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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    MH, I didn't know you converted...
  2. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    "Jesus Christ" (God bless his soul)
  3. well the good good is inherent and indivisible while the real good is a connected and dharmic spin off of that - while the bad is then a twisted spin off of such good... thus the bad is the last in line and the first to go - being poorly connected and having no lasting or inherent existence..
  4. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    it is the job of the mind to fabricate, while it is the job of the master to control that fabricator... I wish the hell everyone would quit parroting the word empty!
  5. What's the easiest way to live in the present?

    especially if you have a bad case of gout!
  6. Non-duality in the Dao De Jing

    (btw, the beer that can be drank and finished off is not the eternal and everlasting beer)
  7. Holy cow! You got all that MH? You will tested tomorrow at 1/2 hour past emptiness whether your plate is full or not.
  8. The High Indifference

    Anoesjka, One only has to read several key Buddhist texts and one will hear the historic Buddha denying or refuting many if not most other "esoteric" teachings. (and going by a couple of years of posts made by many of Buddhists here I think you would hear them saying the same...)
  9. The High Indifference

    A great Sage is free from "harm" because to them death has died and can longer reach them... (which includes life at the level that is linked to death - although that doesn't mean the life of free Spirit which is not linked to death in any way) Also mixing up Buddhism and Buddhist terms with Christianity or any other Way is problematic to say the least since it is like mixing apples and oranges or water and oil which doesn't work and never will...
  10. To follow a school and its lineage holder to find out 100% about same would take a 100% commitment, thus and for instance 20% interest in for 5 different schools and or teachers will never result in anything 100%. (which doesn't mean one should not have appreciation for the diversity of different schools or teachers in passing, but at some point one will have to choose beyond all the comparative ifs, ands, or buts if a complete summation about one in particular is to be reached) A situation for many of us that have been exposed to so much (often in a westernized media way) may never come to full terms with....
  11. One ocean of never ending joyful light is wonderful, but to then go inside that light is that which no man can really say...
  12. When Time stands still

    I'd say its a better handle to say all time instead of no time... hell the historic Buddha talked about sticking around to the end of the cosmic cycle of time but Ananda never asked him to so he checked out - that is if one is coming from Buddhist view so to speak.
  13. When Time stands still

    the trick is to jump out fast enough before the plane crashes so that you will then get into sync with the ground... then light your cig.
  14. By Austin Cline "On the face of it, the characteristics of transcendence and immanence appear to be in conflict. A transcendent God is one who is beyond perception, independent of the universe, and wholly “other” when compared to us. An immanent God, is one which exists within — within us, within the universe, etc. — and, hence, very much a part of our existence. How can these qualities exist simultaneously? The idea of a transcendent God has roots both in Judaism and in Neoplatonic philosophy. The Old Testament, for example, records a prohibition against idols and this can be interpreted as an attempt to emphasize the wholly “otherness” of God which cannot be represented physically. Neoplatonic philosophy, in a similar manner, emphasized the idea that God is so pure and perfect that it completely transcended all of our categories, ideas, and concepts. The idea of an immanent God can also be traced to both Judaism and Greek philosophers. The stories of the Old Testament depict a God who is very active in human affairs and the working of the universe. Christians, especially mystics, have often described a God who works within them and whose presence they can perceive immediately and personally. Philosophers have also discussed the idea of a God who is somehow united with our souls, such that this union can be understood and perceived by those who study and learn enough..." see link to continue: http://atheism.about.com/od/whatisgod/a/transcendent.htm
  15. What is Gratitude?

    be grateful for a warning/direction/act that intercepts and also mitigates injury. For instance if such warning/direction/act intercepts one from getting their hand cut-off and instead only ending up with a minor cut. (which as implied could have been much worse!)
  16. mental fog

    Sunchild, His descriptions of things gone crazy could be of use if any of those symptoms ever kick in... there is also a lot of other material there (an in an organization) to see what may interest you. Besides - more chances of finding someone to talk with that might be able help in some way? Good luck man
  17. or we could call it pot-luck?
  18. mental fog

    Sounds like you could use a real expert - that are not to easy to come by! Have you read some of the Kopi Krishna material? (it's on the web)
  19. 1. Masons 2. Elks club 3. Lions club 4. Odd Fellows 5. Eagles 6. YMCA 7. Boy Scouts 8. Hooters
  20. we are now eclectic in general

    since when is a good pot luck downbeat ?
  21. we are now eclectic in general

    well, "potluck" should at least be good for a grin now and then
  22. What an idiot that guy is, almost stopping in front of me to make a right turn off the main boulevard where there are no stop lights calling for such, %*#$! while I'm in a hurry to get home and read my new books on how to attain enlightenment...
  23. regrets

    Sometimes we hear a line like, "I have no regrets". Well imo that is an impossible condition for a fairly "normal" and honest human being to really be in while more or less also being in a dualistic state. (although not for a fully enlightened being who has resolved all karmas) Anyway, I have various regrets but I don't overly regret having regrets since one must learn and then move on...