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Dao Bum
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hi folks....been away for some time..... someone asked me what the difference is between the two bodies.... and basically it´s this.... the solar astral body has to be manufactured by transmuting ths vital fluid ....in other words you need to tranmsute your sexual desire into willpower.... (I talked about this before in the forum ....look for the thread it´s an old one...) through meditation primarily....and by focusing your daily habits into wholesome practices.... the mind must be focused at all times and when it strays we must remain calm and see where it goes.... if it goes to an area that is not wholesome then we need to remind it to not get involved.... if you practice astral travel you will see firsthand your progress..... since you will have more access to the higher realms.... that is basically what the solar astral body permits.... it gives you the access to enter the higher realms (among other things)... it´s an energetic production.... you save energy and with it your manufacture the solar astral body.... the lunar astral body is simply the body of desire.... everyone has it...but the lunar astral body simply is the vehicle through which our ego satisfies it´s desires and resolves it´s conflicts with the flesh... as for proof to what i´m saying....it´s basically as i mentioned... you need to practice astral travel and study the book by A. E. Powell called the astral body... the book does not mention the solar astral body but it is an excellent book none the less...
you have a toxicity problem.... you need to detox..... there are several things you can do.... the easiest one is to take magnesium citrate and vitamin c.... 200 mg of magnesium with a glass of mineral water mixed with 200 mg of c every day.... eat a high fiber diet.... avoid excess sugar and salt.... eat more green leafy vegetables.... you will be cured in three months... if you want to detox right away.... do a garlic and chamomille enema.... go to curezone.com for details..... many people are expriencing ringing in their ears.... and the reason is chemtrails....
religion is for amateurs.... spirituality is for professionals.....quote. unknown. I read a message given by aliens a while back.... the e.t.`s said that we should not force our spiritual beliefs on anybody... we can inform and that`s it.... why? because people are at different stages in their spiritual evolution..... some want to release themselves from bondage to the flesh.... while for others.... that idea never crosses their mind.... because the flesh is for them a strong obsession.... an example.... to someone who tries a drug like cocaine.... the first high is always the best.... and he wants to always go back to that first high.... but the problem with drugs is that the body builds tolerance to them.... and eventually they don`t get high anymore...... but in their obsession they cling to that notion of the first high....addicted they destroy their health.... in a relative way the same can be said for the flesh.... people are always looking to satisfy their carnal desires.... never knowing that the physical body is impermanent.... thus leading themselves to reincarnation.... because although the body dies.... the fleshly desire remains.... and keeps the poor soul in suffering....life and death... time and time again....
Socrates lastly states that if he tried to rescue more prisoners from their confinements, the others would rise up in rebellion and kill him.-quote.
Socrates continues that those who have basked in the glory of the sun feel tremendous pity for those who remain in the prison of their minds. They descend into the abyss in order to save the decidedly lost ones. However, when entering the darkness, no one understands the prisoner who has escaped. He speaks in completely foreign terms; no one knows what he is talking about. The cave is the circumference and depth of their world, and there is nothing else. There is no convincing them that the shadows they perceive are illusion.-quote. http://www.gnostic-community.org/forum//viewtopic.php?f=8&t=258
the subtle realms can not be accessed through the intelect.... hence the constant to and fro of people who waste their intelectual energy.... trying foolishly to enter the subtle realms...with intelectual discourse.... the intelect is a tool.... it serves its purpose in certain things... but there are things the intelect can not understand... until the person has put into practice the other requirements.... such as meditation, reflection and intuition...
tibetan buddhism explains that falling asleep mimicks the dying process.... in any case.....a student should focus in daily meditations the clear light of the pure mind..... it will be the first thing he will see after leaving the physical realm during the first days.... if he is confused and does not realize it..... for what it is... he will begin the reincarnation process..... there are other opportunities....to achive liberation...they are described in the bardo thodol....
If you practice astral travel you will find the answer to the questions about the afterlife..... by direct experience...... which is the way buddha said we should learn all things.... basically what it comes down to is the mind....and its different bodies..... the first realm after death is the astral realm.... it is a purgatory.... to purge the person of negative, obstructive emotions before going to paradise to rest.... this happens between incarnations.... the more good deeds you do in life the longer your stay in paradise..... eventually a person will awaken sufficiently and will no longer need to incarante into the physical realm..... where duality is very heavy.... padmasmabavha ( a buddha prophecized by gautama) spoke about this in the bardo thodol.... he explains the six realms of reincarnation....
you can also meditate in the astral realm..... i use chakra exercises sometimes to jump to a higher plane....
