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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. I don't know about you but I'm more or less tired of hearing quasi-Buddhist sayings on emptiness, non-existence and nihilistic like negativity being given out as wisdom, etc., - but I did find the Buddhist quote below to be more or less informative: "...The Fourfold Negation and the Perfection of Wisdom instruct us to go beyond external fabricated natures, internal dependent natures, consciousness, and self-emptiness. Enlightenment is only realized by purifying and abandoning these wrong, limited views, until the ground of all, the Buddha Essence, spontaneously arises as the separated result, the Primordial Buddha: true purity, true self, true bliss, and true permanence..."
  2. my quote is better than your quote

    well growing grass is spiritual besides keeping lots of life forms alive...
  3. my quote is better than your quote

    by the way since there are so many quotes in the general section how did this rate getting moved here?
  4. my quote is better than your quote

    haven't dug up a viewer/editor yet
  5. An excerpt from Alan Watts: (going back a ways) "...Atheism in the name of God is an abandonment of all religious beliefs, including atheism, which in practice is the stubbornly held idea that the world is a mindless mechanism. Atheism in the name of God is giving up the attempt to make sense of the world in terms of any fixed idea or intellectual system. It is becoming again as a child and laying oneself open to reality as it is actually and directly felt, experiencing it without trying to categorize, identify or name it. This can be most easily begun by listening to the world with closed eyes, in the same way that one can listen to music without asking what it says or means. This is actually a turn-on a state of consciousness in which the past and future vanish (because they cannot be heard) and in which there is no audible difference yourself and what you are hearing. There is simply universe, an always present happening in which there is no perceptible difference between self and other, or, as in breathing, between what you do and what happens to you. Without losing command of civilized behavior, you have temporarily "regressed" to what Freud called the oceanic feeling of the baby the feeling that we all lost in learning to make distinctions, but that we should have retained as their necessary background, just as there must be empty white paper under this print if you are to read it. When you listen to the world in this way, you have begun to practice what Hindus and Buddhists call meditation a re-entry to the real world, as distinct from the abstract world of words and ideas. If you find that you can't stop naming the various sounds and thinking in words, just listen to yourself doing that as another form of noise, a meaningless murmur like the sound of traffic. I won't argue for this experiment. Just try it and see what happens, because this is the basic act of faith of being unreservedly open and vulnerable to what is true and real. Certainly this is what Jesus himself must have had in mind in that famous passage in the Sermon on the Mount upon which one will seldom hear anything from a pulpit: "Which of you by thinking can add a measure to his height? And why are you anxious about clothes? Look at the flowers of the field, how they grow. They neither labor nor spin; and yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his splendor was not arrayed like any one of them. So if God so clothes the wild grass which lives for today and tomorrow is burned, shall He not much more clothe you, faithless ones? . . . Don't be anxious for the future, for the future will take care of itself. Sufficient to the day are its troubles." Even the most devout Christians can’t take this. They feel that such advice was all very well for Jesus, being the Boss's son, but this is no wisdom for us practical and lesser-born mortals. You can, of course, take these words in their allegorical and spiritual sense, which is that you stop clinging in terror to a rigid system of ideas about what will happen to you after you die, or as to what, exactly, are the procedures of the court of heaven, whereby the world is supposedly governed. Curiously, both science and mysticism (which might be called religion as experienced rather than religion as written) are based on the experimental attitude of looking directly at what is, of attending to life itself instead of trying to glean it from a book. The scholastic theologians would not look through Galileo’s telescope, and Billy Graham will not experiment with a psychedelic chemical or practice yoga. Two eminent historians of science, Joseph Needham and Lynn White, have pointed out the surprising fact that in both Europe and Asia, science arises from mysticism, because both the mystic and the scientist are types of people who want to know directly, for themselves, rather than be told what to believe..."
  6. "Atheism in the name of God "

    MH, that doesn't sound very logical or within the parameters I pointed out.
  7. my quote is better than your quote

    An easy to use hexadecimal viewer/editor that is compatible in Win 7 (or Apple) could be a new way for submitting posts to this site...thus making it easy to miss or look away from train wrecks. (unless we were really determined to do so)
  8. "Atheism in the name of God "

    one thing for sure when using a tool limited to doubts, doubt.
  9. non-negative negation

    yet Tao never asks that question
  10. my quote is better than your quote

    text copied from the middle heaven hex geek chi school
  11. non-negative negation

    Not so fast complex Jack, this string shows examples of how various Buddhists or their schools don't agree on everything, just as various other people, ways or schools also don't agree on everything - thus imo showing the vanity of trying to make such so... Om
  12. non-negative negation

    ok more pie guy, I recognize your right.to do so.
  13. non-negative negation

    Ant fact: "Watch ants for any length of time, and you'll witness some remarkable feats of strength. Tiny ants, marching in lines, will haul food, grains of sand, and even small pebbles back to their colonies. It's true that ants can lift objects 50 times their own body weight. Why are ants so strong? Answer: The real strength of an ant, or any insect for that matter, lies in its diminutive size. Generally speaking, the smaller the critter, the stronger it will be. It's physics, plain and simple. First, you need to understand a few basic measurements of size, mass, and strength: The strength of a muscle is proportional to the surface area of its cross section. Surface area is a two-dimensional measurement, and is proportional to the square of its length. Volume is a three-dimensional measurement, and is proportional to the cube of its length".
  14. non-negative negation

    "...Energetically keeping others negative energy patterns not able to penetrate our consciousness or impact our lives negatively is powerful practice Then beauty and awesomeness has a place to be in our lives. positiveness keeps the opposite forces at bay and powerless against us. Negativity needs a much darker place to call home. Darkness and light love each other but Light is the host and dark is the guest when that role switches places all the problems of the world appear of our own creation." Wow, I like that!
  15. non-negative negation

    Thanks Rene, I toned down a couple of the words (a little bit) used in my original post but the same drift is still there...
  16. "Atheism in the name of God "

    the pot of gold that can be named is not the eternal pot of gold
  17. "Atheism in the name of God "

    not really since if you give away the gold its free.
  18. "Atheism in the name of God "

    that term usage is after (edit) my time, although I'm now in this time, hehe
  19. "Atheism in the name of God "

    I love rainbows but that pot of gold is hard to get to...
  20. "Atheism in the name of God "

    hehe an electro-magnetic field is invisible and can't be felt with the five (material type) senses, same with some other forms of energy yet they exist and as more than just potential...
  21. "Atheism in the name of God "

    I hear the title as a kind of koan, belief or anti-belief only goes so far and or is only of so much use...
  22. "Atheism in the name of God "

    Righto, I thought some folks here could relate to the quote. I don't completely agree with everything said in it but imo Watts does make some good points.
  23. FYI: In A.C. and D.C circuits one of main uses of a capacitor (bank) is to connect it in parallel across a (buss) voltage, it then reaches or charges up to that voltage and helps maintain same if there is drop in the original base voltage that it previously charged up to. (through releasing its stored energy) In an A.C circuit a capacitor bank also effects the phase angle or difference in degrees between voltage and amperage, also known as effecting the "power factor" - namely where a "one to one" power factor is the same as a zero loss in energy transfer, which is something that doesn't happen in copper wired inductive devices like electrical motors, thus in industry power factors of .8 are more common.