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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. if some Muslims like to play baseball that's cool, although I imagine it is not allowed in some areas?
  2. the old tribal and newer sectarian warfare cultures that are connected to and part of the foundational doctrines of Islam are indicative of the powers its serves. (spout and twist things all you want but eye-witness history shows otherwise)
  3. Islam is an enormous insult to Jesus in trying to somehow co-opt his spiritual validity as if He had anything to do with it which he doesn't.
  4. Mr. Biri, you seldom give points for conversation since most of what you say are dismissals of other people based on your opinions (which btw. are a dime a dozen) and until you realize that there is little or no point in trying to deal with your tendency towards fanatical one-up-man-ship. Chegg, the speculation and correlation game has it limits, I hope you already know that? (which it seems you do) Godspeed in your studies. Om
  5. Chegg, Do you think the oversized (flame) letters are needed? (Imo maybe once in a great while...although throwing flame at gasoline seldom clears the air) Btw, how is it Enoch walked with God (or whatever the verse says) if he did not go through Jesus? Btw, how is it that Satan had a conversation with God about the ground rules for tormenting Job if he didn't go through Jesus? Btw, was it ever possible that Jesus could fail or fall? If not then his temptations were not real on the other hand if his temptations were real then the Jesus before being "crucified" was not the same Jesus as after being crucified, thus I see a certain problem in quoting the words of a Jesus before that event (and even in him saying it) - for if he had failed then the Bible verse you are hammering on would have to have been thrown out the window or would have never come into existence. Etc., etc...
  6. Hello silent thunder, "Everything you Love and Everything you Hate, come from the Same Source" Ime this saying can easily be misunderstood... since only the first and purest prana/light/sound comes from the source after that there are countless permutations in which that which came from the Source can begin to end up twisted, thus spiritual darkness does not come from the Source per-se for it is only purity or pure energy twisted up, untwist it and spiritual darkness is no more.
  7. "This evolution ended with the last Prophet, Prophet Muhammad and Islam" quoted from Mr. Biri Going by that statement God has done nothing new spiritually since around 632 AD, which is nuts imo.
  8. Yes, the great Earth soul is of motherly nature, singing with heart breaking beauty! (there is sadness but not a breaking apart because of it)
  9. Pardon me for butting in Chegg but I will bet you $10,000.00 that Mr. Biri will not agree with your main points in the last post; another problem is in understanding your "main points" from an esoteric framework of meaning, thus if one doesn't have that understanding they don't really know what Jesus meant except from a fundamentalist Christian framework which brings us back to irreconcilable dichotomy among Abrahamic religions, and also for billions of people of other religions or ways. (which btw is not a blessing of tolerance)
  10. on the other hand that graph is taking a lot of liberties on interpretation and various correlations that some would not agree upon, as in throwing everything into one big pot. (I don't know of anyone who could keep a lid on such a pot )
  11. Chegg, Brian said that I just seconded it... ummm... there is that saying that, "it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness..." also a great master would not have to think about what someone was saying if it was criticism, they would know. As to what they would do about it who knows except how the spirit moves them to do so. One example is that Jesus could turn the other cheek but to many cultures and their related religions that would be a sign of weakness. (for instance some carry out what to them are justified beatings or even killings for one only speaking verbal insults, having differences of opinion, or not wearing a head covering)
  12. "...What disturbs me, though, is the sharp contrast between the professed philosophies and the personal words/actions of not just you but every Sufi whose behavior I have observed on the Internet. I understand the four levels thing (and have discussed with some members here the parallels I see with many other religions in this regard) and recognize that the garden-variety Muslim is merely at the Sharia level (and therefore, I guess, shouldn't be considered in any way representative of Islam?) but every Imam, cleric or self-proclaimed Sufi I encounter (either in person or turns out to behave in a manner consistent with those base Sharia advocates rather than in a manner which reflects the lofty & admirable religion they claim Islam to be. Just one of those things that makes me go "Hmmm..." " I second that Hmmm... (for this an many other religions with similar situations)
  13. "in the year 2525 if man is still alive..."
  14. Sounds like you have your rationalizations well in hand, btw all sorts of unnecessary and horrific crap has been going on in the name of an Abrahamic "God" (and other forms of "God") for thousands of years... such glory should be getting very old for any one who exercises critical thinking and feeling !?
  15. A direct argument is ok with me because a great deal of the Old Testament (and even some parts of New) would have to be removed to consistently maintain the meaning and teaching of "love one another" in the Bible; why because "God" is also described as a jealous, wrathful Being who often gives orders to kill in the Old Testament. Such killings/murders have been done in the name of "God" for thousands of years by various fanatics of various Abrahamic based religions. Thus exactly which variation of "God" in the Bible the compassionate Jesus is working for is not clear to me via such contradictory doctrines. (and I don't see how such could honestly be clear for anyone else without them really stretching and rationalizing away countless facts of history related to Abrahamic religions!)
  16. Baby its cold outside

    saw it snow once in San Diego (near Balboa park) but that was in the 1960's, didn't last long though because the hippies were so hot...
  17. What I hear is that Sufism (as described) and main stream Islam are largely in irreconcilable dichotomy to each other, not unlike how much of the Old and New Testaments are largely in irreconcilable dichotomy to each other. One can not be a fundamentalist religious fanatic (regardless of any form of religion) and still make claims of having anything to do with spirituality.
  18. I swear...

    (excepting when on the john for me)
  19. us men do stupid things towards women when we forget they are spirits first, souls second, mind and heart third, human fourth, and female fifth... (that is only a general order, and sure there are other layers just like for us guys)
  20. Gandhi quote

    "I do dimly perceive that whilst everything around me is ever changing, ever dying, there is underlying all that change a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves, and re-creates. That informing power or spirit is God. And since nothing else that I see merely through the senses can or will persist, He alone is. And is this power benevolent or malevolent? I see it as purely benevolent. For I can see that in the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists. Hence I gather that God is Life, Truth, Light. He is Love. He is the Supreme Good". – Mahatma Gandhi
  21. Gandhi quote

    such is when the universal correlation translator matches up where possible...
  22. A reminder: when or if both parents are working full time to survive in the world there is not much time left over to be the near perfect parents for ones kids as implied above but one still tries... Btw, how many here have kids and are in a ideal situation where you don't have to work full time or even part-time away from home plus however much time is needed for commuting and thus are able to spend more quality time with your children? The percentage of people and parents who are in a situation where they don't have to work full-time with their noses to the grindstone just to get by is getting smaller and smaller. (and obviously there are very few places left on the planet where one can make a retreat to a moderate forest or climate and have mother earth supply most of our needs for free besides one having to do some harvesting and shelter building in a safe, un-crowded and perpetually protected area rich in all the natural resources that human beings need along with having a few modern conveniences like basic plumbing/sanitation and light for night-time reading)
  23. having a friendly dog and taking it for lots of walks is one way to meet people, (at least dog friendly people) such doesn't work with cats.
  24. Vedanta Basics

    get permission to remove all other posts in this particular and informational type thread since it (as an exception to common rule) imo should not be used as a place to debate, there are many existing threads where people are free to "debate" various points and if those are not enough they can start new threads for same. (including references back to this one)
  25. Buddhist cynicism

    Not bad complex Jack: "....one puts and end to involuntary rebirth and continues to be reborn (or emanate nirmanakayas) in order to effectively benefit sentient beings..." "cynical" Buddhsists should take note imo for what its worth.