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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Why matter holds its form.

    "...The one I found the most unsettling was concrete..." by K yes, and when totality of memory sees itself dissolving that to is unsettling, for what is mind without memory?
  2. Why matter holds its form.

    "First there is a mountain then there is no mountain, then there is..." And the Ocean never lies.
  3. Why matter holds its form.

    If time (and space) is an illusion then so are the "One" to the "10,000" and the mind in which they exist, (which is not my take)
  4. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Being some kind of correlation or comparison junky has it rewards and also its drawbacks, Btw, have all the various Lama's often quoted at this website practiced all forms of Hinduism to 9th degree? No they have not, they are to busy not bugging people while following their own school. (hint)
  5. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I would think that only a few like Lord Ganesha could hold in mind and heart the more or less infinite teachings related to the vastness of "Hinduism" that has aspects taking place both on earth and in all the other realms, while most of mankind could only hold parts of same in mind and heart with help from such gods and of course from the great human masters. Om
  6. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I whole heartedly agree with the context that Dwai is pointing to in post #106... ...and that such an outlook is the basis for well rounded, productive conversations among the many diverse or different paths or parties at this website. (thus a "live and let live" attitude without going nuts about various concepts or quotes along the lines of mine is better or truer than yours)
  7. Happy Easter

    not to worry Hydrogen He's really Golden
  8. Happy Easter

  9. Talking about this absolute and or far out stuff is often a form of projected suffering unless one has a complete and sure foundation in all the steps related to it to for protection... and the more Buddhist it gets the more it should go to that forum.
  10. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Dwai, Thank you for sharing your interesting and very personal story and some of the insights from it! For instance: "He didn't explain why then, but I know now -- to try to hard is to make it a chore. And a chore is not something we enjoy...we get it done and over with so we can go on with our lives" Om
  11. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I do not bug the folks over at the Buddhist forum and the real Buddhists there do not come over here to bug folks at the Hindu forum. (for Buddhists are busy with the Noble Eight Fold path and Hindus are busy with their particular schools) I've never noticed Lama's and Swami's getting together for major nit picking sessions where they try to rip each other up and I'm sure not interested in such either. So it's really simple for all of us, get busy with our own paths... Om
  12. Okay. I'd really like to start living again. :(

    dogs are good buddies, cats are wise and independent, do you have either?
  13. Okay. I'd really like to start living again. :(

    All the energy that is going through sadness can also be routed through gladness... do all the little and so-called mundane things that need doing and give thanks for all of them, including extending and accepting small acts of kindness around others (everyone possible) Never take the small pleasures in life like a walk in the park and a good cup of tea or coffee for granted. Keep at it for what else is one to do (?) -like take the option of hurting oneself and or others directly or indirectly in various sad ways that snow-ball into a downhill run? To heck with that. Simple but noble effort and work will change stumbling blocks into stepping stones, and all the big problems will end up being reduced and then taken care of... prayer helps. God is not distant, spooky or mumbo-jumbo sounding talk about often misunderstood "eastern" meditation methods, God is like the purest air and water with light shining through it that gives life and deeply refreshes one so that they can carry on. Isn't that the power in the heart of every soul - to get up and carry on even if or when one slips? And as one gets stronger step by step they to will be able to help fellow souls get back up and carry on! (for what else is one to do along the way?)
  14. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Obviously - and with it being very basic and common knowledge - the historic Buddha taught a full description of Buddhist Dharma being that He, the historic Buddha was the founder of same, so of course there are differences.
  15. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    "No. It's not hypocritical. I have expressed my opinion that there are significant overlaps within the two traditions (specifically advaita Vedanta and Buddhism). Never have I said that one should subsume the other or that they are the same. I have however stated that they are two paths towards the same end..." by Dwai Right on
  16. Bumps on the Cultivation Path

    and some of them just disappear...
  17. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Boy, For an idiotic comparison test consider visiting the Buddhist forum and proclaiming to all the people there that they are really "Hindus" even if they don't know it since all of their "Buddhist" originated traditions are really based on a false premise as spelled out by the historic, unquestionable truths written by "so and so'"... thus even if they don't get it yet you are there to enlighten them about same. After that we can talk about beach front properties and the meaning of mean if you like?
  18. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I have some beach front property for sale in the Himalayas, anyone want it "hook, line and sinker"? (or I might trade for something similar in the French Alps)
  19. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    perhaps to some degree, but that is not exactly the way that I'd use the term "wicked"
  20. There is no "consciousness"?

    "Exactly. How do you know what you need if you do not know yourself in the first place?" by Tom My take is that we can count on one desire that won't rest until it truly rests... also counter to some claims all desire is not false.
  21. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Sounds like a fair deal FmAm. I've done my share of correlating and it can be tricky; below is a saying from the Bible that I'll share on the Vedanta forum since to me it sounds like a universally wise insight and warning: "Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him" Proverbs 26:27.
  22. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    This is not rocket science, my take is that if one now follows Buddhist teachings regardless of which sect it is, or what their past history is then one can call themselves Buddhist... not "Hindu". Granted people of either path may have cross-over interests and share some common ground but there are certain essential or key parts of doctrine and meaning that are different.
  23. Most cowgirls don't look like that in the Rocky Mountains (or other places they practice): see video http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=barrel+riders&view=detail&mid=CE4DAD02035A59AFF8E8CE4DAD02035A59AFF8E8&first=121&FORM=NVPFVR