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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Well a bull has enough power to crush a scorpion but a scorpion would likely kill a bull in the process of it getting close enough to do any conclusive crushing - but at that point a bull wouldn't care about the deadly sting as long it connected and also gave the crushing blow. I'm a bull btw, and normally non-violent.
  2. There is no "consciousness"?

    Whatever turns your crank alwayson. But as you've noticed by now I'm not interested in that game so please leave me out of it.
  3. There is no "consciousness"?

    I'd say that it depends on how much a mind needs to be blown (so to speak) of being deeply identified/attached with various things or thought patterns that are unfortunate, which is no easy call or that is uncalled for unless help is asked for. (since everyone has different needs for different situations) Further, if we sometimes come here to bounce stuff off of each other to see what pops out that is part of the forum set-up and has some value imo which I sometimes participate in... but I'm not a qualified or empowered teacher, just some blue collar working stiff and householder living in the world... so I only try to give very basic pointers as related to my experiences and along the lines of preferring to point to well known and well recognized teachings such as the Upanishads.
  4. There is no "consciousness"?

    I can relate to doubt, (and many other types of changing thoughts) it to is an area of mind with related feelings that gets powered up by energy flowing through it and or identified with it. To effectively get closer to what we really are is to know that this energy itself (and not the area it is flowing through) is closer to what we really are, namely unbound spiritual energy. That is a major step towards an innate freedom which then proceeds further to the "answer". No one can give us this "answer" although they can sure help if they have attained it and are deeply trained to help one uncover it. (which I'm not although I will give witness to same) This a Vedanta sub-forum not a Buddhist one. I will venture to say that anyone, especially one who is more or less on their own that mixes Buddhist, Vedanta and other written teachings together can and probably will have their mind blown at some point to some degree which is common with just one teaching and likely will be compounded by adding more; such is not always an un-fortunate thing per-se unless one remains left hanging alone in the wind to get continuously spun about or crashed into the ground in an unresolved state with no answer/anchor, along with powering up 'thoughts' that there is none. Om
  5. I'm not so sophisticated that I never try to mimic (edit:) animal sounds... (at least in private)
  6. There is no "consciousness"?

    Mind can not give you the answer to the "problem" for it doesn't have such a solution. (its rightful place is servant not master) In the meantime there are unlimited karma yoga possibilities for us.
  7. Taomeow, I'd also pass on live scorpion snacks! (I also watch my step with people born under that sign)
  8. lol guys, I hope hangnails weren't involved... And heck Taomeow, you should be able to get a spot one of TV survival shows... I imagine you also know which bugs are safe to eat ?
  9. some people can chew their toenails, I never could.
  10. Advaita Vedanta vs Buddhism

    I will say that I have better things to do than bug Buddhists on their sub-forum, and that most Buddhists have better things to do than bug those interested in Vedanta/Hindu topics located in this sub-forum.
  11. No one really has "supernatural powers" separate for themselves, for those that are true and honest about such a subject and who may also appear to have such as seen by others - know that the divine power, in whatever way one may interpret such and which is beyond interesting mental manipulations, really has them and that without its givingness and support via or as Source connection (which is recognized) they would very quickly crumble.
  12. Are there any healers here?

    I dig your post Spotless, except for a possible misinterpretation that a warm and fuzzy, non-judgemental stroll in a dark park could be made by anyone...
  13. Hmm, was the teaching quoted below brought up or forgotten...? (among all the other things brought up) "Yuan-shih T'ien-tsun -- The First Principal Although Yu-huang is the High God, there are other abstract deities above him. He rules; they simply exist and instruct. First and foremost is Yuan-shih T'ien-tsun - the First Principal. He has no beginning and no end. He existed "before the void and the silence, before primordial chaos." He is self-existing, changeless, limitless, invisible, contains all virtues, is present in all places and is the source of all truth."
  14. There is no "consciousness"?

    consciousness knows itself then implodes into itself, then what is it - not form, not time, not space...not mind, "neti, neti"
  15. There is no "consciousness"?

    happy ax grinding FmAm
  16. OM

    I feel that Eknath Easwaran & David Frawley are fine sources/resources, I'm sure they (or their written materials) will give you correct information about pronunciations. Most people on what is often the "wild, wild, west" internet don't know most of the details, and I don't claim to either. Good fortune to you
  17. There is no "consciousness"?

    its all connected together with transformers, including "neti, neti" anything can be stated, harder to walk the talk...more so when it is silence.
  18. Are there any healers here?

