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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Should I Go Buddhist?

    this site has had lots of various people saying this and that and doing this and that in impressionable sounding ways (besides my observational view)... and recently in this string of post bubbles speaks of a saintly so and such (as you imply with hagiography) as in being perfect in this and that way of requirements...
  2. Should I Go Buddhist?

    I'd say the bearing or effect it could have would be debatable case for case depending on how people might follow suit in an impressionable like way and broke their householder dharma before such was fulfilled so they could go off and get enlightened...
  3. Should I Go Buddhist?

    CT, It sounds like you might be beating around the bush, thus I'd suggest getting on with it or not. Besides and being that you study a lot I'm sure you have lots of information and alternate views or interpretations related to certain histories that I've only very initially brought up?
  4. Should I Go Buddhist?

    RyanO, At some point you may also need ask yourself if you want to be a monk or a householder although it sounds like that would be a fair ways off... Good fortune to you however you go. edit: I'd be remiss not to say that some Buddhist schools have higher-ups that may be married, you probably know a lot more about that than me...
  5. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Although in some cases goats are kings of the mountains, going places that even mtn. lions can't reach.
  6. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    "are they after the same goat", well - umm
  7. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Oakie-doakie Obi-wan Kenobi. Btw, a "long time ago" my daughter never married the guy that addressed me with, "hello Mr. _____ " and as to the how and why of that I will probably never know... although first there is a Mister then is no Mister then there is.
  8. Inner heart or above the head...

    See: "small lotus of the heart", Om Tat Sat
  9. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    "Sir", that's an awesome word, even neato-keeno dude
  10. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    words might come spontaneously or not, regardless of understanding since some people don't speak much if they have never developed the verbal ability or knack for doing so. (same idea with writing) Btw, I'd say words and concepts (can often be) rather limited in what they can convey, while the whole enchilada is not. (edit)
  11. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Do you mean and from another angle that I will come to know "how" much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I also know that it took Bill Murray several trys to get past ground hog day but that blind groundhog finally found his acorn...
  12. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    same problem since the "expressly" conceptual meaning is also or still veiled in most cases...
  13. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    sounds like, "or how to beat around the bush" which is still related to a why...
  14. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    I find that hard to believe MH, for to be human is in part a wondering of why, and the TTC is full of trying to explain and or understand some of the "whys" ... for instance why bother with study, practice or participation in jack shit, why "return", etc.. times 10,000
  15. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    MH, Have you ever wondered why Tao needed "more" or perhaps manifested "more" - as in "the 10,000"? (or why would a perfectly content Tao complete in itself get involved in such?)
  16. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    There is more to it than that for instance anyone care to translate the following into Taoism (?): "Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life".
  17. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    theistic religions also have various translations and meanings that are veiled, for instance go to the esoteric sub-forum.
  18. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Well unlearner it looks like you will have to unlearn your summation of "other" religions or paths since what you said is false in many cases. For instance chapter 21 of the T.T.C. (among others)
  19. Apech, that's true to whatever degree of accuracy for a human type of time line (?) which I'm not versed in...and I imagine is more or less before most forms of written history although such may be passed down in other ways, further if one could speak with Lord Brahma (or Lord Vishnu or Lord Siva or the Lord of Obstacles or...) much more could be ascertained and also in a context related to same from the god realms... I'd add that a relative past and changeable forms is not the core of what Sanatana Dharma via the Vedas and related texts are pointing to...
  20. another angle is that the "Vedas" as in Sanatana Dharma has no age to it as we know or define such, (thus no particular human founder as most other paths have except for there being founders of particular sects or sub-sects) also a time line related to the gods and or god realms is very problematic for most of us humans besides or since we even have problems in trying to establish rock solid, historically recorded time lines for certain human forms or founders that were only from the very short periods of just a few thousands years ago.
  21. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    current flows through resistance but some heat is the generated when doing so, and if we can't take some heat what are we doing in the kitchen cooking karma? (does that mean Taoism has less resistance than Buddhism - hell I don't know, the house is burning either way but nothing wrong with dancing in and through the fire since fire can't burn a spark anyway)
  22. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    power=current x voltage, or have some pie and to synchronize to an infinite buss voltage at a frequency beyond measure takes some help from such a buss, although some would argue that that idea or claim it impossible. Also but on another angle and if one will -there is the analogy that a single electron over here is really no different from an electron over there, or regardless of various busses...
  23. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Nice quote Brian, I'd add that work in one way or another is what human beings and all beings do! Also the ability to work in one field can be transferred to another field, for instance the practice of abilities of observation and concentration...
  24. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    "The Living" indeed... By Thomas Merton In the Beginning of Beginnings was Void of Void, the Nameless. And in the Nameless was the One, without body, without form. This One, this Being in whom all find power to exist – Is the Living. From the Living, comes the Formless, the Undivided. From the act of this Formless, come the Existents, each according To its inner principle. This is Form. Here body embraces and cherishes spirit. The two work together as one, blending and manifesting their Characters. And this is Nature. But he who obeys Nature returns through Form and Formless to the Living. And in the Living Joins the unbegun Beginning. The joining is Sameness. The sameness is Void. The Void is infinite. The bird opens its beak and sings its note And then the beak comes together again in Silence. So Nature and the Living meet together in Void. Like the closing of the bird’s beak After its song. Heaven and earth come together in the Unbegun, And all is foolishness, all is unknown, all is like The lights of an idiot, all is without mind! To obey is to close the beak and fall into Unbeginning.
  25. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    thus try to get your info from the Atlantians who were before the new age Egyptians of around 2500 BC, better yet from the Lemurians who were before both, especially those new age Atlantians who perverted the teachings and sank Atlantis... (Cayce said so)