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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. A major drawback to Cayce was that he had to go into a non-conscious like trance for the "readings" thus without being fully conscious and aware along without his personal control and memory of same. (which to me is kinda like hanging yourself out in the wind with your feet off the ground) Btw, I was a student of the teachings for awhile and there were benefits there.
  2. Baby Jesus grew up

    a few more keystrokes to "Xtian" would make for the correct spelling, an implied and possibly negative connotation of "one fits all" is not exactly kosher with me although it may be with you...
  3. Baby Jesus grew up

    quite a few other souls have verified the truths within the book with a single eye
  4. Money is evil

    money is just another form of energy... that can take twists and turns for better or worse.
  5. If I were to die tonight....

    Revealing Grace is witness to the death of death...
  6. Siddha Bognathar

    Can't say I know anything about this person/school... the term siddha or name usage of same is not the most important point and could be misinterpreted just like the use of the term yogi, master, and even swami may not always conform to the "traditional Hindu" meanings of such titles which some people may have or use. Thus without further study of the subject matter/school I could not claim that siddhas are being posited over the goal of enlightenment by this person.
  7. demonic mantra

    lots of people are listening to heavy death-metal like demonically inspired "mantra" over the air-waves, on there mp3 players or what-ever, and when people are saturated with enough of same it's then not that much of a stretch (along with several other factors) for them carry out demonically influenced acts...such is happening all over the world where school kids and adults are often being murdered - angels can only help so much in this world when or if they are rejected or dismissed in favor of the twisted dark side.
  8. From the Chandogya upanishad: "Chapter II — Brahman: the Cause of the Universe 1. "In the beginning, my dear, this universe was Being (Sat) alone, one only without a second. Some say that in the beginning this was non—being (asat) alone, one only without a second; and from that non—being, being was born." 2. Aruni said: "But how, indeed, could it be thus, my dear? How could Being be born from non—being? No, my dear, it was Being alone that existed in the beginning, one only without a second. 3. "It (Being, or Brahman) thought: ‘May I be many; may I grow forth.’ It created fire. That fire thought: ‘May I be many; may I grow forth.’ It created water. That is why, whenever a person is hot and perspires, water is produced from fire (heat) alone. 4. "That water thought: ‘May I be many; may I grow forth.’ It created food (i.e. earth). That is why, whenever it rains anywhere, abundant food is produced. From water alone is edible food produced. Chapter III — The Threefold Development 1. "Of all these living beings, there are only three origins: those born from an egg, those born from a living being and those born from a sprout. 2. "That Deity thought: ‘Let Me now enter into those three deities by means of this living self and let Me then develop names and forms.’ 3. "That Deity, having thought: ‘Let Me make each of these three tripartite,’ entered into these three deities by means of the living self and developed names and forms. 4. "It made each of these tripartite; and how these three deities became, each of them, tripartite, that learn from me now, my dear."
  9. The meaning above has more or less been argued over in hundreds of posts here, and there is some cross-over or mixture of meanings that I've heard some members express which is where many are at in the often hard to understand mixture of materails that are here and out there ! (so to speak) But notice if you will that there is no mixture or cross-over in meaning with the revealed doctrine above.
  10. demonic mantra

    the sword of truth is irresistable, as is the indomitable will of the golden one
  11. demonic mantra

    Good points Turtle but missing key parts, for instance a beginner boxer does not go up against a professional and have an automatic chance of prevailing. (or as you mention trans-muting...) the same applies in spiritual and mental warfare if not more so! The Golden/White Being stands fully prepared to deal with the devious or outright malice of the dark masters and other creatures of the pit, whereas children do not and most of us are very young children indeed when it comes to dealing with such forces! (Buddhists such as you mention may well have many lifetimes of special preparation for such spiritual war)
  12. a good point, also for instance how many people can take the path of renunciation/sannyasin for a lifetime - very, very few - and it's not really a householders place to try and do such, for then they would be going against a householders dharma of living in the world while dealing with and fulfilling those types of dharmas! (thus it's not really a householders place except perhaps nearer the end of life to become a renunciate and practice/teach those parts of the teachings)
  13. demonic mantra