    My take on positive or negative thought(s) and or emotion(s) is that they are only a part ot the situation... because by themselves they are like computer programs that can have energy flow through them which results in powering them up or not, thus it is really the amount of energy flowing through such programs that does the deed so to speak. Is that energy positive, negative or neutral in itself... I'd say neutral like although life supporting and providing in its basic and original state. Thus negative as related to the term "negative energy" or evil has no root or source of its own, all it can do if allowed to run its negative program is to steal and or corrupt that which is neutral like although in a positive way of being life supporting and providing for all beings.
  19. Are there any healers here?

    Hello Manitou, It sounds like we're on the same page when it comes to the term impartial but maybe not with the term impersonal, or how some people use it or define it. Yes, there is an impartial/impersonal aspect to Spirit but to me there is also a partial and personal aspect to it that without such it would only be a potential without flow...for instance when a person sincerely reaches their hand out for help then a spiritual hand (so to speak) also reachs out and takes it because it is partial to the spirit of doing so, which is the flow of Spirit unto Spirit which is caring. This True Spirit of caring does not have the complications of jumbled-up human emotions which could get in the way via misinterpretation or misapplication of healing in time of need; further its action can be seen in the workings of what could be called purifed emotion and mind which is a manifest force (and tools) of Spirits Grown-up child, namely the soul of wisdom who is become a keeper of the way that devoutedly works with this Spirit which has mother/father like aspects - granted Spirit does not get bound by man-made emotions and thoughts about it as being only this or that particular form - or as only working in this or that particular manner, which can make for blockage, then again it can and does work in various degrees through such forms (as I believe you have spoken about in some of your posts).
  20. Are there any healers here?

    "...This is the part that goes directly to the the ability to subjugate ego at the same time; to develop the ability to be in both the Void and the I Am at the same moment in time. Am I too far out there ....?......" by Mainitou I'd say no, you are not too far out there... although from your description I'd add that the term "void" has certain problematic connotations for me, thus I'd first like to relate to the subject with the image of a boundless ocean of the purest white light which is impartial or somewhat like "neutral" as Spotless mentioned, yet unconditional and giving at the same time, btw I would not really call this ocean which is beyond all sorrow 'impersonal'. (another term that gets kicked around alot since the word impersonal can have the connotation of indifferent and or above it all) Can a soul swim in the living water of this wonderous ocean and also walk on the shores of the physical world at the same time and act as a healing force, yes they can since karmas have been abated and ego has essentially dropped away, while they stand in the midst of what could also be called a vast field of light, with this very same light also being a localized field where they are and what they are without the limiting inter-face of ego or the need to expend or direct lots of energy to keep such at bay. Such a soul has partly healed me of my multiple tons of rusty karma so I could visit the realization of this ever present field of joy that heals! (of course there is tons of more de-rusting for me to do but such does not crush down so much as it did when I was younger) Further, this peaceful and super-charged pure white light always does the right thing without being colored in any way, although colors that may be needed are taken care of. (so to speak) Touching on the term "void" once more: a transformer and gate transition must first make that unknowable and unweave-able into something knowable and weave-able, namely the pure-unconditioned light that is or also becomes woven. (edit: meaning to me that one could effectively have one foot in the realm of pure woven light and also one in the physical realm, whereas and in comparison having one foot in the void would not work because that foot would disappear or no longer exist - even as a light form - into the other side of said transformer/gate)
  21. some inforrmation via wikipeidia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surya
  22. no K I was responding to merceless one in that post...
  23. actually that was a spin off borrowed from the Tao Teh Ching, thus using your reasoning the TTC is flawed...