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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Favorite Quotes from Buddha.

    concerning #68: the explanation is nice but half-baked or incomplete - for if "anything could happen" then that would include horrific, non-dharmic violence whereas the Buddhist teachings speak of the over-coming and mastery of such in the vicinity and luminosity of a true Buddha...
  2. Is faith an illusion of the mind?

    that may be one part of the coin 4bsolute, another part is a willingness to die for the truth with such being in the end - a desire and need that is greater and deeper than the fear of or the power of death...
  3. Have you read Ecclesiastic's? At and or after a certain point Solomon made the summation of saying all is vanity or the vanity of vanities... yet he then went further than that and had a certain realization beyond dead-ended vanities.
  4. criminals in hinduism who became saints?

    not exactly since truth can't be killed,
  5. Misguided views about Enlightenment

    as for one's own ego, it's to clever for most to see completely - for only spirit can see through it.
  6. in #100 such an idea is still a view or concept being put forth in an attempt to point to reality - which at best is all that such can do -, knowing that objective reality is always subjective to the subject.
  7. btw on #97, a seed must be in the darkness of the soil until it is ready to grow into sunlight,
  8. umm, a possible take (or takes) was directly implied by me thus not my take per-se. also there may be may be one take or many - same with views.
  9. the words, "release for all existence" is not really all that clear or definte.... thus one might ask, "release for all existence from what" (?) and or leaving some room for the possible interpretation of: 'release for all existence to non-existence', thus sounding like a form of nihilistic thinking.
  10. CT, Ok and thanks for an "in your own words" per the first paragraph in #91 In relation to the 2nd paragraph in #91 I'd say the 'Tibetan Buddhist Wheel of Life' depicts an inherently indestructible nature (as depicted by a Buddha) existing in all realms of energy and also in the fine graphic that also alludes to same as existing transcendent to all such realms..... along with the same at the same time being the "greatest craving" (or the truest and "intrinsic" desire for freedom from attachment and its related and resultant suffering) that is independent of and stands on its own regardless of change within the wheel of forms or aggregates)
  11. CT, would you like to put #86 into your own words? Btw, I hear some possibility of nihilistic innuendo or interpretation in part of the quote via the words: "craving for release for all existence". Also would you call the "greatest of all cravings" alluded to in the quote dependent upon or arising from anything else or being of its own inherent and indestructible nature?
  12. Burning off Bad Karma

    a rewording tangent: ego can't burn off ego but karma and dharma are smarter than ego - an ego which will burn up in one way or another at some point or another which is part of its purpose...
  13. "in the beginning"

    From khandogya, Section 6 Chapter II — Brahman: the Cause of the Universe 1. "In the beginning, my dear, this universe was Being (Sat) alone, one only without a second. Some say that in the beginning this was non—being (asat) alone, one only without a second; and from that non—being, being was born." 2. Aruni said: "But how, indeed, could it be thus, my dear? How could Being be born from non—being? No, my dear, it was Being alone that existed in the beginning, one only without a second..." (simple, so simple, no tricks to solve)
  14. "in the beginning"

    I like those lyrics a lot Dwai, and looking forward to hearing your music that goes with it. Thank you
  15. SW, In several ways you took it on more of a dubious and longer tangent than I did. I suggest that you just stick with the four fold negation and let your assumptions about whatever or whoever be.
  16. note: he said "core of being" in his talk and if said core of being is not of "inherent nature" then kiss meaning goodbye...
  17. "in the beginning"

    dharma in all ways and the best we can..
  18. Is faith an illusion of the mind?

    mind taken as real in itself or as master within itself is the grandest and greatest illusion... but mind taken as a tool for Spirit to deal with form or categories is real... further, true faith and hope spring from the reality of Spirit, while illusion springs from mind when taking itself as master or in trying to enslave Spirit to its mental manipulations and veils. Lasting and quintessential Freedom will never be found in mind, thus only in Spirit.
  19. when one is largely tied up in the world then practice could largely be of karma yoga - since the contemplative, in nature types of practice are more suited to a contemplative in a nature type of setting. (which it doesn't sound like you can drop everything for in taking a retreat in nature like around the ocean beaches, mountains, lakes or forests )
  20. India a-z

    Made my first and very short family and vacation related trip to India during the last couple of weeks.... going from a-z does not really cover the vast diversity there from what little I saw of what could be seen during my trip! Travel was not all that easy considering the crowds and related rushing per forms of various types of transportation and the instinctive, daredevil drivers of taxis, motorcycles and motorized 3 wheelers, (which by some form or force of miracle did not include the multiple accidents one would think to see!) Also and thankfully for communications sake many Indians know and speak at least some English (as taught in their schools) and apparently read it even more via newspapers and when working with or in various forms of business. I would like to go back some day with a lot better plans and after doing a lot more research. For now I'll share just one out of dozens of touching examples from the great number of people and things I saw; it was of small boy in a poor slum area - he spoke volumes about the great Spirit of the Indian people - with his true, beautiful and friendly smile, standing straight and proud in his clean clothes along with a ready to go at it attitude, he was very rich in those ways - myself and everyone else around him was happy and smiling to see and share with him in that moment...
  21. The location has no center because there is nowhere that the location is not, or is it...
  22. Golden Immortal

    they do not think rank... They live, they give, They see, they know Standing firm on the highest mountain of heaven, or with us at an eye to eye and heart to heart level Radiating Power of peace and wisdom of mastered mind, there no place or being they can not reach to help or lift out of despair, The great elder souls, and our brothers and sisters are only a short whisper away if one sincerely calls...
  23. the location has no center

    for arguments sake ( ) and counter to the "return" in T.T.C. 43, what about non-potential - or the ceasing of potential ?