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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Thoughts about God

    One could check out various Hindu concepts on God at: http://www.swami-krishnananda.org/disc/disc_14.html
  2. 1. unlimited levels of work that never really end, 2. unlimited levels of responsibility that never really end, 3. being on call 24/7 x 365 for whatever "the needs of the many or the needs of the one" may be, (although I wouldn't really know ) Thus one can forget about most of the fancy mind-candy perks you may read about or come across which at best are only tools to assist with items 1-3 Om
  3. That sounds like quasi-intellectual poppycock... The following sounds like Taoism: T.T.C. 52. "ALL-under-Heaven have a common Beginning. This Beginning is the Mother of the world. Having known the Mother, We may proceed to know her children. Having known the children, We should go back and hold on to the Mother. In so doing, you will incur no risk Even though your body be annihilated..."
  4. Indifferent sounds like apathy and to imply that the universe is apathetic is akin to being deaf, dumb and blind to the song and beauty that she is. (which is both obvious and not so obvious in countless ways) I'd go with impartial in the sense of a dharmic and karmic mother that acts fairly with all her children.
  5. Lots of far out stuff is possible but is not of any spiritual consequence (or of negative consequence) if sought after or trained for as mind candy or as another form or variation of power for egotistic ends. No one really gets or owns for themselves the spiritual truth and its power that is beyond mind manipulation, for if one becomes purified enough (with help) then such truth and power will get them.
  6. "You know the prayer 'Holy God, Holy the Firm, Holy the Immortal'? This prayer comes from ancient knowledge. Holy God means the Absolute or All. Holy the Firm also means the Absolute or Nothing. Holy the Immortal signifies that which is between them, that is, the six notes of the ray of creation, with organic life. All three taken together make one. This is the coexistent and indivisible Trinity". From "In search of the Miraculous"
  7. MH, I'd say *anarchy is human based attempt or method that does not recognize the "Great Tao" which has "Grand Virtue" as the "way" along with an "unfailing sincerity" (per T.T.C. 21) which does not error in the manner you are speaking of. * Definitions of anarchy: a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government 2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order b : absence of order : disorder <not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature — Israel Shenker>
  8. that is a tough one, also even the sage will not force relative goodness for to do so would be relative evil,
  9. ...and of course the "real" is highly debatable.
  10. one can go to the astral and fly until the cows come home
  11. I would also join with that disagreement in the sense that "the sage is always good at saving men, and therefore nobody is abandoned, Always good at saving things and therefore nothing is wasted", T.T.C. 27, John Wu translation. (hence such a Sage is one with the Great Tao)
  12. I'd say that fear (besides acting as a protective and temporary instinct) has no root except in a lie, and a lie can not stand on its own. (btw, the term "mind" is often problematic since it is used in many different ways or with different meanings...) In your earlier post if you changed "accept" to facing ones demons (or fears) then the meaning would be a lot different to me, btw, there is that saying along the lines of what we fear shall come upon us. Good day
  13. What does being egotistically bound bring about? (or what is its root?) (btw, evil "cousins" was meant to mean related vices, thus not a "they" per-se although such could come into play)
  14. nope, for one has to (accept) surrender to the great Tao to transcend fear, while potential turned into actual demon-hood is based in fear and all of its evil cousins.
  15. haha, btw being a "Buddha" is in no way limited to just being a Buddhist - which often seems to be implied at this site by our Buddhist biased folks... btw #2 "powers" can also put one on the fast track to a demon-like state and surely will if not used for dharma, (the "dharma" which is in no way limited to just Buddhist dharma as often implied by our Buddhist biased folks) ...this is the general forum right?
  16. The op title was partly for fun although the serious replies to the topic are fine with me... Anyway I was stirring the pot a little on an often heavy-duty subject which imo could sometimes use some lightening up...
  17. ...haha, dial 777 for info on the nearest enlightened being - located right under our nose on the GPS map
  18. Suggest reading Solomon in Ecclesiastics, (also other proverbs which are magical)
  19. make the head of the pin they dance on larger...
  20. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    as long as we are posting music here are some cool dudes: (the 60's rock!)
  21. "the eater of death"

    bump... there is that which evolves and there is that which does not evolve...
  22. How to cure fallen angels

    Btw, any that are posting or reading here that are not at least part "human", show yourselves...
  23. (to first post) who knows, life (can) turn on a dime...
  24. How to cure fallen angles

    could be house movers (literally)