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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Castaneda/ finding your pace

    Speaking of Mr. Mischief, (or Mr. G.) I'm thinking music could have some play or implications here, as in a fitting song and its "pace" for every situation and or the ability to transmute from same...
  2. Feeling like a jerk

    no one has to go about exploring their dark side per-se since it will show up at any and all opportunities if one allows or gives in to it, although one does have to spend "X" amount of time working on understanding same so as not to or divided by same. ("a divided house can not stand") Practice for unity with the "root" or divine spirit, for a twisted practice of unity against the Tao has no root of its own "And what is against Tao will soon cease to be" TTC, 30
  3. AA

    Well I think you are both pretty cool cats... I don't feel that the connotation works, thus another term may seemingly work. Another example or tangent: We don't call little kids dependent upon their moms energy "vampires" do we?
  4. AA

    Oops, I got the names and white cat picture mixed up. Sorry.
  5. AA

    Cat, Imo your analogy with King David doesn't match, or isn't in the same context. (Btw as long as historic male figures are being brought up Gandhi did something similar to but not as pronounced as the quote about King David... also could you give the chapter and verse for your quote?)
  6. AA

    Ok, and I feel that ultimately Spirit is always watching... (my last couple of sentences in previous post should have been qualified in the sense that they weren't directed at anyone in particular but to the website in general - or anyone that might find some useable meaning in those sentences.
  7. AA

    DragonsNectar69k, That was correct, I was not talking about human beings earlier which is why I used the term "demonic forces". Btw I'm no expert on the subject but such forces come in many stripes and levels of what could be called inverted intelligence, (to a point anyway) thus there is the importance for a spiritual master that may deal with same to be "beyond the point of no return" on the path of truth - meaning that they could not be turned, corrupted or defeated even by the demon of the 7th hell being that they have already faced, understood and passed through relentless tests of soul related to parallel like forces within themselves. (then "la la land" talk is no longer just talk but the real deal of quintessential purity and truth beyond any measure!)
  8. AA

    Sounds like several people are kidding themselves about demonic forces... although if one is beyond the point of no return in enlightenment and total spiritual mastery along with near equal peers for back-up then the la-la land stuff might allow for some options, otherwise you have no business screwing around with or giving energy to demonic beings who obviously are not human and who don't have foolish types of human sentiments or feelings- the only thing they back away from is power that is counter to and greater than what they have stolen. (and are bound by their nature of malice to keep trying to steal, devour or corrupt) Dear Lord Jesus, Soul of Gold
  9. What makes me "think that" is the Earth herself or her soul.
  10. When all dharmas and karmas are fulfilled or worked out one is close to Brahman, although such a distance and the Grace that bridges it can not be measured in a regular ways.
  11. rites and rituals based in or on factual and respectful contact with the devas and gods are a key part of Hinduism!
  12. at some time this Earth will be or become a heaven being that its entire vibration will increase to the point where evil can no longer get a foothold here!
  13. Is "zero" greater than one? or: one is a lot but is it enough?
  14. Is "zero" greater than one?

    Those sci-fi movies about giant ants were fake after all, see explanation below: "if you were to scale up an insect, in proportion to its current size, its surface area to volume ratio would be drastically altered. An ant scaled up to human size would still be trying to use spiracles to breath, but their surface area would no longer be sufficient to obtain enough oxygen from the air, and the ant would suffocate. Even if you could deal with this problem, the ant’s legs would have suffered from the scaling issue too. The strength of a leg is proportional to its cross-sectional area, and the load it must carry is proportional the mass of the animal. As size increases, the cross-sectional area would increase in proportion to length2, but the load would increase with length3, and the legs would very quickly be too weak to support the animal" Sorry for the letdown. Btw we also don't need the little ant like guys from Mars that ate Beau Bridges in "Sand Kings", which doesn't mean I'm against a Mars mission as long as what happens on Mars stays on Mars.
  15. Is "zero" greater than one?

    more ideas: all of "mind" or one is thing, zero is no-thing.
  16. Is "zero" greater than one?

    The "mind" can know one but not zero, who here would give up mind for zero?
  17. Forsake knowledge

    ok Rene, and I should read the entire string for better context of what has been said.
  18. Forsake knowledge

    umm, your quote in #37 mentions waste Rene
  19. Forsake knowledge

    a seed buried in the ground does not feel the rain but does get wet which is the beginning of its end, yet it does not regret that beginning or end as having been a waste when standing as tree under the sun..
  20. Forsake knowledge

    Mr. Watts was quoting some "great" master not himself, btw if any master forgets what he to went through and what many are going through now then what manner of master is he?
  21. Forsake knowledge

    . Neither the master nor 99% anyone else can really claim that of themselves or as a truism since at some time or in some life they to spent a lot of years making study of and or reading such text and whatever translations they may have been involved with. .
  22. Notable sages / saints / mystics / philosophers

    . you can bet your bottom dollar there is good and bad right up to the no-thing. (good as in dharmic, bad as in anti-dharmic)
  23. Notable sages / saints / mystics / philosophers

    . It's not just the "good guys" for without the "bad guys" who would be the good guys be, and how strong would they be without being proven against all odds?
  24. Kleem mantra

    . Fair enough Viator, thanks also for the feedback. Bob
  25. Kleem mantra

    . Viator, your "moderator message" post describes what I've found to be a large percentage of what is going on at the general forum and some of the sub-forums at TTB. Thus you would have to put a large percentage of the posts here in the pit or you could just rename the site the "pit" to begin with. That is not to take away from all the great and many fine posts and people that come here, its just the nature of what is often a non-moderated, free-for-all of anyone or anything being left to fend for themselves in an "open season" of very hostile attacks of quasi-intellectual ripping or one-up-man-ship that the moderators seldom speak a word about! Btw, why you showed up in this very mild string is beyond me? As far as strings "devolving into chat" you've got to be kidding? There have been some wonderful chats here that are part and parcel of a redeeming value of the site! (compared to strings of misc. sicko and creepy stuff that is allowed to splash here)