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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. "The concept of God in Hinduism"

    My what thin skin you have, anyway imo lumping Sanskrit and all of its related import into "playing with words and fascination" is way off the mark... Good fortune on your search.
  2. "The concept of God in Hinduism"

    GrandmasterP, No one is keeping you from your English choice, would you keep someone from their Sanskrit choice? (Btw, Sanskrit has important aspects that are related to communication between the human and various heavenly worlds and its beings... thus a very powerful form of communication using intonations filled with a certain measure of what can be called spiritual power; I would also say such should be more or less obvious when listening to empowered mantra, kirtan, and or Vedic chants and music given by those specially trained and qualified to do so! That is not saying that English can't have whatever measure of such communication also via its heartfelt speech but I tend to feel it is more applicable for communication among us human beings - then again I'm no expert on these matters)
  3. "The concept of God in Hinduism"

    Ok Thislife, Although I think that your post would fit or be more applicable under the general forum since a key part Vedanta and or "Hindusim" is the recognition of and importance of a true guru and the many related steps or practices of various yoga's and or schools for a students preparation... having said that I agree that the tipping point of an over-whelming of Grace can not be earned or forced in any way yet even the Dharmic preparations have a measure of grace if one can see it that way.
  4. "The concept of God in Hinduism"

    I hear the quote as giving a great appreciation and recognition of many schools (and a small but very important part of the teachings) that are included in "Hinduism", along with the wide ranging and tolerant views that do and are meant to exist among same! Such an attitude of appreciation, recognition and tolerance could be applied in other (or across) various religions or systems if or where it is not practiced... such is one of ways that these "concepts" (and more than just concepts) could help us in our day to day living. I also think that learning a little Sanskrit and related terminology, even only a small number of words is a small price to pay to help one gain some appreciation for the vastness of Hinduism and its many peoples! Om Shanti
  5. Open Source Kriya

    Did someone give you a lead way back when while you were looking to find your present teacher...? Spirit uses any and all means, even those we may have trouble with including unexpected, unforeseen and unearned Grace.
  6. Open Source Kriya

    the following is not in the same context but one might ask, "why Lord Siva"? by Jayaram V "Maya is both an aspect and function of prakriti. The dynamic power of Siva is called prakriti or shakti. In his aspect as suppressor (vamadeva), Siva uses maya as his concealing power to suppress his own powers in the beings and objects he creates. It is not uncommon to see the words maya and prakriti being used interchangeably to denote shakti. To avoid confusion, in this article we prefer to use maya as an aspect and function of prakriti rather than prakriti itself and also use the word prakriti and shakti synonymously or interchangeably. Maya in Saivism is considered as one of the three impurities that bind the jivas to the mortal worlds through delusion. The other two impurities are anava (egoism) and karma (willful actions)". (underline by me)
  7. what is the sound of one hand

    it can be heard but not with ears
  8. Open Source Kriya

    Well I have mixed feelings... for instance if certain westernized yoga studios (normally with limited qualifications) would be completely honest in writing that they only give a beginner hatha yoga practice that is mainly intended for general health, and thus is without a large percentage of its other and important spiritual teachings rooted in Hinduism - then that may lead people to looking further into the many schools of Hinduism. Anyway, I think people interested in general health is great and places where beginner hatha yoga is not abused nor based primarily on making money often have very fit and happy members.
  9. various books don't just pop onto the scene... before-hand and along these lines there are sorts of astral wars taking place which are then manifested in the physical along with various book forms. Who is to blame? There is a deep Buddhist saying about "no blame" but that should probably be for another string.
  10. About Me

    ed note: add -user beware
  11. Open Source Kriya

    "The problem with most of these "free" lessons is that they don't care for the health and safety of the practitioner." By Dwai Also how many westernized yoga studios does walk into and see the teachings of yama and niyama posted front and center? I'd say forget about most of the energy stuff except for that related to normal and balanced health through very basic hatha yoga for without yama and niyama we would be mostly getting way ahead of ourselves. (at least I know I would and it seems to be very prevalent at this site considering the number of posts on kundalini and so forth...)
  12. Open Source Kriya

    Brahman chooses Brahman, Brahman reveals Brahman, man does not choose and then get Brahman as other things are gotten. Much can be corrupted and misled within the manifest, thus Brahman unfailingly chooses and reveals to the Brahman in those open to Grace and that have passed (or one might say earned a passing grade) on the tests of possible corruption and being misled in the manifest. -Something has gotta give and it won't be the truth of Brahman.
  13. depersonalization

    Pardon me for suddenly dropping by but I'd say don't confuse death and hell with each other, death normally comes to the flesh sooner or later and is part of the natural cycle that is joined to life... hell can come to the mind and soul during life or death and is not avoided or lessened by death in any way; obviously certain levels or kinds of violence will cause death but they will not bring rest; further, various forms of inflicted and or self-inflicted violence will bring hellish states which means more torment and greater types of pain and anguish all of which are harder to deal with while being "dead" since there is no escape from same in death. Such hellish states or un-doings have to be guarded against while we try to live a noble life on the true-and-fair-Mother Earth. (which doesn't mean things are easy here although there are far more opportunities and chances to work things out compared to being crushed and buried "alive" in the hell realms for who knows how long...) Btw, I've verified this just as anyone else can - but I wouldn't suggest doing so right now, better to give thanks to the Earth Soul and her sacrifice so that we may all walk right
  14. Should the Dao be spoken?

    one could also say, "indeed" a lot...
  15. Taking Mr. G with a big grain of salt....see pdf file: gurdjiefffourthway.org/pdf/danger.pdf
  16. Open Source Kriya

    most everything along (the purpose's) of these lines has long been available as an openly given teaching through two words and their meaning - Love/compassion
  17. Should the Dao be spoken?

    and the "silent treatment" is one of the hardest to bare...
  18. Quote "Who's going to mow the lawn and water the flowers?" The Hobbits would, naturally.
  19. "never mind" since the mind will never know...
  20. Definition of HACKLE 1 a : one of the long narrow feathers on the neck or saddle of a bird b : the neck plumage of the domestic fowl 2 : a comb or board with long metal teeth for dressing flax, hemp, or jute 3 plural a : erectile hairs along the neck and back especially of a dog b : temper, dander <the issue raised some hackles> 4 a : an artificial fishing fly made chiefly of the filaments of a cock's neck feathers b : filaments of cock feather projecting from the head of an artificial fly
  21. depersonalization

    I'd say there is some common ground with Buddhism and other "eastern ways or paths", BUT that is about it and trying meld all the so called eastern type teachings into one big happy family does not work, thus I try to leave the Buddhists to their own devices. (and they mostly leave me to my own )
  22. depersonalization

    I'd say the ending of egotisic (in one form or another) control of personality is the idea, not the ending of personality or depersonalization per-se since such is obviously a vehicle needed to interact with people and the world at large... thus when our true self controls personality that aspect will not be depersonalized in the way it sounds like you are saying. and it's all reality when the true self is fully in effect through all vehicles.