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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Being Different

    And where was God, Gods, Devas, Satguru, Swamis, Hindu kings and their multi-millions of devotees at when this "happened" in India? Long story short, the names change but it's more or less the same throughout human history. I'm pretty sure you won't like such a nutshell but its been constantly repeated for most of mankinds recorded history regardless of names or places.
  2. Kundalini progress

    I'd add that all "trappings" are not just all trappings... but part of a vehicle and what makes it work. Besides when coming back from "beyond" one must take up vehicles of some sort or another to interact in this world. On a different tangent we also have what to me is a seemingly big contradiction, for example: Buddhist and Hindu masters or the "enlightened" ones who as far as I know (which btw is not all that far) do NOT or perhaps very seldom get together for weekend gatherings and or close joint projects and serious power and resource sharing... yet we tend to hear a steady stream of teachings from them about unity, sharing, ethics, etc. etc. which they do not or seldom practice with each other because they are far to busy being their own special interest group or sect - are there divine reasons for such modus-operandi besides the human one of "to each their own"? I'm not sure about such having validity past a certain point in this world or any other... how do you see it?
  3. Esoteric Lakshmi Mantra

    lol, you might be left handed and in your right mind...(or however that saying goes) anyway don't mind me - it's just jargon pointing to all that neti neti out of sight and out of mind mystery stuff.
  4. Esoteric Lakshmi Mantra

    Are you talking reality that a being can know when they are identified as a particular mind? If so to me that is relative reality.
  5. Layayoga by Goswami

    heck it might even help my chess game...
  6. Esoteric Lakshmi Mantra

    'muni' is included in the names of some people to give a respectful indication of their nature.
  7. Layayoga by Goswami

    A description? How about "neti neti"...
  8. Layayoga by Goswami

    Anamatva, So it is that such is often said and to quote something from Master Jesus if you will (?) - "My yoke is easy and my burden is light,"
  9. Esoteric Lakshmi Mantra

    Kate said, "...The idea I think I recall is/was that Sanskrit was the most "exact/closest to reality itself" language in all cases so chanting in Sanskrit has a direct relationship with reality..." sounds close to me although as in the reality of the Hindu gods, devas and related human devotees. One thing about those great Beings is that they can also be so small, smaller than the smallest seed and not break things yet work the largest "miracles".
  10. Layayoga by Goswami

    also, before the light show, "chop wood and carry water" - after the light show, "chop wood and carry water"
  11. Layayoga by Goswami

    Yes, there is a Joy that sorrow can not reach as its opposite!
  12. Esoteric Lakshmi Mantra

    Sereneblue, My take, spiritual traditions as you've mentioned often stress preparation which is great and helpful, but stepping beyond forms of preparation that can be repeated over and over again and still feel safe at certain levels is not the same as one giving up that safety and stepping into the unknown with utter conviction of Being - which of course is not safe or always calming for known conditions of mind... such is why I believe many spiritual traditions also speak of (edit) setting down all the "books" or mental formuals at some point so as not to get stuck in them. (as you've probably come across in several Zen stories) This explanation may not answer your question but I think it is a major aspect related to it if you will? Besides I'm rather scattered right now from being on graveyard shift, having a broke down truck, my wife getting on my case, a bad knee, and the feds getting us into a real mess, yet "no blame".
  13. Esoteric Lakshmi Mantra

    100,000+ times may work, but once with our ENTIRE being works instantly all the way across or within the universe... for the universe can not resist or delay (by law) a call made from the depth of entire Being!
  14. Layayoga by Goswami

    Hmm, "...At any rate, I have seen that site..." does that also mean or include, "user beware" of same lineages since fruit does not fall far from its tree? When or if we fall it is then false to retain spirtual titles or authority such as the word "Swami" and everything that is related to it means. Such can happen to anyone who attains a "do as I say not as I do" form of enlightenment...
  15. Layayoga by Goswami

    Don't know anything about Mr. Griffin, (except for watching one or two videos) but one could also check out, http://www.leavingsiddhayoga.net/secret.htm which is about the good gone bad or Muktananda
  16. Layayoga by Goswami

    Lots of speculation? One does not speculate when wiring their house and some of this stuff can be more hairy than 220VAC! Oh heck lets use some 14 guage wire instead of 12, 14 is bigger. (but don't try that at home I'm a qualified wire'er! )
  17. Layayoga by Goswami

    Alrighto! That is all interesting, thanks for the sharing but perhaps you give away or go into to many details on the internet? I imagine that not many here are qualified to help you very much with such details including myself but I wish you well... and of course there is still the "world" to deal with and the whole ball of strings that go with it. Om
  18. Layayoga by Goswami

