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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. I won't swallow your ramblings Alwayson, (or your manipulated quotes) but and for instance I will listen to what someone like CT or Simple-jack has to say along lines related to The Noble Eight Fold Path. (why, because I think they often practice "Right Speech")
  2. A true and false saying

    "mind " is really a tool, know the tool user.
  3. A true and false saying

    hehe, I wasn't thinking along the lines of male/female interactions butt that's surely an area that can be related to the topic. "They" say the brain/mind is the biggest turn on (as in it being used to be maintain an even temper, be self respecting, kind, communicative, funny, cool, well-off, healthy, flexible, manly, trustable, open minded and hearted, educated, etc...) And since you have most of those qualities why wouldn't a woman find you attractive besides the fact that you probably don't have much of a butt left at your mature age?
  4. Birth is a chance to resolve karmas that are not or perhaps very difficult to resolve in any other format, (namely being dead to this world but still in some other bardo) thus it can also be seen as a type of blessing to work with, besides and importantly a lot of the energies related to having a physical body are transmutable to higher form that can act to strengthen the particular being which can then help them in dharmic practice (for a Buddhist I'd say that would be the Noble Eight Fold Path) and or a quickening (for the many other ways or schools) - so to speak.
  5. A true and false saying

    Do you mean if you think you are your body? I see the body as mostly reflecting what one thinks and feels... (along with if one eats way to much junk food, gets no rest or exercise, etc...)
  6. I am here

    Songtsan, I'm sticking my nose in here a bit - but I suggest you carry on or converse with Deci directly and if she has nothing to do with it... so be it, otherwise isn't this line of posts unseemly?
  7. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    if one were an undivided and thus unified individual then what such an individual said would not be a lie to them, (for what else could they could say?) although it might be a "lie" in other contexts to other Beings; ...but since we are mostly not undivided and thus (often not) unified individuals that means we have warring factions within ourselves, for instance one day a nice guy, one day an ass, another day depressed, another day happy, one day a glutton, another day eating only a salad, etc.. and out of all of these factions some are in fluctuating control for moments some for days and so forth depending on inner and outer conditions and or influences. Thus what is the truth and what is a lie when we are divided within ourselves?
  8. I am here

    ah, umm, om
  9. Superimposition of views on reality

    who cares when you have a buddy and lifetime friend at the deep level of a good, big hearted dog! (anyway to me all the mystical-overload trips that are available are not as great as they sound...)
  10. Superimposition of views on reality

    if or when it all becomes like a dog and pony show I suggest we find some real dogs or pony's to care of...
  11. Do you live by your ideals/values?

    Well the created realms vary from the most corrupted hell to the most refined heaven of purity... and the Tao, Sages, Masters, Saints, Immortals, Buddha's, Guru's, Gods and Angels haven't changed that set up, lets ask why that is? (which may be getting off topic but after who knows how many millions of years the same game remains)
  12. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Believe in algebra but reserve judgment on its laws until you prove them to yourself.
  13. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    nature must follow the laws of nature, mankind on the other hand can go against dharmic law and behave demonically, although not getting away with it in the end... yet in one way or another karmas will be worked out 'naturally' which may sound like a contradiction.
  14. horse drawing

    Just curious but did anyone notice that the picture of horse added to the Tao bums header can be seen as running in either direction?
  15. taoism enlightenment?

    From various descriptions that one might come across one may attain an "immortal" state in the astral/light realms and surely that has its own rewards, (so to speak) yet I'd say such is not enough for "enlightenment"... for only no-thing is enough.
  16. yes, that is a nice saying and true for that context, but it is not the context I was getting at.
  17. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    "Truth", it's priced is very high, so high that only a very, very few of us will pay it, I've seen that price which had a cost in itself but and I'm not ready to make full payment are you...?
  18. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Ah, were on the same page there Nungali
  19. ...those are fine and worthy goals but the fact remains that the general forum here or most any internet forum is not a full fledged "school" with an attending and well proven master or expert teaching a particular way that people have committed to, and I don't expect it to be (for me at least), which I've said before in one or two other posts. What I do hope for is a fairly level playing field of sharing general help and tips... thus not to blanket people with insults and stereotypes for which I will tend to take a stand against anyone doing such by common recogizable standards. That's more or less my story and I'm sticking to it.
  20. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    the higher one goes (so to speak) the better and stronger their foundation in the very first level must be.
  21. Songtsan, Um, I don't think it's that complicated. Btw your earlier post did give me a grin, but like I said I'm not into making asides or having asides made pointing at me -its that simple- although I admit I couldn't resist in the particular instance you've mentioned.
  22. Ah, umm, Om, Songtsan, First things first, you are using a quote by me which is questionable in this case, thus I feel it would be more fitting if you said same or whatever you like but without my quote being in your post which is addressed to the other party.
  23. Should I kill the mice?

    ...if high level monks, nuns and swami's at the monastery use cats for their mice problem then I imagine you can to. Our one little cat takes care of all the mice for us and several homes nearby. Cats are even smarter than mice and also interesting. Don't forget mice can carry disease into your home like hanta virus which is deadly.
  24. Deci, like Bob N. said above, "STOP IT"! (as in making asides about 3bob, thus if you have something to say along such lines address it to me)
  25. apparently certain Asian people tend to get less cancer which may be because of more rice and tofu in diet...