    ShenLung, great description!
  14. demonic mantra

    gatito, the ultimately non-dualistic upanishads also give examples of dualism: (to be worked through) (from Chandogya) Chapter VIII — The Doctrine of the Demons 1. Prajapati said: "Look at yourself in a pan of water and then what you do not understand of the Self come and tell me." They cast their glance in a pan of water. Then Prajapati said to them: "What do you see?" They said: "Venerable Sir, we see the entire self even to the very hairs and nails, a veritable picture." 2. Prajapati said to them: "After you have well adorned yourselves with ornaments, put on your best clothes and cleansed yourselves, look into the pan of water." After having adorned themselves well, put on their best clothes and cleansed themselves, they looked into the pan of water. "What do you see?" asked Prajapati. 3. They said: "Just as we ourselves are well adorned, well dressed and clean, so, venerable Sir, are these two reflections well adorned, well dressed and clean." Prajapati said: "This is the Self, this is immortal, fearless. This is Brahman." They both went away satisfied in heart. 4. Prajapati saw them going and said: "They are both going away without having known and without having realized the Self. And whoever of these, whether gods or demons, follow this doctrine shall perish." Virochana, satisfied in heart, went to the demons and preached this doctrine (Upanishad) to them: "The self (i.e. body) alone is to be worshipped here on earth, the self (i.e. body) alone is to be served. It is only by worshipping the self here and by serving the self that one gains both worlds—this and the next." 5. Therefore even today they say of one who does not practise charity, who has no faith and who does not perform sacrifices: "He is verily a demon"; for such is the doctrine of the demons. The demons deck the bodies of the dead with garlands and perfume, with raiment and with ornaments, for they think that thus they will win the world beyond. Chapter IX — The Shadow Self is Perishable 1. But Indra, even before he had reached the gods, saw this difficulty: "As this reflection in the water is well adorned when the body is well adorned, well dressed when the body is well dressed, clean when the body is clean, so this reflection in the water will be blind if the body is blind, one—eyed if the body is one—eyed, crippled if the body is crippled and will perish if the body perishes. 2. "I do not see any good in this doctrine." He returned with fuel in hand. To him Prajapati said: "Well, Indra, you went away with Virochana, satisfied in heart; now for what purpose have you come back?" He (Indra) said: "Venerable Sir, as this reflection in the water is well adorned when the body is well adorned, well dressed when the body is well dressed, clean when the body is clean, so this reflection in the water will be blind if the body is blind, one— eyed if the body is one—eyed, crippled if the body is crippled and will perish if the body perishes. Therefore I do not see any good in this doctrine."
  15. demonic mantra

    Thanks for your comments Jay, I'll have to take a listen to "Christian Death metal" - sounds like a contradiction yet the world is full of same...
  16. Advaita

    no biggy man
  17. Tired of people materialising yoga

    if there is a buck to made out of just about anything someone will figure out a way to do so... no surprize there, yet even the outer or misused fragments of something like traditional yogas could lead to or be part of someone looking deeper into the matter and someday finding a good school and teacher. Thus such is a kind of surprize and or amazing thing being that Spirit uses any and all means which are or would not normally be expected, completely seen or understood to work with all beings - that is its subtle nature and virtue of Her, even in an often gross and crude world.
  18. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    There are no lineages without Om, there is no power of universal sound or light without Om, there are no worlds or Beings without Om...and in rounds Om takes all back inside...
  19. When it is said that "so and so" is Self realized such is not exactly so for only the Self can be Self realized, granted a great soul-matrix for same does align with and benefit from the Self but any particular matrix of form, even a great one can not circumscribe the Self.
  20. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    800 people getting themselves dead trying to solve a power puzzle is nothing to brag about in or of a lineage... in fact a true lineage has no brag to them only divine service, for it is not they who have the power it is the divine power that has them. Om
  21. Advaita

    I was following suit gatito...
  22. demonic mantra

    "do I want them to kill Christians, when the time is right- lol" Glen Benton of Deicide a death/satan metal band
  23. demonic mantra

    "get over it" that could mean let gravity take over and then its all downhill faster and faster into the pit, no thanks man.
  24. demonic mantra

    Make no mistake, the dark hunger is looking for a meal and it is not particular or picky about what or who it takes a bite of...