- zapping - ozone therapy - rife machine therapy - nutrition counseling - colonic detox - parasite, virus and dangerous bacteria and mold cleansing i can personally vouch for all of the above.... i took infra red out because i have not done any serious research on it..... on a personal basis i can say mantak has been a little overzealous on the economic gain of his reputation...... (he made some remarks about making money that were not suitable for someone who is teaching the tao) other than that...the teachings themselves are good.... they are tao....
get an inversion table to fix your back..... I always meditate lying down.....
If we take an unvarnished look at what Buddha taught, not the kind of humanism it has morphed into today, it can only be understood as a strategy of escapism based on a denial of the World, the Feminine Principle and the Human Soul. -quote. this is incorrect.... buddha didn`t deny them.... he simply didn`t address that matter for one simple reason..... his teachings are for the elimination of suffering and nothing else..... when asked about god buddha said..... the existence of god can not be proven nor disproven..... therefore to debate it is a waste of time.... however the existence of suffering can be proven quite easily..... because everyone suffers..... in the realms of samsara....
obe`s, ASTRAL TRAVEL, lucid dreaming, dream yoga.... all these take place in the astral realm..... the astral realm is your next stop after youy leave the physical realm..... the astral body is the emotional body..... we have seven bodies..... while in the physical realm we function basically with the lower three..... emotional (astral body), mental and physical.... the mental realm is higher above the astral and more difficult to reach during sleep.... the key to mastering astral travel is to save emotional energy.... that is to avoid arguing and getting into situations that put stress on your emotions..... the next step is to begin practicing on a regular basis..... getting into the astral realm while mentally awake is an energetic operation..... it requires chi..... the best time is at dawn when all three bodies have rested and your energy is good..... what you do is get up, drink a cup of water and go back to bed..... meditate yourself to sleep..... with the intention of being aware of the dozing off process..... tibetan lamas practice this because it is similar to the death process.....(bardo thodol) dying is similar to falling asleep..... remember fear is an emotion and you must not let it bug you when you practice astral travel..... the first experiences you will get are vibrational sounds and sensations..... this is because you are beginning to consciously operate your astral body..... with time they will disappear and other different ones will take their place.... if you practice with earnest you will gain mastery and eventually you will get your full conscious astral trip..... the trick is to permit the physical body to fall asleep while mentally being aware of it..... it can be done.....i`ve done it a hundred times....it becomes automatic as time goes by.... once you are in the astral realm....you will see different things..... what will you see? that will depend on your current emotional state.....because you are seeing things with your emotional body..... if your aura is dirty....it will be difficult to see through it.....hence getting and keeping your aura clean and clear is a constant goal..... there are several methods to clean the aura (bathing in sea water, etc)....but it requires a thread of its own.... the astral realm has seven planes..... you won`t reach the higher ones unless you have mastered your emotions..... the lower astral planes are full of confused entities who refuse to leave the physical plane and its sensual pleasures...... (the lower planes are closer to earth...the astral realm is a type of purgatory ) it is not a good idea to do commerce in the lower realms........ the most likely place that you will find yourself on the first trips is your bedroom..... once there....you simply walk out the door and you are now in the astral realm...... if you have any problems while in the astral realm....put your hands on your chest and ask your higher self to guide you or help you....(mentally shield yourself with a blue shell followed by a white shell for protection before engaging in astral travel)....... if you are sincere your request will be fulfilled.... at the beginning you can choose to walk.....but you can also fly if it is your wish..... avoid coming into contact with astral entities in the lower planes.... (the lower planes are dark...the higher planes are full of light...that is the distinction) most of entities in the lower planes will want to tag on to you....to try and leech energy from you...if you get scared or emotional they feed on that energy.... in the astral realm you can contact people who have passed away.... you can also contact spiritual masters and ask them for advice etc,. etc. but since the masters only visit the higher planes.... you need to maintain a very pure level of spirituality to contact them.....