 min. practice. Be playful about it and maybe it won't become a chore for him/her. The main point here is for two of you to be on the same page and grow together. One sided cultivation including sexual practice will never work.
  16. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Nice post, Pietro. I wouldn't recommend doing more then a basic "hands down on the sides" standing practice at the begining until they can stand at least 2-3 hours with no problem. Also like Pietro said, it's supposed to be a standing meditation practice, so it should be treated like one. Pictures wouldn't do it any good, but here is the basic description: Imagine small balloons under your two armpits and under you butt so you can slightly sit on it. Bend your knees but not too much. The butt or your stomach shouldn't stick out. The head should be "floating" on top of your body, or you can imagine a string tied to the top of your head pulling you up. Hands on the sides facing the body, palms open with fingers open not close nor far between each other. Everything is relaxed. Look in front of yourself unfocused.
  17. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Yes, ZZ transforms jing into qi. It's not an easy practice though so most people will probably give up to something easier like regular sitting meditation. The saying "Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die" is perfect for ZZ.
  18. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Forgot to add. Standing in nature next to an old tree will multiply the effect of the standing practice. And sorry for sidetracking this thread, guys.
  19. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Zhan Zhuang works so much faster... it's like comparing going from NY to LA by car or by plane. Also because of this, all the "clearing"/healing symptoms that come with it will be more severe. So I would say sitted meditation has a more gentle approach with less side effects and is more comfortable. No, it doesn't work this way. Obviously, very few people can start with 5 hours a day right from day one, but you can start from 20 minutes a day and add 5 minutes every day till you reach 5 hour mark. And you can't split the time. It's 5 hours from start to finish. On another note, you can still do 1-2 hours a day and receive great benefit from the practice - it just takes longer and will be less intense will less side effects on your mind and body. So for most people it's the best option. I've sent you a PM. Max
  20. The Moscow dragon

    I heard this before I went to train with him, but later when I got there I "saw" the energy generated by those beings.
  21. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Yes, Zhan Zhuang in addition with emptiness meditation can make you a superman. I hear if you practice standing 5 hours a day, opening of all your channels will happen within a month, plus a complete healing of your body. You want abilities? This a very simple exercise that will lead you there.
  22. Healers and Distance healing

    You can try Alex Basoc, site : Domancic Bioenergy He is a good friend of mine and very good in what he is doing. He does long distance healing almost every day.