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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Origin and return

    returning to the root means dropping the mind and all memory, for such things can not enter there.
  2. karma is the mathematics of energy acting per its law, although higher math can supersede lower math. For instance an "eye for an eye" type of math can be superseded by a "love thine enemy" math. None-the-less karma is a great equalizer in the sense that no being can break it or skip it since it is a built-in and infallible fairness factor, sleep or no sleep within all of creation. Thus the math of negative or positive forms of energy actions bring the result of having to deal with same and both are or can be taken as teachers without any devious or dubious ulterior motives as I hear implied by Spotless, since such are just the facts of the form of energy. Great ego can not reach enlightenment, per human audacity. That is a law of Spirit. Yet great ego in sense of great willfulness can recognize its need to surrender to a greater will and thus be readied and or prepared to be chosen and freed by the Will and Wisdom of Spirit! (for only that Truth has the power to dissolve ego) Om
  3. It's a good thing karma is fair, infallible and uniform in the end result otherwise everyone doing their own take or thing and not answering for it would mean various forms of vanity and or insanity would effectively be Reality. Btw, it can be very hairy to face a truly enlightened being since it can be like facing ones karmas instantly and in full force since such a being also stands with or as a keeper of the laws of karma.
  4. limited perception lends itself to such an idea, for ultimate perception only sees Truth (and or is Truth) in the apparent meantime there is no getting away from dealing with everything
  5. evil has no inherent root, it only last as long as it steals, twists, etc. thus take away the theft, twisting, fear, etc. and then all that is left is the real root. (in other words untwist spiritual darkness and fear then all that is left is fearless spiritual light)
  6. evil has no inherent root

    The Reality of lifeforce (or the marcro/micro cosmically and pervasive good) is not in any way limited to individual or group driven intellectual ruminations along the lines of "concepts" or debatable opinions.
  7. evil has no inherent root

    no, the term is not synonymous with hell. It can be used in several ways; here it being used like a state and direction of working with or against Tao.
  8. evil has no inherent root

    evil is not rooted in nature or the earth but in hell if the term root is used, and is that which would consume all with malice and fear, then when everything was consumed it would consume itself - thus no lasting root to that or having anything to do with Tao.
  9. I would agree with your last paragraph in the sense that the "first noble truth" would then become enlightenment and not suffering. But now I'm drifting into Buddhism which I said I wouldn't do in the Hinduism sub-forum....
  10. evil has no inherent root

    My take: the eternal, deathless and unchanging is the inherent root otherwise it would be corruptible and change-able, for instance the great Tao would then be corruptible and rootless. Also the connection between Tao and the One is unbreakable, thus the One is rooted to the inherent root.
  11. evil has no inherent root

    "Good" as the first manifested and unbreakable connection to non-dual Source of all -has its root to Source through said connection - along with good at that first universal matrix being giving, supporting, of first light-of first purity-of first heaven which is without theft, stealing, twisting or corruption of itself in fear or malice to lord it over on others - her golden white-light child who is all grown up stands resolute in that Sun of all myriad suns as friend to all beings. Om
  12. Nice quotes Mark, and I believe that when such peace and purity related to silence is present in the midst of or along with a working and compassionate connection to all worlds and beings then all is truly in sync, (namely the manifest and transcendent) thus not just withdrawal to a cocoon of peace and silence... (since it sounds to me like the author is implying one and then the other?)
  13. I've played the correlation game a lot in the past and a little now and then, yet after one considers differing viewpoints a cake still must be chosen and eaten otherwise one is just wandering around window shopping. (which has definite limits!) Btw, I think that "Enlightened Buddhists" or "Self Realized Hindu" people debating this or that is worlds different from starting students parroting such debates as if they were based on their own state of being. Anyway, and basically since Hinduism is Vedic based and Buddhism is not its futile to try and make them sound the same, thus the Lama's stick to their schools and the Sat Gurus stick to theirs and never or very seldom do such people get together on the weekends to compare notes except or perhaps in regards to dealing with worldly or humane type issues that all people have in common.
  14. Hearing Loss

    Spotless, Is there some medical data in reference to that info?
  15. Ok and thank you for that Stefos, have a good night also.
  16. Stefos, 1. We never had a "blowout" in the past or recently as far as I'm concerned. 2. Apparently you see no problem with another round of dilution and or violence taking place in the Hindu Forum whereas I do. (which btw. has already happened in this string) 3. And if you do not see any problem with such dubious dilutions then it follows that that way of thinking also eliminates the need for any of the other sub-forums being that your type of thinking would also apply to them, which I believe many would disagree with; thus and again I say take the Buddhist or other forms related to the comparison process either to the Buddhist forum or general forum where in can be hashed out per-same.
  17. I.Q. -- is it important?

    Brian, is that a "Susie Q" you're talking about?
  18. Why not be polite (aka the noble 8 fold path) and investigate the Buddhist perspective via the Buddhist forum? That is what any respectful Buddhist student or enlightened Lama would do... Btw and also, the free-for-all-probable-mash-up-mess you allude to is available via the often bloody general forum.
  19. Buddhist terminology, interpretations and or meanings don't apply at a Hindu forum, its a big mistake to think so...
  20. whoever those "higher beings" or compassionate "immortals" are follow higher laws and are directed by Spirit already, thus not by purely human standards or motives.
  21. The Sun

    that which is far greater than a million suns or any form of light is already buried and hidden in plain sight within the heart, thus nothing can be brought to, added or taken away from that !
  22. Resentment of Incarnation

    This topic/concept is related to blaming "God", the "Ocean", reincarnation or whatever for creating us... yet its a major double take to find out we are not really who we think we are, namely the limits of some form of suffering creation... Their is a Buddhist saying along the lines of "no blame" that I like, but I don't have the quote handy at the moment. Btw, there are a ton of people here that say they have problems with "religion" which to me is more or less saying they also have problems with spirit since true religion comes from or is an aspect of true spirit. In Taoist terms that would not be unlike someone saying they have a problems with the Tao because of the resulting One, Two, Three, and on to the Ten Thousand !