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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. little green apples

    a simple song hits the mark
  2. little green apples

    So WTH gives Flolfolil?!
  3. little green apples

    That's a good version MH... and not that big of biggy CT.
  4. little green apples

    also the warriors of the US army are not little green apples per the original posted context
  5. little green apples

    b is for butterflies which is right after the a in a-z
  6. little green apples

    sadly and bias-edly some mod can't leave my post alone, where it was on topic in the general forum. Hell lets make the off topic forum the new general forum, which btw. has everything form a-z in it
  7. little green apples

    I also like that one CT but it would fit under another topic better...
  8. aspect of when power does not corrupt: T.T.C. 13. "WELCOME disgrace as a pleasant surprise. Prize calamities as your own body." Why should we "welcome disgrace as a pleasant surprise"? Because a lowly state is a boon: Getting it is a pleasant surprise, And so is losing it! That is why we should "welcome disgrace as a pleasant surprise." Why should we "prize calamities as our own body"? Because our body is the very source of our calamities. If we have no body, what calamities can we have? Hence, only he who is willing to give his body for the sake of the world is fit to be entrusted with the world. Only he who can do it with love is worthy of being the steward of the world. (underline by me)
  9. Atheism as a religion

    How many atheists in general would you say "just let it go that" religious people can have all the inner feelings without being self deluded? Anyway I see the sword of fanaticism cutting itself to pieces on either swing, religious or non-religious.
  10. ok, and that is a good point except that the bitterness you brought up can not remain if it is to be transformed into effective wisdom with spiritualized humility.
  11. Well I partly agree with your points above, although I think they can be taken further with consideration of common sense nuances and generalizations. Btw, there is that saying (which is universal even though it apparently came from Christianity) "judge the tree by its fruit", thus without getting into all sorts of contrived, half-baked intellectual play talk one can see the end game fruit of Hitlers tree for what it is, namely the evil and suffering it brought about to millions of beings.
  12. Atheism as a religion

    I appreciate and see great value in agnostic reasoning, although I also see it as an interim method and or tool that will not and can give quintessential meaning and satisfaction to the heart and mind... and the heart and mind will never and can never know completeness without that which you seemingly deny by saying, ""that which is" is intrinsically beyond cognition at a fundamental level. I believe that last century of physics backs that up very nicely, too". I don't believe that since my own experiential cognition has proven otherwise, just like it has for so many others. Btw, the risk of or going through some type of madness holds no power over the truth that in the end prevails, being that spirit which is present in a human baby's body or in the body of a celestial comes to know itself as spirit.
  13. It sounds to me like you are mixing some major concepts from some very differing takes on the subject matter...? and what I'm then hearing or as an analogy seeing is that water and oil do not mix together uniformly.
  14. Atheism as a religion

    then again on then again "first there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is"
  15. Atheism as a religion

    then again one could say in recognition of certain beings that it takes super and special efforts and sacrifices to get beyond so called "normal" habits and normal programming which tend to "naturally" dominate. (and that such beings and the state they radiate are not just naturally popping up on every street corner)
  16. "good" can be thought of as that which has a true root and life force, while evil can be thought of that as a willful lie against the true root and life force, thus what I'm trying to say is not talking about "light" and "dark" as in days and night in a natural sense, but as in good being to work with the life force as a steward for all beings or working against it in an evil and willfully manipulated way that hurts all beings including the one that does such. There is a warning in T.T.C. chapter 30 which says, "And what is against Tao will soon cease to be" - thus a seeming equality that is implied along these lines by certain views does not fly for me.
  17. "Also on a side note i think it's a bit poetic, as it is in many texts that anyone could be entrusted with the world. It may be that with a diamond body we feel as though we are entrusted with it, but as to if we actually are... i'm not sure. And what is the full meaning of entrusted here." by z00se Well I'd say there is the 'world of mankind' and there is the 'world of earth' or "mother nature"... sometimes they come together or work in harmony and sometimes they don't such as in times of spiritual darkness and or demonic type influences of malice, greed and fear. The Earth Herself is a great soul of a different order than mankind and she is entrusted with, or better said empowered with her own place in the order of things; thus mankind or an individual as her child can not fulfill her place in the order of things per-se, although we can grow up and work as a good stewards (whether seen as minute or not) in service and harmony with her ways and laws. Thus our place on earth is ultimately that of being entrusted as a good stewards (aka spiritual warriors) and then or to also come to know the bright and pure Sun world - which is of another order of being where we could be.
  18. Right now I only have time for the partial replay below: About the Earth: I'd say that we as human beings are children of the earth and that we as souls are children of the universe, but we as Spirit are and ultimately not bound by the earth, the universe or even by "higher forces" and or karma, for even "God" can not stop the purified mote that passes through "his" eye being that all motes in their innate nature are also spirit... not unlike the analogy of a spark being able to pass through fire without being burned. (along with Spirit really having no limiting body, including even a beautiful body woven of light)
  19. You are welcome Jeff.
  20. ...yes and in this quoted case I think "body" would include mind, heart and soul, and the "world" would include all beings including those that have turned away from the life force or have fallen yet want to turn around or get up. Anyone should feel free to add your examples along these lines.
  21. The one of us

    When the one of us realizes the one of us, along with that one of us being fearless in truth, then there is no place for fear, doubt or death to take hold. Om
  22. Mr. G was an interesting screw up and talked in ways similar to this... along with admitting to such in the end. Along with some eyewitness to such, for instance: The biographer James Webb stated: "There is no doubt at all that Gurdjieff had sexual relations with many of his pupils" (The Harmonious Circle, pp. 331). Webb also described his subject in terms of "a sensual man who enjoyed the pleasures of the bed as much as those of the table" (ibid., p. 332). According to Gurdjieff's pupil John G. Bennett: "At certain times he led a strict, almost ascetic life, having no relation with women at all. At other times, his sex life seemed to go wild and it must be said that his unbridled periods were more frequent than the ascetic. At times, he had sexual relationships not only with almost any woman who happened to come within the sphere of his influence, but also with his own pupils." (Bennett, Gurdjieff: Making a New World, p. 231) In terms of a moral example, Gurdjieff is glaringly deficient. Whether or not he was legally married to Julia Ostrowska, he evidently believed that he was justified in making extra liaisons resulting in children. The dancer Elizabeta Galumnian is reported to have bore him a son, Sergei. The extent of his promiscuous activity is a subject of speculation. Some very strange statements appear in the literature. Frank Lloyd Wright (who married Olgivanna) said in an interview that Gurdjieff admitted to 104 sons and 27 daughters of his own, and "for all of whose education he has made provision." However, he told others in New York that he had ten of his own children (reported in Taylor, Gurdjieff and the Children).
  23. Spirituality and the Marketplace

    The 10% rule is used a lot for the amount of money...
  24. Have you read or do you know that demons also have these same powers except in twisted form? Thus the motive for such powers is of major question and concern - since if we are practicing a true spiritual path all powers will then properly fall under the need to know or use and thus be justified to aid and or help benefit further spiritual practice, and if such is not the motive then what is? "Meditation" is really or ultimately a prepping for freedom+awareness+heart-wisdom and not powers or "effects" per-se.