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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. some negative cult traits

    "Cult-speak. The cult has its own language. The cult invents new terminology or euphemisms for many things. The cult may also redefine many common words to mean something quite different. Cult-speak is also called "bombastic redefinition of the familiar", or "loading the language". "Loaded Language" is one of Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Eight Conditions of Thought Reform — an essential part of any effective brainwashing program. The cult-speak may include a bunch of well-worn slogans, which Dr. Lifton called "thought-terminating clichés. The special words constrict rather than expand human understanding, and the slogans stop thought. Beginners have to learn all of the new terminology in order to fit in, and understand what is being said. Then, the new language has the effect of separating the newcomer from his old world, and from his old circle of friends. His new cult friends will tell him that "Only another cult member understands", and it will be true. When he babbles nothing but cult-speak, nobody but another cult member will be able to understand. Loading the language and redefining words has a long history..."
  2. some negative cult traits

    perhaps I'll modify the op title a little.
  3. some negative cult traits

    ST, that sounds kind of strange to me considering you apparently have to breathe to indulge in: "Rain, Nature, Qi Gong, Meditation, Kung Fu, Camping, Photography, Sacred Geometry, Lucid Dreaming, OBE's, Solfeggio Harmonics..." ?
  4. some negative cult traits

    it doesn't say cult it says concierge
  5. some negative cult traits

    GMP, I'd say that if you or anyone else is only using or only feels a negative connotation as above then imo such is narrowed minded thinking. Btw, why would anyone spend time here (at ttb's) if they only feel such a negative connotation?
  6. some negative cult traits

    it matters to me in the sense that one not need get an arm, leg or head cut off to learn a certain lesson when just losing the tip of a finger would be instructive enough for them... It also matters to me in the sense that one does not need to get seriously enthralled to so and so for an 'x' amount of time and have their life force sucked out of them to feed such a creepo when they could learn a similar lesson by a bad nic to get out quick... parents should know such as this instinctively for their kids protection and the same goes for anybody else...
  7. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    Jack L. and Walter M. partly got away with something like that.
  8. Pretty well said CT. I'd go a lot further but I'll leave it be for the moment.
  9. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    marbles are tough and know the risk in trying to break steelies
  10. Daeluin, I'd say nobel attempts at shrinking (or lecture) is still shrinking and unless an individual is ready and asking for it then even that can be in vain, although at least it was a try. (some methods can make things worse - thus there are more ways than one way) that's the end of my shrinking
  11. 9th, Dharma does not devise in the way mentioned above. (along with of the other debatable points) I also like quotes myself but they are not very much me the person sharing them - thus I suggest at least a few sentences of your own to go along with them if or when you share them.
  12. The T.T.C. may be seen as "puffery" by some but that is not my position nor that of many others at a Taoist web site with many other paths or variations allowed. Thus I'll offer chapter 24 for reflection: "ONE on tip-toe cannot stand. One astride cannot walk. One who displays himself does not shine. One who justifies himself has no glory. One who boasts of his own ability has no merit. One who parades his own success will not endure. In Tao these things are called "unwanted food and extraneous growths," Which are loathed by all things. Hence, a man of Tao does not set his heart upon them".
  13. substitute the word guru for jack and one would have about the same meaning. (for an anti-guru guru)
  14. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    Handing out fresh buffalo wings while saying aloha might work better...
  15. I think if Krishnamurti really knew jack he wouldn't have wasted his life on trying to kill jack.
  16. Btw, Stefos and Seeker of Wisdom do you see how certain of your posts should have been more addressed to each other than to me, as in the sense you were both projecting what the other had said somehow onto me?
  17. I think another way to look at what Steve's quote says is, "the higher one climbs the father they can fall". in other words a being could climb to a god world of light and yet fall to a demon world of darkness, unless...
  18. apparently two people are getting me mixed up with somebody else?
  19. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    I'd say, It's not really suicide its birth to that which is, it's not really daring it's surrender, its not really for the elite .001% it's for the pure of heart, it's not far from reach, it's the indestructible being everywhere, it's shining wisdom after darkness and it's hand is an embracing kindness and compassion, there is a time for not knowing and knowing and that is well, for a seed needs the cover of earth while a tree needs the fullness of the sun. "Fear not". Om
  20. Where did my recent post go? mods? if deleted then that is surely a crime since it points to greater crime
  21. where did the post go?

    You have a fair point but then again it's debatable... (although my days are numbered for such debates )
  22. Hello Seeker of Wisdom, Of course you are allowed to give your views as you are so doing, along with others. (as is obvious) The use of "forbids" came earlier in this thread as copied below, so I'm not using it in reference to you but as as an issue. "... the principle of ka dag (found in Atiyoga) completely forbids the possibility of anything like Brahman". from a post by asunthatneversets Btw, I'm not talking about concepts per-se, although if they are given as an absolute from either camp then I think such are open to being refuted; which and again coming back to the four-fold negation I believe the Buddha used it to refute concepts as being absolute. I think you gave your pov's without meanness or shallowness and I never said you did so thus I'm not sure how you are seemingly getting such from me ? Your suspicion is not quite right since I've recently stated that mixing Buddhism and Hinduism is a no-no according their respective authorities and that I would not do it in the way you imply. I've also tried giving my pov's without meanness or shallowness although I do admit to a little sarcasm in my last post, but I don't think I'm deserving of you saying, "Does the ban on concepts and absolutist statements only apply to people who disagree with you?" As for Stefos he is not me, and imo he struck un-fairly several times. Edit add in: There is another saying that imo also refutes wisely, namely: "neti, neti" which is not that unlike the four-fold negation if you will?
  23. where did the post go?

    although a hermit sometimes has to come out of a hermetic state while remaining in it.
  24. where did the post go?

    no matter now Brian, besides there will be another day or another variation to deal with.