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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. that's a good point which could be directly directed back to the Buddha in making the speculation to begin with and having it transmitted in writing by disciples in a scared and doctrine central Buddhist sutta? Btw, there is still a kind of the parallel incident mentioned in this sutta about a great God prompting the Buddha to continue his teaching when the Buddha was in doubt with himself about doing so post enlightenment. (which no Buddhist I've ever talked to so far is able to explain with congruent reasoning)
  2. oh? but he has often joshed and mostly good naturedly
  3. well I'm not ruling out or in such possible conflation for myself, but your point is taken for (most?) schools of Buddhism. But the Buddha is still talking about remaining or maintaining His particular something or being for a world cycle, (although it didn't happen according to that sutta) and I don't take him to mean his physical body.
  4. ok some conversation and exchange, thanks - my take from some sources of Buddhism is that is no there continuation of a particular being (along with no reincarnation or maintaining of a particualr being or soul if you will) and in this case or sutta the particualr being of the historic Buddha is talking about remaining and maintaining himself and not just a sort of transmission for a world cycle.
  5. "Of course it is thus also the term mind", meaning also the use of or thus the term mind which is common in Buddhism
  6. Of course it is thus also the term mind which would seemingly be more palatable here (?) but that is secondary to the main line of the Buddhas statement in sentence #3 above which obviously smacks against certain interpretations (and or assumptions from people within or outside the schools) of Buddhism, in other words what was the Buddha talking about in regards to maintaining himself (along with said prompting) as a particular and very, very long term separate form of being whether as a mind or as the four letter word of soul - for a world cycle?
  7. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    I'd say being a nut about God or being an anti-nut about God when dealing with others are both nuts. (nut=as in trying to force your pov)
  8. not really since you and most people know what shorthand is, and if one wanted to go even shorter they could use: Om
  9. Women & TTB

    hell, unless I'm invited to a woman's sub-forum for some good reason I'm not intruding. (and there is already tons of stuff floating around in the rest of the forums for us guys.
  10. Women & TTB

    CT, This is dragging off topic but Spotless does start out with a one size fits all type of summation in the words below: "This post has brought out everyone's torches. This carrying of torches, however justified or intelligent it may seem - these are the prison bars". (Btw, I've meant torches more than once and I'm dam glad I did since they helped save my ass) Any-who it may not be exactly what was said (which I may bend some on) but more on how it was said .
  11. Women & TTB

    Ct, The fact is that not to many of us are here to be shrinked over, (at least and probably not very much and not without give and take dialogue) thus spotless electing himself as the sites master shrink is presumptuous, along with a one size fits all us members summation and also using Buddhist teachers as an example and proof to do so - some of whom we may not be into as much as he apparently is...
  12. Women & TTB

    rhetorical and presuming
  13. Women & TTB

    I wouldn't mind hearing some insights from gals about their problems with other gals... being that at my work site it seldom seems that gals want to be on the same crew if they can find a half-decent crew of guys to be on. In fact I'm pretty sure that after 35 years I've never heard a gal say she only wanted to work with her fellow females. Another big problem I see is the crossing of the line about a gal becoming like another one of the guys - then being respected as a lady is often lost and difficult to regain.
  14. Women & TTB

    Who but the greatest of masters can truly "turn the other cheek" and not be walked on because of their indomitable will and abiding in spiritual power?
  15. I'd say the Buddha talked about maintaining (his soul as an immortal) throughout a "world cycle" * but that didn't happen per this excerpt from the: Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha translated from the Pali by Sister Vajira & Francis Story © 1998: From part Three: "Relinquishing the Will to Live, The Blessed One's Prompting 3. And the Blessed One said: "Whosoever, Ananda, has developed, practiced, employed, strengthened, maintained, scrutinized, and brought to perfection the four constituents of psychic power could, if he so desired, remain throughout a world-period or until the end of it. [21] The Tathagata, Ananda, has done so. Therefore the Tathagata could, if he so desired, remain throughout a world-period or until the end of it." 4. But the Venerable Ananda was unable to grasp the plain suggestion, the significant prompting, given by the Blessed One. As though his mind was influenced by Mara, [22] he did not beseech the Blessed One: "May the Blessed One remain, O Lord!. May the Happy One remain, O Lord, throughout the world-period, for the welfare and happiness of the multitude, out of compassion for the world, for the benefit, well being, and happiness of gods and men!" 5. And when for a second and a third time the Blessed One repeated his words, the Venerable Ananda remained silent. 6. Then the Blessed One said to the Venerable Ananda: "Go now, Ananda, and do as seems fit to you." "Even so, O Lord." And the Venerable Ananda, rising from his seat, respectfully saluted the Blessed One, and keeping his right side towards him, took his seat under a tree some distance away." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *description of a world cycle: Great Aeon or World Cycle (Maha-kappa) A maha kappa or aeon is generally taken to mean a world cycle. How long is a world cycle? In Samyutta ii, Chapter XV, the Buddha used the parables of the hill and mustard-seed for comparison: • Suppose there was a solid mass, of rock or hill, one yojana (eight miles) wide, one yojana across and one yojana high and every hundred years, a man was to stroke it once with a piece of silk. That mass of rock would be worn away and ended sooner than would an aeon. • Suppose there was a city of iron walls, one yojana in length, one yojana in width, one yojana high and filled with mustard-seeds to the brim. There-from a man was to take out every hundred years a mustard-seed. That great pile of mustard-seed would be emptied and ended sooner than would an aeon.
  16. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    I'd say the answer won't be discovered in thought, although it will be discovered...
  17. Powerful spiritual short-hand without ado.
  18. Recognizing Reality

    I love the soul of the Earth and breathe through Her Sacred being and beauty, I even love that little Bob character and all the rest and breathe through them by any means possible...
  19. Stephen Knapp

    Maha mantra
  20. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    It's well that that can not really be explained for the explanation would never cover or equal it, thus only aspects can be more or less explained or talked about and after that we need to let it be.
  21. Women & TTB

    Do those less fortunate than you not count to Spirit?
  22. on being really strange: 1. won't work very well socially unless you are also fun and pleasant to be around... 2. will attract extra attention to be ignored if you are disheveled and acting disingenuously. 3. makes it hard to get a date or a mate unless you find a bird of feather to frolic together with. 4. "no shirt, no shoes, no service"... also means one should wear pants in restaurants or when shopping. (submit your list next)
  23. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    Suggest along the lines of both transcendent and immanent, and along the lines of Panentheism.
  24. Women & TTB

    It could happen that way or it could happen per Spirit which I don't believe or hope you would rule out,,, Besides mind and will are important but are not enough to solve the problems that are burning. Btw, it feels like you twisted my words a little to bypass my attempted point and maintain your incredible emotional momentum, it is starting to feel like fire and brimstone against fire and brimstone around here? Please consider that 100 seconds in pure Spirit could unravel, free and show the way and bring changes that could not be matched in a 100 years with only mental and emotional power and struggle, which granted are also very important and which I respect.