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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    it's, "may all beings be happy" imagine that...
  2. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    me neither , although there is a time and purpose for everything under heaven or something close to that. Btw, I seldom use the problematic word illusion since there are no real illusions even though such are often given the connotation as if it they were a real illusions...
  3. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    if you become a human woman would you need want to become a human man - in many or most cases I'd say no, but you would still dress up in something in many or most cases...
  4. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    In this format wu wei can wu wei as long as no "I"'s try to take over, and wu wei can easily chop wood and cross the mountain if no "I"'s try to take over, for Mr. or Ms. wu wei is enough.
  5. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    That's no problemo if its useful for you, but when presented or given the connotation as an over-riding truism refuting and dismissing all others then a problemo arises - there's no need to be way in our multi path general forum format...
  6. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    "...If you are asking for my purpose in life, I'm not sure I have one. I realize society generally deems one necessary to find happiness in life but I am not sure this is true. It certainly makes life more interesting, I'll give it that" By Satsujin This bringing up of individual "purpose" is a very important subject and is linked with group purpose, or as it might be downgraded to "herd mind" for the purpose of taking it on a ride. Anyway, all beings have dharmas to fulfill both individual and group and the fulfilling those undeniable dharmas is also related to the working out of undeniable karmas, for only then does freedom hatch out of the egg shell it was contained in, an egg shell (or ego) that also had a purpose.
  7. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    "And no, I still have not heard a good definition of what "enlightenment" is or is supposed to be." By MH Is that so? Have you not heard a good concept for it is as being very well pointed to in the T.T.C.?
  8. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    "Imagine" dropping Buddhism which is what a Buddha does in the end...
  9. Herd Mind or Enlightenemnt?

    What are you really here for Spotless, grinding your variation of an axe that you have twisted into superiority? (which is how it sometimes sounds)
  10. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    I know you have gone the rounds many a times along such or related lines. And a lot of blood has been spilled by various parties along such lines. (while I think you have practiced letting bygones be bygones quite well or often better than many of us)
  11. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    "...Compare, contrast, synthesize and so on by all means..." By Apech I take that as a noble sentiment that hopefully could be practiced and realized as much as possible or as doable... and I think for such to happen we would would have to often break with many of the authorities or powers that be, and at times not be afraid to play a free speech, devils like advocate one day for this and the next day for that, thus showing a sort of non-attachment for either although or even though it might get hairy when taken as disrespect. Then again and as a mind blowing double-take it has been brought up once in awhile that everything that such an such a master said - they then later implied that it was all more or less a lie for the sake of cryptic truth! Also or not un-like the idea of the master thinking to destroy all the "Blue Cliff Records" at one point because of problems such as I'm trying to allude to... (hehe?)
  12. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    MH, You must have me mixed up with someone else? I never get off with enjoyment in use of the term "emptiness". I have used the term Mystery a lot if that is what you mean? (with Mystery to me being much less of a problematic or heavy handed term compared to the word emptiness which can lead to all sorts of negative connotations - more so with the "western" oriented mind)
  13. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    if you are done what are you waiting for?
  14. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    silence ranges from utter crushing to joyous freeing, so knows the soul
  15. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    apparently "remaining silent" can be a dozen different things...(so to speak or maybe I should be silent )
  16. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Well if we consider that the historic Buddha in well recognized Buddhist doctrine openly refuted so and so, for such and such then I don't see how you can deny acts of or the meaning of refuting going on, regardless of condescending sounding like ideas that one may be "attached" in some way thus being fair game for -along with implied justification for being refuted. (was the historic Buddha then immature per your definition?)
  17. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Taoism has T.T.C. Chapter 25 which Buddhism tends to or sounds like it refutes via this or that doctrine- but does it really? 25. THERE was Something undefined and yet complete in itself, Born before Heaven-and-Earth. Silent and boundless, Standing alone without change, Yet pervading all without fail, It may be regarded as the Mother of the world. I do not know its name; I style it "Tao"; And, in the absence of a better word, call it "The Great." To be great is to go on, To go on is to be far, To be far is to return. Hence, "Tao is great, Heaven is great, Earth is great, King is great." Thus, the king is one of the great four in the Universe. Man follows the ways of the Earth. The Earth follows the ways of Heaven, Heaven follows the ways of Tao, Tao follows its own ways.
  18. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    MH, ...oh of course you can since you and anyone else can see spring, summer, fall, and summer right before and with the use of their material eyses... nature reflects Tao -with such being as palin as day.
  19. Letting go of Karma

    The Name, Well that is a big question - but such can also be like a "poison arrow" (a saying from a well known Buddhist sutta)... and regardless of such an arrow -it or karma still has to and ultimately be dealt with right now both mechanically and non-mechanically so to speak. (or both determinedly and non-determinedly if you will?) for if it was not for the non-mechanical factor then we might as well kiss our asses goodbye.
  20. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Right now there are also endless, right under our noses and in our face patterned indications of this happening if one sees and makes a correlative translation in terms of spring, summer, fall and winter...
  21. Letting go of Karma

    karma is not just mental concepts that can be dropped...(although such aspects can and do have a part in it) Think of karma as actually being forms and amounts of energy, and the more convoluted and heavy that that energy is the more work it will take to free it and ourselves from it, thus it can be like wearing a coat of rusty, heavy iron that makes everything more difficult or like wearing a thin, clean coat of air that makes for very little restriction. Thus a hundred pounds of rust or one once of air (so to speak) is something concrete like that has to be dealt with even if it was, is or will be involved in a relative past, present and future - now.
  22. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    to keep water based beer from going bang keep it in stillness before cyclically flowing it.
  23. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Also Apech, Lord Brahma is not seen by all as eternal in the common use of the term, thus there is the "Day and Night" of Lord Brahma and the lifetime of Lord Brahma which is a very huge number as described in and as accepted in most forms of Hindu cosmology. As I imagine you well know the terms Brahma, (or Lord Brahma) Brahmin, and Brahman do not point to the same meaning. (with Brahman being beyond any category yet the source of all categories)
  24. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    actually all things, all beings, and all realms are based on and or woven of "light" /energy and the sound that comes with it - regardless of the names of Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Abrahamic, Shinto, Pagan, Shamanistic, Atheist, etc...
  25. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    light so to speak as heaven is not your projection of a burning blaze of destructive glory, True and great Sage is ocean body of golden white light - and light in that sense is also life-force of all beings which does no harm, although those that would harm it will meet with fire if one wants to use that term...