    Wow Anamatva, that was a lot of feedback to a lot of people, including me. Thank you for sharing so much! Considering what you've said about your background I imagine you already have some fairly good answers to a lot of the questions you asked in this thread...? I'd say your question asking about what you absolutely must never do has multiple possibilities... largely depending on you and what you have already been through? (like past lessons learned from being between various rocks and hard places) One thing though which I think is universally true is that the more steps we take the more we must also be grounded in the most basic and beginning steps or precepts which still act as a foundation and or default (during rough spots) for any further steps taken, or the whole thing can start to crumble and even end up worse... I'd also say take everyting on the internet and in most books with varying grains of salt. Om
  19. Layayoga by Goswami

    Consider that somebody compassionate (inner planes) is probably watching out for your butt if all that you say happened, happened... also consider that doing things intentionally with Kundalini is normally for very advanced students and their masters and not for beginners only using books who can get into deeply serious trouble with-out them having what is extremely rare and truly qualified help... even when you can find "kundalini yoga" being sold on every 7th street corner in the US, not unlike how you can find them selling tickets for "God" in the yellow pages. Good luck, sorry for the dampeners but certain cautions along these lines are not uncalled for.
  20. Fundamentals of Yoga

    Hello TI, My two cents: Any "other writings" at best can allude to or point to things. It is fine to study and have maps of this stuff but what another does or knows as far as mind powers go is not very important compared to the quintessential, unbreakable purity and Truth of Atman; thus the revealing Grace related to that which works through a Sat Guru is not of these mind powers, It is beyond mind. (without which all mind powers can go awry) Best wishes, Om
  21. Fundamentals of Yoga

    "Experimental evidence of the existence of a fourth state of unified, transcendental consciousness, which lies in the yoga nidra state at the transition between sensory and sleep consciousness, was first recorded at the Menninger Foundation in Kansas, USA in 1971.[7] Under the direction of Dr. Elmer Green, researchers used an electroencephalograph to record the brainwave activity of an Indian yogi, Swami Rama, while he progressively relaxed his entire physical, mental and emotional structure through the practice of Yoga Nidra. What they recorded was a revelation to the scientific community. The swami demonstrated the capacity to enter the various states of consciousness at will, as evidenced by remarkable changes in the electrical activity of his brain. Upon relaxing himself in the laboratory, he first entered the yoga nidra state, producing 70% alpha wave discharge for a predetermined 5 minute period, simply by imagining an empty blue sky with occasional drifting clouds. Next, Swami Rama entered a state of dreaming sleep which was accompanied by slower theta waves for 75% of the subsequent 5 minute test period. This state, which he later described as being 'noisy and unpleasant', was attained by 'stilling the conscious mind and bringing forth the subconscious'. In this state he had the internal experience of desires, ambitions, memories and past images in archetypal form rising sequentially from the subconscious and unconscious with a rush, each archetype occupying his whole awareness. Finally, the swami entered the state of (unconscious) deep sleep, as verified by the emergence of the characteristic pattern of slow rhythm delta waves. However, he remained perfectly aware throughout the entire experimental period. He later recalled the various events which had occurred in the laboratory during the experiment, including all the questions that one of the scientists had asked him during the period of deep delta wave sleep, while his body lay snoring quietly. Such remarkable mastery over the fluctuating patterns of consciousness had not previously been demonstrated under strict laboratory conditions. The capacity to remain consciously aware while producing delta waves and experiencing deep sleep is one of the indications of the superconscious state (turiya). This is the ultimate state of yoga nidra in which the conventional barriers between waking, dreaming and deep sleep are lifted, revealing the simultaneous operation of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. The result is a single, enlightened state of consciousness and a perfectly integrated and relaxed personality". (found at wikipedia) Thus the existence of True I, along with the connotation of impartial being used instead of "impersonal" since True I is as personal in a certain sense as it can be.
  22. nope

    wearing black clothes is said to hide some weight, but that method didn't work right with those guys...
  23. Concept associations

    That is one way to look at it, on the other hand such is an inate, natural ability that has been covered over with this and that... thus clear away this and that and there it is; btw if such telepathic communication is pure and transmitting the truth then if or when it transforms into verbal language (or written like the T.T.C.) the truth is still being echoed to the ten-thousand.
  24. Concept associations

    naked (so to speak) via telepathic revealation and communication without beating around the bush.
  25. Fundamentals of Yoga

    Hello TI, And thanks for your comments, sharing and feedback also! Good Day, Bob